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#1 Train is now arriving on the Eastbound platform

By Kojo GyanPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Photo by Karen Zhao on Unsplash

First train of the day.

Nothing like the rattle of an incoming train and sound of footsteps on tile. Just like always. From the stairwell first. Probably won’t work, but it’s worth a shot.


“Man in the gray suit! Old woman with the cane! Child in the stroller!”

Dammit, no luck! But that’s okay, they’re about to pass overtop. It’s much easier to see me from there.

“Sir! Right here!”

“Old woman! You’re so close. Just look down here!”

“Child! Tell your parents you see me!”


But it’s only the start of the day. It can only get better.

#1 Westbound train is now leaving Union station

Aya scanned the other train passengers.

I bet all of them are having a better day than me.

#1 Train is now arriving on the Eastbound platform

“Impossibly old man! Yes, you! Try your best and you can see me! Saving me could be the last and greatest chapter of your life!”

I’m not getting anywhere.

And it’s getting cold. I hate the cold. Makes my pages rigid and uncomfortable.

This is so stupid. You make one mistake and you end up with pages. And no one pays attention to you!

“Talking to you probably-terrible, red-haired woman!”

How is this taking so long? It’s not like I’m invisible. I’m out in the open. But no one’s come to help me. They’re so self-absorbed.

Vaughan Mills station. Please stay clear of the doors

My stop.

Aya got to her feet, stepped off the train, and headed for the station’s doors.

Where is it? It should be in this plaza somewhere. Damn! I wish I still had my phone ...There it is. Larry Lawson’s law office. Looks exactly as impressive as it sounded.

Aya peeked through the door.

“Are you Ms Jackson!”

Aya forced a smile as the secretary came over to shake her hand.

“Yes. Sorry, I’m a little late for my appointment. Can I still see Mr Lawson?”

#1 Train is now leaving the Eastbound platform

Thank god. They’re finally turning the heat on. What took them so long? My cover is damn near frozen.

Cover? Is that the correct term? Jacket maybe? It’s annoying not knowing the name of your own body parts.

This is NOT my body. Shake it off!

“Hey you! Adolescent in the obnoxiously yellow jacket, if you aren’t going to see me at least try not to drip on me. My jacket is waterproof but my elastic is not! And when it’s wet, it’s very uncomfortable!”

He doesn’t care. Obviously. Look at his jacket. What an ass.

When’s the next train? Time for a fresh group.

#1 Train is now arriving on the Eastbound platform

“I’m going to be honest with you Aya.”

Aya braced herself. Mr Lawson had been silent the entire time she had been talking.

“I don’t know if you have a chance here. The crash scene wasn’t conclusive. And even though you weren’t drunk, you have one drunk driving offence on your record. Your insurance lapsed. I think the deal they offered you is the best you can do.”

Aya’s heart crashed. She tugged at a stray braid reassuringly, and bit her lip to hold the tears back.

“Isn’t there anything I can do? It wasn’t my fault. She went through the red light! She moved her car up after the crash to make it look like it wasn't as far into the intersection! That has to be illegal.”

Aya could tell by the look on Mr Lawson’s face.

“It is. But, unfortunately, there’s no camera on that intersection. And it was late at night with no witnesses. It’s your word against hers. Thankfully, she’s giving you a very reasonable evaluation of the damages. And your fine for driving without insurance is only $1000.00. It could have been twice that.”

Aya couldn’t hold the tears back anymore.

“I don’t have anything Mr Lawson! Nothing. I lost my job when I got pregnant. I don’t have the $13,000.00 for her car. Or the $1000.00 fine. I don’t even have money for rent. I’m behind by $2500.00. My landlord is evicting me next month.”

The tears were rolling down Aya’s cheeks now.

It was all coming out.

“I maxed out my credit cards. That’s another $3500.00 I owe. How am I going to get out of this?”

#1 Train is now leaving the Eastbound platform

“Here! Here! Here! Here! Here!”


“You selfish, self-absorbed meat sacks! I can’t believe I used to be one of you!”

#1 Eastbound train now leaving Vaughan Mills station

Aya looked around to see if there was anyone else on the train.

My eyes hurt.

She swayed along with the train.

I’m exhausted. I’m going to get evicted. I don’t have a car. I owe that bitch $13,000. And if I can’t pay my fine I’ll be sent to jail for 15 days.

At least it’ll give me somewhere to stay.

This is all because that cheap bastard fired me for getting pregnant! All so he didn’t have to deal with my maternity leave.

No, this is all Monroe’s fault! For getting me pregnant and then disappearing.

#1 Train is now arriving on the Eastbound platform

No one on this train either? Horrendous day.

I’m so tired of this. Always the same thing. Calling to these people, getting ignored, getting my elastic splashed with mud, and freezing my sheets off.

If only I could wield an ounce of my power...

Wait. Is that another person?

It is. They’re very slow. That’s a bad sign.

Ugh. It’s the sad, pregnant girl. She never sees me. Even though she’s always looking down. Stomach’s probably in the way.

“Depressed pregnant girl! Over here! Unglaze your eyes and see me”

Probably had a better chance with the old man.

She’s crying again. I hope she doesn’t drip onto my ribbon. That would be the last thing I need.

