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Top Five Travel Destinations for 2021

2020 threw us into chaos and times now are stressful and hectic. I wanted to share with you my top five travel destination for the aftermath. With hopes of adding a little inspiration in your life for life after COVID-19 to let your creative juices flow.

By Sam EdwardsPublished 3 years ago 13 min read
Photo from Pixistock collection

Hello Readers,

I thought I would share my top five travel destinations for after the COVID-19 pandemic and a little bit about how I am working to make these dreams a reality. With hopes of inspiring some of you to take the COVID-19 pandemic and utilize it to start making your own dreams a reality.

Whether it be to travel, own your own business, or building that dream home you've always wanted. Now is the time to think about what you want out of life, what is missing and how to make your dreams and desires a reality.

It seems that 2020 decided it has had enough of us (the human race) and decided to throw us into chaos. People have lots their jobs and could lose their housing, due a lack of financial income. Family members might be getting sick and dying, or you know someone who has lost someone to the pandemic.

Covid-19 virus went global near the end of Jan of 2020, now 7 months later COVID-19 has spread to almost all four corners of the world. All while other disasters seem to come and go with no end in site.

Australia was hit by a fire that devastated the country, which threw the entire country into a state of shock and despair. It started at the end of 2019 but didn't globally make the news until the beginning of 2020. This caused East Africa to flooded. Many people can be seen on you-tube videos struggling to hold onto the graves of loved ones. *****

Natural disasters across the globe continue to happen. It seems that the massive outbreak of fires in Australia that concluded 2019 year and brought us into 2020 was a glimpse of what 2020 was actually going to look like for us. Other natural disasters continue to take the planet by seize.

Hundreds were forced to evacuate Florida as smoke filled cities as fires burned. Russia's Siberian forest has been set ablaze and a mass larger than Greece has already burned and continues to grow. California was hit by a lightening storm which raged out of control becoming the third largest fire that California as ever seen. With increasing temperatures and fluctuation across the globe it makes the perfect cataclysmic reaction for disaster.

Hurricane Laura has hit the United States with extreme force, and has been noted as the most powerful hurricane to hit in American history. Leaving devastation in its wake as it travels through Louisiana on its way to the Gulf Coast.

The BlackLivesMatter movement, awoke with a fiery blaze in light of the recent death of George Floyd and has taken the world by storm and people are demanding change. People all over the world have taken to social media platforms demanding justice and to post updates on protests and rallies worldwide.

The shooting of local Kenosha, WI man Jacob Blake left people in horror and shock as they demand justice and a end to police violence, causing increased hostility between law enforcement and protesters.

Yemen, a community known for being affected by many issues. Has just received another blow with recent flooding, refugee camps washed away along with many of their already scares resources. In a country barely scrapping by they have been pushed back yet again by mother nature.

The world is in chaos and all we can hope is that 2021 will bring with it stability and change. As people are being forced to step back from the normal 9-5 and adapt to a slower way of life.

I know i'm not the only one stressing out right now, and wanted to share with you some some inspiration and hope, like a light at the end of the tunnel, that I go to when dealing with the stresses and triggers that 2020 has brought, and that is dreaming, thinking and planning.

Even if its not the normal we all knew before the pandemic, I am hoping that 2021 will bring with it new light and hope, for better days to come.

I have been think a lot about the past, the present, and the future lately. As I am sure you all have to. What's next? Where do I go from here? What do I want out of life? What are my goals and ambitions? What kind of future do I want for me and my family? What's 2021 going to throw at us?

These are just some of the questions I myself have found myself contemplating. For me its some of my childhood dreams that I fall back onto that help make my days in quarantine easier.

What ever goals, dreams, and ambitions the COVID-19 pandemic has inspired in you; I say follow your dreams and start to manifest them into reality in the present.

Something to do for a New Years Resolution would be to make a list of some of the things you want. Your dreams. Your goals. Maybe even your desires.

I have compiled a list of my top places to travel. For you it might be some places you want to see. Things you want to do. It could even be career related if you'd like, some COVID-19 quarantine ideas.

