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Learning the Importance of Inner Beauty: The Story of Polly and the Myna

By HarenderPublished about a year ago 2 min read

Quite a long time ago, in a thick woods, there carried on with a delightful parrot named Polly. Polly was a glorious bird with bright plumes that shimmered in the sun. She lived in a treehouse with her loved ones, and consistently she would zoom around the timberland, playing with different creatures and partaking in her opportunity.

At some point, while she was out investigating, Polly ran over a Myna bird. The Myna dislike Polly, he had dull dark plumes and a bill that was not so beautiful as Polly's. The Myna was looking miserable, so Polly asked him what was off-base. The Myna answered, "I am so miserable in light of the fact that I don't have wonderful plumes like you, Polly. I want to have feathers like yours."

Polly felt frustrated about the Myna, so she thought about a method for aiding him. She told the Myna, "Sit back and relax, old buddy. I know a way that you can have delightful plumes like mine." The Myna was shocked and inquired, "Truly? What is it?"

Polly made sense of that there was an enchanted tree in the woodland that could concede wishes. She recommended that the two of them go to the tree and request that it give the Myna lovely quills. The Myna was energized and consented to go with Polly to track down the tree.

After a long hunt, they at last tracked down the enchanted tree. The two of them shut their eyes and made their desire. Out of nowhere, a splendid light showed up, and when they woke up, the Myna saw that he had lovely plumes like Polly's. The Myna was thrilled and said thanks to Polly for her assistance.

Nonetheless, the Myna before long understood that having wonderful quills was not generally so perfect as he suspected it would be. He experienced difficulty flying with his new weighty plumes, and different creatures in the woodland began treating him in an unexpected way, as they were not used to seeing a Myna with such brilliant quills.

The Myna became miserable once more and went to Polly for help. Polly helped him and said, "Recall, old buddy, that you were delightful even before you had these plumes. Not your appearance matters, but rather who you are inside." The Myna understood that Polly was correct and felt improved.

From that day on, the Myna quit stressing over his appearance and zeroed in on being the best bird he could be. He figured out how to fly with his new quills and begun helping different birds in the woods. He even made new companions and turned into a darling individual from the local area.

Polly was glad for her companion and glad to see him blissful once more. The two of them kept on zooming around the timberland together, investigating and partaking in their opportunity. What's more, at whatever point the Myna felt down, Polly was there to advise him that he was lovely simply how he was.

Eventually, the Myna understood that genuine magnificence comes from the inside, and he was appreciative for the example he had gained from his companion Polly. They kept on being awesome of companions, and their fellowship developed further as time passes. The end.

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    HarenderWritten by Harender

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