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Pros and Cons of Going on Exchange

My Experience

By Emily Biggar-HeilPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Pinzolo, Italy

When I was fifteen, I went on a Short Term Exchange Program through the Rotary Club. It had been my dream for years, as someone who loved travelling. I always wished to go on exchange, and now that I have, there are definitely some things I wish I would have known.


There are many, many pros to going on exchange, and I recommend it for almost anything.

1. TRAVEL- If you go on exchange for a short period of time, you'll most likely travel around your host country, and perhaps even to nearby countries. Short term exchanges are less about life experience and culture, though you do get that, and more about 'how much can we do in this short amount of time'. I went all over Italy when I went, from Venice to Florence to Rome to Verona, seeing many things.

2. LOCAL LIFE- Even though you'll probably see a lot, there are every day differences we notice as well. Food, the streets, family-owned restaurants, and less well-known tourist sights. Living in the north of Italy, I saw Pinzolo, a small mountain-town (photo above) and Isola di Garda, an island with a fascinating history that not many people get to see, as it is in a remote area, only really known to locals.

Isola di Garda, Salo, Italy

3. INTERNATIONAL CONNECTIONS- It is super valuable to have connections internationally. My exchange partner Roby has already been back to Canada, and I plan to go back to Italy this year. It is super convenient because we do not have to pay for hotels at all, we stay with each other and our families. This relationship provides all kinds of opportunities for cheap travel!

4. LANGUAGE LEARNING- Learning new languages is a huge asset to have in life. It can open career opportunities, and create connections with others who speak that language. Language learning can be very difficult, but when immersed in one, you will be surprised how your brain adapts!

5. PERSONAL GROWTH- When traveling alone, you can learn so much about yourself. In my case, I became a lot more confident. I was fifteen and I navigated myself through a full 32 days in a foreign country where I knew one person and barely a word of the language. Everyone's personal growth is different, but I guarantee some kind of growth!

6. SAFETY- When travelling with locals, they have a better idea of what sites are dangerous, tours that are irreputable or unsafe and the safest ways to travel.

Salo, Italy


1. YOU AND YOUR PARTNER- You and your partner may not always get along, or agree on everything. When doing an exchange were you are with your partner all the time, it is like they become your twin. You can't escape them! As is the case with most siblings, you won't always get along, and you might be really sick and tired of each other by the time your exchange comes to an end.

2. LACK OF CONTROL- Most exchanges, especially for young people, are quite strict. There are a lot of rules which you have to follow, for example, the infamous Rotary exchange rule of the 5 D's: No drinking, no driving, no drugs, no decoration (tattoos, piercings) and no dating. Another aspect where a student might not feel control is in where and when you do things while you're away. Because of the language barrier, and other reasons, you basically go by the schedule of the people you live with, more often then not just following what everyone seems to be doing and going with the flow.

3. LANGUAGE BARRIER- Many people face this issue when they travel, but even more so travelling for exchange or work/study, because you aren't necessarily in the heart of a big tourist city where everyone speaks English to cater to tourists. It can be difficult, and language for some people is very important, and this factor alone would keep them applying for exchange.

4. CULTURE SHOCK- Culture shock could technically be in both categories, but I think it is more shocking than anything else, and it is your personal reaction to this shock that determines whether it is a pro or con. Everything from food to religion to customs to times they do things to floors of the house can be different from what you're used to, and it is important to try and stay calm. Culture shock can break some people who are really not expecting any change, or it can be fun and interesting for those who look forward to different lifestyles.

Venice, Italy

Overall, exchange isn't for everyone, there are definitely pros and cons, and things you don't hear about when you consider this possibility for yourself. Travel is not for everyone, but for those who love it, any reason to continue to travel more!


About the Creator

Emily Biggar-Heil

An aspiring writer, in school to be an archaeologist in Ontario, Canada.

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