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Raw Journal Entries from an Everyday Traveller - 001

Running away from responsibilities? Maybe. Finding myself in drama? Definitely.—A traveller's epistolary novel.

By Charlie LunaPublished 5 years ago 2 min read

Hello Readers,

For the past three years, almost to the date, I have kept a journal as I have travelled abroad—something I would recommend everyone to do.

I don't want this to be a blog-type situation, where you know my ins-and-outs and I give personal advice or recommendations from my life and experiences, but more of a tell-all storytelling from an anonymous author, through my journal entries. Over the years I've noticed certain story arcs in my life and entries, and I wish to share these pages to show the raw emotion of a traveller without the glitz and glam of social media and its carefully-constructed content.

I hope you find these just as enjoyable and cringy as I do when reading back.

Love, CL

1/12/2016 Kelowna, BC 1:08 AM 4°

"So this is the start of my new daily journal. Let's give this a crack.

I just finished a FaceTime with my parents, which always leaves me a little sentimental. Meg, my mother's best friend, is going in for her mastectomy next week so they were out to dinner. Mum's told me she's also getting two puppies in two weeks, but after six weeks, she's only keeping one. Dad told me he's going to see Nanna this weekend as she's been admitted to hospital. She had pneumonia, and because of that, she's had to stop taking her medication, which is obviously having really negative effects on her health. I don't know what I'd do if she passes away whilst I'm over here. Would I go home? I think I'd feel really horrible if I didn't go home, but at the same time, I wouldn't want to regret not staying here. I really miss my family. I even FaceTimed my little brother for a second when I was trying to reach mum. He even looked older—I've only been gone a month.

Ben and I broke up a week ago, which I've been okay about. It's only been today that I've really started to miss him, but that could be the fact that I did literally nothing all day today, until about 5:30 PM, and I also noticed earlier today that he had blocked me on Facebook, which I'm probably overthinking. Annnnd then there's Brodie, the seemingly perfect guy from Adelaide that I've slept with twice. First time after a lot of drinks and he couldn't get it up, the second time two nights later and it was utterly amazing. We were in his hostel room, the cuddles, then we went to the bathroom that's closed for renovations upstairs and had sex in the shower for about 45 minutes. It was cliche shower sex too. Him falling out and grabbing ahold of the shower curtain, ripping the curtain off the rod and me dying with laughter, so many kisses and heated moments. It was glorious and my best suggestion yet. He's also really funny and seems confident, relaxed and somewhat, I'd like to say protective, but I don't know if that's the right word. Like, he looks over at me sometimes and I get a hint of protection or that he's just generally aware of my presence, which I love. He's a really great guy. He was meant to be just a rebound but now I know who he is, he's growing on me. Clearly. Fuck.

I need a break from the hostel and tomorrow I'm heading up to Big White. Yay! xx"

Click on my profile to continue to more entries!




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