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The Revolution

Being a Digital Nomad

By Jaymie SuhPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Peggy Anke on Unsplash

Being a Digital Nomad seems to be very appealing especially for a nomad like myself. It’s hard for me to settle into one place at a time and keep a job in a conventional way. I even lost count on how many houses I have stayed around the country all these years.

But is becoming a Digital Nomad the solution to my dilemma?

You know what to do and you know what you need. The problem is just your finances. It's always an issue when you are in a job that doesn’t provide what you need.

An eye-opening podcast just hits me really hard. It’s called “Badass Digital Nomad” hosted by Kristin Wilson. This is about a girl who doesn’t know what she really wanted in life until it happens. She realized that she is already a digital nomad from one of her travels.

If you want to listen to her podcast, you can go from here: Digital Nomad Revolution.

Another thing that got my attention is when she said that, “Being a digital nomad is now a revolution”. We have to stand up for our right to have freedom from being confined in our workspaces in the office. To be able to work wherever we want to be.

Thinking about it, everything she said was true. I was a nomad all my life without a place I can really call “home”. The love of travel even just around my country feels good already. I cannot even stay longer than six months from any of the apartments I have rented before. It feels boring and anxiety attacks when that time elapses.

Now that the digital nomad is a lifestyle and not just merely a term, it’s about time to jump into it. I’m not saying quit your job right now. Preparation is still the best option before making a life-changing decision.

How to Prepare

Have a Plan

Before you pack your bag and book the next plane ticket, you need to have a concrete plan first.

Ask yourself

1. Where are you going first and the next after that?

Whether it is just your living room, for now, it is still better than to be confined to a cubicle in the office.

2. Can you afford it?

Everything seems to have costs nowadays. Just save enough to have a safety net just in case sh*t happen.

3. Do you have all the tools you need to be a Digital Nomad?

A Digital Nomad without his/her laptop is just a plain Nomad. So make sure that you have everything you think you might need.

4. What are the skills you know that can help you make a living?

Do a self-assessment of what you can do and what you can offer. Since you were able to get that job you have right now, it means that you are capable of doing something.

5. Are you ready to let go of your material possessions and just live within the stuff in your backpack?

Here’s the catch: You need to be a minimalist.

There, I said it!

It will be inappropriate to bring your shoe collection and end up having to carry huge boxes when you travel. Give it all up or better yet, sell it all to have additional money for your adventure!

Once you have answered all these questions and you think that you are ready, just go for it!

Sometimes what stops you is fear. It is normal to fear the unknown. But if you want to change your life, you need to have the courage to fight for what you know will be good for you.

Honestly speaking, a digital nomad life is not for everybody. But look around you. It seems that everything is transitioning to that trend already. Don’t you want to be one of those brave souls to be at the start of this revolution?

Now that I have it published, I am officially into the Digital Nomad Revolution. I will be documenting my journey as I transition from being an employee to becoming a Digital Nomad.

But since everything is on hold right now, it’s best to execute the plan when all these are over. Although the world may never be the same as before, it’s still not a bad idea to go out there to see the world!

travel tips

About the Creator

Jaymie Suh

A highly regarded writer known for her insightful and engaging content. With a passion for storytelling and a talent for crafting compelling narratives, she has made a significant impact in the world of online writing and content creation.

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