A travel list doesn't have to include foreign countries, it could include neighboring states or provinces, maybe a weekend get away on the other side of your country.

Some people might realize during this time they want to travel the world, quarantine blues at their finest. Some people might want different ways to make extra income, since the 9-5 was the go to for some people. Others might want to move across country, province, or state, maybe be closer to your loved ones.

Now Let's Get to the Good Stuff the list that might inspire your next vacation planning booklet, or inspire you to create a travel list for after the pandemic...


1. Japan

Japan is definitely my number one travel destination. I have always wanted to go to Japan. Ever since I was a little girl and learned about what a Samurai really was and the codes and ethics behind the term Samurai.

It is one of my dreams to become a Samurai and train underneath a Sensai. To train with masters and live in a small community to hone the three areas that make a Samurai who or what she/he is. The three areas include cooking, floral arrangements and combat.

Other than being rich in Samurai culture, Japan also as a very diverse culture through the acceptance of Western Societies and has become very diverse in tastes. There is a little bit of something there for everyone.

Japan also has an eccentric nightlife, including many themed bars. From Zombies, Hello Kitty, to Pokemon and so much more. You will never miss a beat in Japan, cosplay is a big fad.

Also, Japan also has an extremely wide variety of cooking types from traditional, to modern Japanese cuisine and western inspired delicacies, that all make taking a trip in 2021 so much more desirable.

As an entrepreneur their are also many different business ventures that one could enter in, in Japan. Cars, Bars, Snack Shops for tourists and locals and Restaurants and so much more.

Don't forget to bring an empty stomach and your passport!

Japan here I come!

Maybe Japan here you come?!

2. Paris

Paris is my second top choice as travel destination post-COVID-19. Due to a few reasons. Too fully understand why it is on the list and near the top I think you might need to know a little bit about me and my story.

I grew up on the cultural stories of my great grandmothers savage husband when I was a child and loved him and my culture instantly, however he died long before I was born.

With that said though, over the years I have always hated Paris. Well not Paris in general, but any and all European countries. In part due to my own story. "The city of love," also discourage me from wanting to travel to European countries because, its a city that monopolizes on romance. I have never been big on the idea of love, other than self-love.

Why it is on my list you might ask, due to the fact that I have recently been compiling ideas in numerous boards on Pinterest about different business ideas and ventures that I wish to explore in the future.

In recent months I have come to find beauty in a city I would have once never dared set foot in. From the old stone buildings, little shops and colorful pink flowers that decorate most of the city. Even the Elfile Tower looks beautiful in some of the professional Instagram and Pinterest photos I have seen of it.

It mystifies me too. How I can grow up hating colonial cultures, to loving the city of love itself. I guess it grew on me.

It has the perfect backdrop to start a couple of fun business that I really want to explore in the future, when things start to normalize again. It would be the perfect place for a cute little bakery.

In addition, it has the perfect vibe that would make the perfect spot of a salon and wellness studio as well as numerous non-profit ideas that come to mind.

What cities inspire you to want to travel and work?

Is it just me or do certain cities inspire different ideas?

Do you find that some of your business ideas creatively flow better in certain parts of the world?

Let me know down bellow, I would love to hear about your favorite ideal travel locations.

3. India

India is on my top travel list for post-COVID-19 2021, because I have always loved the culture. It is rich in spiritualism and color.

It has been a dream of mine since I got sober, to travel to India and get certified in Yoga. I think it would be a worthwhile experience.

India itself hasn't fully embraced the idea of green energy (at least not to my knowledge at point of writing). I do know they are big on the use of coal as their power source, which has led to the city being filled with smog and smoke from the coal plants.

When I seen a photo of the Himalayan Mountains, three-months after the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I knew that their land had benefited greatly from the lock-down, however their economy went into a free fall. It wasn't until they were hit by a wave of locus that killed their crops, when they were forced to open back up to make up for the lose of resources.

I have a lot of ideas for green-friendly non-profit ideas that I would love to implement one day in India.

