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Reasons to Rent a Car Near you instead of owning a Car.

KaDyne The Great

By Kadyne The Great Published about a year ago 4 min read
Reasons to Rent a Car Near you instead of owning a Car.
Photo by Viktor Bystrov on Unsplash

Are you trying to figure out if you should type in 'Rent a car near me' into google or if you should buy a second hand vehicle because you have a pretty good credit store?

When it comes to getting around, having a car is a necessity for many people. However, the decision to buy or rent a car is a big one and requires careful consideration. There are pros and cons to both options, and what works best for one person may not work for another. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of owning and renting a car to help you make an informed decision, and I will give you some reasons Millennials are rethinking their lives and are opting to rent cars instead of owning their own.

By Jacob Spence on Unsplash

There are several benefits to owning a car. Firstly, you have the freedom to use your vehicle as you please, without any restrictions or concerns about mileage limits or self inflicted damage. You can personalize your car to your liking, by adding accessories or making modifications. Additionally, owning a car can be more cost-effective in the long run, especially if you plan on keeping it for a few years or you have a family to move around. Plus, once you pay off your car loan, you will no longer have monthly car payments, and you can continue driving your car for as long as it's reliable and floss on the rest the society, who cannot park their ubers at home.

But there are some advantages of renting or leasing a car and as more and more people value freedom, choice, and expression, more and more people are making the choice not to own but rent/ lease their cars. Maybe, you travel all the time and need cars in all locations, owning a car back home, doesn't seem like a great return on investments. Maybe your career requires you to remain fresh and exciting, an influencer or a model, perhaps.

By Laura Chouette on Unsplash

Renting a car is also a popular option for those who prefer not to commit to owning a car, the free soul, I like to call it. One of the biggest advantages of renting or leasing cars as a lifestyle is that you can upgrade to a newer one, a more expensive or less expensive car depending on your occasion and budget without having to worry about selling or trading in your old car. This can be especially appealing to those who enjoy driving the latest models, or who want to avoid the hassle of maintaining an older car. Additionally, renting a car typically requires less money upfront than buying a car outright, and if you change your mind, you are allowed to opt out of the booking at any time.

Owning a car can be expensive, especially if it requires frequent repairs or maintenance, Millennials like me, are rethinking our lives! Is it worth it owning our own car for the clout? or should I change my cars as my events pop up, creating a sense of mystery? Millennials are aware that a car depreciates over time, which means that it may not be worth as much as you paid for it when it comes time to sell or trade it in and we all know it requires a significant amount of responsibility, including obtaining insurance, maintaining the car's registration and inspection, and keeping up with regular maintenance and repairs.

By Damir Kopezhanov on Unsplash

But renting a car or leasing a car also has its downsides. One major drawback is that you are limited in terms of how many miles you can drive during the lease or rent period. If you exceed the mileage limit, you may be charged a fee. Additionally, you are not allowed to make any modifications to the car, which means that you cannot personalize it to your liking, and importantly, renting or leasing a car can be more expensive in the long run, especially if you continue to lease cars every few years.

Ultimately, the decision to buy or lease a car depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you value the freedom to use your car as you please and want to save money in the long run, owning a car may be the best option for you. On the other hand, if you prefer the flexibility of upgrading to a new car every event for rentals or every few years for lease, then consider these options to support your lifestyle. If you do not want to commit to the responsibly of owning a car, maybe you love the travel lifestyle and need access to transportation but cannot purchase because you are always on the move, then owning a car is not feasible for you in 2023. Whatever you decide, make sure to do your research and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision and consider the following when deciding between buying or renting a car; longterm or short term.

By Jamie Street on Unsplash

Consider this, when comparing the costs of buying and leasing a car, it's important to consider the monthly payments. While leasing may have a lower monthly payment, you will not own the car at the end of the lease period. By contrast, buying a car will result in a higher monthly payment, but you will own the car outright once the loan is paid off. Here you would have to consider whether the freedom of your lifestyle is most important to you or the cost of owning something that depreciates the moment you buy it.

Photo from Discover Cars

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About the Creator

Kadyne The Great

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