Wait...Is she looking at me?

She is looking at me!

She sees me! Ok, turn on the charm!

“You want to help me! You are mesmerized by my beautiful black cover and ribbon! Just help me dammit! We’re too close to stop now!”

#1 Train is now leaving the Eastbound platform

Aya stared down at the grate.

I wonder if there are actually places in the sewers you could live. Like the Ninja Turtles. Maybe I could stay down there.

God! Why did all this have to happen to me. This isn’t fair!

Aya furrowed her brow and watched a tear drop into the grate.

What is that? Under the grate?

A book?

It’s kind of small and long though. Kind of looks like a chequebook.

Wouldn’t that be great. Some rich idiot’s chequebook. That would fix all my problems.

Aya bent down over the grate, and stared closer.

Could be a chequebook.

#1 Train is now arriving on the Eastbound platform

She’s definitely looking at me. Directly at me!

Stay calm, we’ve had close calls before. She could just be about to vomit. Pregnant women do that.

“C’mon you sad, pregnant idiot!”


I can’t breathe. I was wrong about you sad pregnant girl. You are the greatest of your kind.

Her hands feel so much better than the dusty ground.

“Just loosen my elastic! That’s all it takes”

“C’mon preggers!”

#1 train will depart in 1 minute. This is the last train of the night.

Not a chequebook.

Aya felt a pit in her stomach.

Of course it wouldn’t be. I’m so stupid.

Aya grabbed her head suddenly and braced herself against a wave of nausea and vertigo.

Ow! What’s happening. I feel sick.

Aya pulled back her hair and threw up into the grate.

“Was that your pregnancy or me?”

Aya snapped her head back up.

Some kind of street performer in weird clothing. He must have just got off the train just now.

Aya dropped the grate and moved to hide the note—

The notebook was gone.

“I’m right here”


Aya looked up at the street performer.

What’s with his eyes? They’re...wrong.

“Great. Deaf and pregnant? I said ‘I’m right here.’ The notebook. That one you pulled out of that dirty grate a second ago. That was me. Pages and all. Not anymore though. Haven’t got a page on me now! And it’s all...well mostly thanks to you!”

He’s crazy. Great.

Aya turned to retreat and the crazy man grabbed her arm.

“Wait, don’t go. Don’t you get it? You’ve done a great deed just now!”

#1 Train is now leaving the Eastbound platform. Service will resume at 5:30am tomorrow.

She clearly has no idea what she’s just done. She should be jumping for joy and here she just looks...frightened. Pity. Must be the baby taking too much of her nutrients.

She could at least say something.

“What do you want?”

Well, that’s something I suppose.

“I don’t want anything now. Haven’t I just told you that? I wanted to not be a book. And now, thanks (as I said, ‘in part’) to you, I am not. I’m in your debt, uncomfortable as that may be. And where I come from that entitles you to a wish or 3 from me. I won’t let you leave until I grant them.”

The station is now closed. Service will resume at 5:30am tomorrow. Please exit through the tunnels on either platform.

Aya looked around. The man had let go of her now, but she was still painfully aware of how alone they were.

Why do I have to deal with a crazy person on top of all of this? I don’t have enough on my plate. And he won’t let me leave. How do I get rid of him?

“A wish? Are you trying to tell me you’re a Genie, or something?”

“Yes, minus the ‘or something?’”

“And if I make my wishes you’ll leave me alone?”

“That is what I said, yes. Personally I cannot wait.”

He’s really dressed for the part. Stupid pointy shoes and all. And His voice is so strange. Like rocks grated against metal. And his eyes...

Aya loosened the clench of her jaw and tried to relax her shoulders.

“Fine. I wish for $20,000.00”

He’s laughing.

Why is HE laughing at ME?

“$20,000.00? What a specifically small sum to wish for.”

I’m leaving.

Aya walked away as fast as she could.

“Wait, preggers! I’ll grant your little wish. Come back and tell me your other two! Would you also like two cans of beer?”


Aya grabbed the handrail and stomped up the stairs. She winced as soon as she heard man’s next yell.


What the hell was that? How does he do that with his voice? Is it just the echo in here?

Aya stepped off the top step. Turning as she heard his voice again in the distance.

“You have 2 wishes left, preggers! Come back here and make them! I don’t relish staying in this dirty station any longer.”

Great. He’s gonna stay in this station now? Now I’ve got that to worry about too?

Aya pulled out her phone.

What am I going to do for dinner? Maybe I have a bit left on my Visa that I can use. It’s not like owing another $30.00 is going to hurt at this point. It’s just a drop in the oc—

Aya dropped her phone.

That’s impossible!

Picking up her phone. Aya frantically, refreshed her browser.

$20,000.00? Twenty thousand.

I have $20,000.00 in my account.

That’s impossible!

Shaking, Aya’s breath held in her throat as she transferred $2000.00 onto her visa.

It went through!

The tears started rolling again.


Aya turned and ran back down the stairs.


About the Creator

Kojo Gyan

Consumer of stories. Proud blerd. Terrible social media follow.

I aspire to write something good and read something better.

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    Kojo GyanWritten by Kojo Gyan

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