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Visiting Nicaragua

Sightseeing in the capital and the rest of this Central American country

By Rasma RaistersPublished 9 months ago 4 min read

The Central American country of Nicaragua sits between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. It is a country known for its terrain of lakes, volcanoes, and beaches.

The capital city Managua is located on the north shore of Lake Managua.

Puerto Salvador Allende is the revamped port area in Managua. This lakefront complex is enjoyed by both locals and tourists. There are many restaurants to relax in, paths for enjoyable strolls, and playgrounds for children. The sunset views over the lake are awesome.

Antigua Catedral once impressive and majestic is today just a shell of its former self. It was shattered by the 1972 earthquake. Today it stands beautiful and serene with stone angels watching over it but empty and left only to be gazed upon.

Museo Nacional is the national museum and is housed in the Palacio de la Cultura y Biblioteca Nacional. Here visitors can learn about Nicaragua from the formation of lakes and volcanoes to gold mines and pre-Columbian statuary and one of the best pottery collections in the country. There are exhibits from the Spanish-colonial period. Above the main staircase, you can see a mural of revolutionary movements in the Americas created by Mexican artist Arnold Belkin.

Catedral Metropolitana is an impressive Managua landmark, opening its doors in 1993. Its 63 cupolas symbolize Nicaragua’s 63 Catholic churches.

Arboretum Nacional are lovely gardens that feature over 200 species of plants and are divided into Nicaragua’s five major life zones. With your fee, you get a guided tour. You will see Madrono, the national tree, and Sacuanjoche the national flower.

Parque El Carmen is a lovely park where people can relax surrounded by greenery. There is a playground and a kiosk that sells snacks and cold drinks. Take the time to look around the opulent homes in this area.

Parque Japones is a pleasant Japanese-style park with lots of trees, paths for walking, and children’s playgrounds.

Malecon is a pier that has benefited from the Puerto Salvador Allende tourist complex at its base. The area is popular with local families on weekends. National Assembly Pedestrian Walk is the place to go to see open-air exhibits on Nicaragua’s history. You can see historic photos of Sandino and pre-earthquake photos of Managua.

Plaza de la Revolucion is an open plaza that was inaugurated in 1899 by the national hero and original anti-American General Jose Santos Zelaya. On the northeast side of the plaza is the tomb of Sandinista commander Carlos Fonseca.

Parque Historico Nacional Loma de Tiscapa is a park that is home to Managua’s most recognizable landmark, Sandino’s somber silhouette. This national historic park was once the site of the Casa Presidencial, where Sandino and his men were executed in 1934. The parking structure here was for decades one of Nicaragua’s most notorious prisons.

Parque de la Paz is Managua’s Peace Park with its signature lighthouse. The park was inaugurated in 1990 by then-President Violeta Barrios de Chamorro. They interred machine guns, pistols, and a tank in concrete so symbolically burying Nicaragua’s bellicose past.

Looking at Nicaragua

When visiting the country city of Granada you’ll get a real feel of Nicaraguan history. The city is located on the northwest coast of Lake Nicaragua and is the oldest city in Central America. It offers visitors impressive colonial architecture, authentic Nicaraguan shops, horse-drawn carriages, and historic cafes.

Ometepe Island consists of two active volcanoes surrounded by lush tropical forests right in the middle of Lake Nicaragua. It is said that the island has been inhabited since 2000 – 2500 B.C. You can canoe through lagoons and rivers, ride horseback, bicycle to lovely white sand beaches, or take a bus from village to village.

Leon is the second largest city in Nicaragua located along the Chiquito River. You can see some impressive Spanish colonial architecture and it is home to the Cathedral of Assumption which is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. It was built between 1706 and 1740. The original city of Leon was established in 1524 but after an eruption of the Momotombo volcano inhabitants abandoned the city in 1610. Afterward, Leon was moved next to the indigenous town of Subtiana. Today the ruins of the old city, known as Leon Viejo, have a cellar where the remains of Leon’s founder can be found. This archeological site was also declared a World Heritage site.

Masaya Volcan National Park is home to the Masaya volcano. This national park was one of the first in the country, established in 1979. There are 20km of scenic roads and trails. You can see two impressive volcanoes and five formidable craters that continuously emit smoke and sulfur gasses. The indigenous Chorotega tribe refers to the Masaya volcano as Popogatepe a “mountain that burns”. They believed that the eruptions were a sign of anger from the gods and human sacrifices were offered. The Spanish conquerors named it La Boca del Infierno or the Mouth of Hell. Thinking it would exorcize the devil from the volcano they placed a cross on the crater during the 16th century. Today this national park is home to various vegetation and animals among them coyotes, skunks, raccoons, possums, iguanas, and monkeys.

In the Tzinaconostoc Cave hundreds of bats live and underground tunnels were formed by lava streams with unusual rock formations.

central america

About the Creator

Rasma Raisters

My passions are writing and creating poetry. I write for several sites online and have four themed blogs on Wordpress. Please follow me on Twitter.

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