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So Much Beauty Here in Costa Rica. .

Did you ever notice that when you are surrounded by nature and all of its glory, vibrant colors, sights & sounds, all of your problems seem to disappear? You become happy, if only for that moment. . But, happy you are! Experiencing 'beauty' has a huge effect on your state of well being.

By William "Skip" LichtPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Becoming one with nature is one of the secrets to living a long, happy life!

happiness [ hap-ee-nis ]: noun /

1.) the quality or state of being happy.

2.) good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.

beauty [ byoo-tee ]: noun /

1.) the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).

nature [ ney-cher ]: noun /

1,) the material world, especially as surrounding humankind and existing independently of human activities.

2.) the natural world as it exists without human beings or civilization:

3.) the elements of the natural world, as mountains, trees, animals or rivers:

Happiness, Beauty & Nature. . they seem to go together in our many scenarios of life. As one, they become a powerful force in heightening your quality of life, in how you live and in your state of mind.

When you and your family spend a Saturday afternoon planting colorful flowers around your front porch area, you feel a sense of pride after you're done. You step back and enjoy what you have just created. You're beaming with happiness at that moment. The flowers are simply beautiful and makes everything else within the area beautiful as well. .

You're expecting your first child and this Sunday morning, you're at your local Home Depot, buying paint and other supplies. You know it's a girl, so you ordered some big, bright sunflower posters that you'll hang over on the big wall! You're getting ready for the new arrival. By Sunday evening, you are all worn out. You've stretched and reached. . you've climbed that ladder so many times to reach that high corners. . you are tired. But, you've finally finished, you step back and see what you have created. So beautiful. That baby's going to look SO GOOD here in this room! It's a PERFECT nursery. A strong feeling of happiness floods your senses. You are so proud of what you have just created!

So many times in our lives, we have combined happiness, beauty & nature. They go together like ham and eggs, like shoes and socks. . like heart and soul. . like Costa Rica and biodiversity. .

You've finally arrived in Costa Rica, enjoying a well-deserved vacation and you're in the process of planning tomorrow's activities! It's an exciting time for you. . you've worked hard ALL YEAR to save up enough to spend ten days in Southern Costa Rica, around the Osa Peninsula. Coming from an urban setting back in the USA, you don't get to spend too much time totally surrounded by nature. Sure, there's the city parks that you try to visit every weekend, but they sure don't give you the same feeling as you'll experience in a jungle setting. . no tropical birds, no howler monkeys, no tapirs or poison dart frogs. . No scarlet macaws or toucans. . no sloths or blue morpho butterflies. So, you're VERY EXCITED about your day trip tomorrow to the Corcovado National Park. You just spent last Saturday at the Whale's Tail just up the road. And that Zip Line Canopy Ride really got your heart pumping. That sloth rescue ranch was so cool. So many good people here in Costa Rica helping keep mother nature and all of her children in good health! You had a chance when you were at the rescue ranch to experience the release back to the wild of a sloth who was rehabilitated and then returned to his natural habitat! Nothing like it. . so beautiful. That sloth was SO HAPPY! Back to nature. . the circle of life!

When you finally have a chance to visit Costa Rica, you'll find that it will change your life. Sure, we can write stories and record podcast episodes all day long, describing everything there is to do here. Yes, we'll post a lot of amazing photographs of toucans, butterflies, frogs, sloths and even spiders and snakes. You'll see dozens of pictures of volcanoes, beaches, jungle paths, coffee plantations and national parks on our websites and social media pages. But, keep in mind that being here in the flesh will blow you away. Combining the views, the sights, sounds, aromas and the FEEL of it all will take you to a place that you've never been before.

I urge all of you, if you have not visited here before, to plan your trip as soon as you are able to do so. Do your research before you arrive. Make certain that you give yourself enough time to see what has been created for you here in one of the happiest countries on the planet. Because the fact is that being surrounded by beauty & nature and all of its glory, vibrant colors, sights & sounds, will provide profound happiness that will blanket your heart and soul. You'll become a changed person. Costa Rica provides this for hundreds of thousands of people every year. Plan your visit and come claim your share. Find your own little slice of paradise. .

You're invited to visit our websites at: www.costaricagoodnewsreport.com & www.costaricaimmigrationandmovingexperts.com

Also, please enjoy our over 1,700 episodes of our "Costa Rica Minute / Costa Rica Pura Vida Lifestyle Podcast Series". We are found on all major podcast venues, including iHeartRADIO, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Radio FM, Anchor & many more. Here's our link: www.anchor.fm/costa-rica-pura-vida

central america

About the Creator

William "Skip" Licht

Costa Rica is a magical place. Since November, 2002, when I first visited this country, I have been in love with the people, the culture, its biodiversity, the food. . everything about it makes me happy! Now I share my excitement with you!

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    William "Skip" LichtWritten by William "Skip" Licht

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