It would also be a lovely place to own a piece of land or property with a nice view of the Himalayan Mountains. It was a view that I have never seen before, due to the pollution produced from coal energy sources and heavy traffic.

So India is a definitely on my top five travel destinations for 2021. A time to get a foot in the door and make things happen, that entice me. To do things that I love doing.

4. New York City, USA

I have mixed feelings about the USA just like I have mixed feelings about Russia. With that being said, I have always loved the idea of have a piece of land somewhere in the states tucked away from the hustle and bustle, the land is so beautiful.

New York City, is on my top five travel destinations for 2021 because it is the inspiration for a lot of some of the book ideas that I have been toying with in my head and on numerous accounts.

I've never liked the idea of the "Big Apple." It has always been a city that hasn't really tickled my pickle, so to speak. It's to upscale for one, it seems to expensive to live in. The prices on decent size houses in the places near the action are outrageous, However, in the past few months, since writing my book manuscripts, which are no where near being complete I have come to find New York City being the main inspiration behind some of my story ideas.

I always thought that Manhattan Island was home to Brooklyn and the Bronx and was the Art and Theater Center of New York and on the main land was Times Square and the capital. Boy, was I wrong about that one. I had the entire city flipped on the wrong side because in reality Manhattan Island is home to Times square and the main land is where you find the Bronx and the Art and Theater Center.

As a goal for post-COVID-19 pandemic it would be nice to travel to New York City for a short time, not a long time, to see the city that has undoubtedly become the inspiration for most of the book manuscripts I have started.

Any places that inspire you to create or write? That you might want to travel to in the future? I would love to know.

5. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

I have chosen Dartmouth, Nova Scotia as my last and final top destination spot for 2021 because it is a place that I hold dear to my heart. My mother was born in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia and she lived there for part of yearly childhood years.

Nova Scotia in general is a very clean and forward province. They pride themselves in family, community and keeping the earth clean. They are big on coastal flare.

I think that all of these factors are why their Atlantic Salmon tastes so delicious when compared to Pacific Salmon. It is leaner, cleaner and tastes like it was raised with a lot of love. Whereas, Pacific Salmon is fattier and it almost feels like you can taste the pollution and lack of love.

It has been a dream of mine to re-connect with my roots. To participate in my culture more and to learn of the places where I come from. Over the years Dartmouth has been come to be a rougher town to live in, due to increase in welfare, job losses and the mass productions of drugs, gangs and violence. It was never perfect, however it has gotten worse as the years have progressed.

The Harbor between Dartmouth and Halifax is where the original blue nose ship sunk. The passengers were able to jump shit with minimal belongings and made it safely to shore, and rebuilt the image of their original ship, which later became the iconic symbol for the dime.

I would love when the COVID-19 pandemic has been dealt with properly to travel to Nova Scotia, whether its to visit or set up shop for myself. I don't like the idea of living in one place for too long, but I would love to establish some roots on the east coast of Canada or reconnect with them.

Dartmouth would be an lovely place to create a homestead and build a nice farm house on a stretch of land. The land on the east coast is actually more affordable than other places. You could find about 100,000 acres of undeveloped land for close to 100-150,000$. Here I would be able to create lots of outdoor spaces and activities for myself and neighboring communities. Build a community garden. Create resources and activities and learning opportunities for people.

When I think of Nova Scotia, I think of Sea Food, Hiking through cliffs and family gatherings. I would love to create a sea food bar or restaurant in one of the local towns. As, well as a craft shop to sell art and crafts. It would be so peaceful, to live near the ocean.

They also have many summer activities that allow for community bounding. However, in light of COVID-19 I don't think a lot of these activities are running. Post-COVID-19 though, when the world can return to a level of normalcy and stability than this is definitely on my list of traveling destinations.

Thanks for reading guys.

I would love to hear from you all about your top places to go for after the pandemic. Or even about your goals and dreams list if this short article inspired you to write one of your own. Even if its not about travel places, heck I might even be inspired to write another list.

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy,

- Samantha


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