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If I Was Stranded

And I Met You There

By Karsten StephensPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there were two individuals who were complete opposites, yet fate brought them together on a deserted island. The first was a rich and successful businessman named Richard, who was used to living a lavish lifestyle. The second was a free-spirited hippie named Lily, who lived a simple life and cherished nature.

Richard had been on a yacht trip with his colleagues when a storm hit and they were shipwrecked on the island. On the other hand, Lily had been traveling on a sailboat and was deliberately trying to distance herself from the chaos of modern society.

At first, the two of them struggled to get along. Richard was used to giving orders and getting what he wanted, while Lily was all about going with the flow and living in harmony with the island. But as they spent more time together, they started to understand and appreciate each other's unique perspectives.


However, strange things started happening on the island. They would hear strange noises in the night, see shadows moving in the distance, and feel like they were being watched. They tried to ignore it, thinking it was just their imagination playing tricks on them, but the strange occurrences only seemed to increase.

One night, as they were huddled together in their shelter, they heard a blood-curdling scream coming from the jungle. They both froze, unable to move or even speak. The next morning, they found that their food supplies had been tampered with and some of their possessions were missing.

As the days passed, the strange occurrences continued and the fear in both of them grew. They realized that they were not alone on the island, and that something sinister was stalking them. They tried to signal for help, but their fire and flares went unnoticed.

Despite the fear and danger, Richard and Lily found solace in each other's company. They shared their life stories, laughed, and cried together. And as they leaned on each other for support, they began to develop feelings for one another.


At first, they were hesitant to explore these feelings, knowing that their lives were vastly different and that they would eventually have to leave the island. But as the days went on, they realized that they were falling in love.

Desperate for a way out, they set off into the jungle to try and find a way off the island. However, they soon realized that they were being led in circles, and that the island was much larger than they thought. The fear turned to terror as they realized that they might never make it off the island alive.

In the end, they were rescued by a passing ship, but the experience had left a lasting impression on them. They returned to civilization with a newfound appreciation for life and love, and they knew that they couldn't let their differences come between them.


They began a long-distance relationship, determined to make it work. They would talk for hours on the phone, sharing their thoughts, dreams, and fears. They would visit each other whenever they could, and the love between them only grew stronger with each passing day.

Finally, after months of longing and missing each other, they decided to take the next step. Richard asked Lily to be his wife, and she said yes. They were married in a small ceremony on a beach, surrounded by their closest friends and family.

From that day on, they lived their lives together, building a future filled with love, laughter, and adventure. They never forgot the lessons they learned on the island, and they remained grateful for the strange twist of fate that brought them together.

Richard and Lily's story was a reminder that sometimes the most unlikely pairs can become the strongest and that love can conquer all.

solo travelnatureliteraturehumanitycaribbean

About the Creator

Karsten Stephens

I'm a writer based in Charlotte, NC. I am big on product reviews, health, candles, ash trays, powders to put into your water bottle, musical instruments to strum in the evening, chalk to write on asphalt shingle roofs, and kissing.

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