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I Am My Ancestors’ Wildest Dreams

Let’s grow and heal.

By Sun RisePublished 3 years ago 7 min read

“Are you ready for the wildest ride in your life?”

I nodded yes in excitement as a answer to Celeste, the avatar deployment engineer who asked me that question. I was very excited to be finally going on another mission!

My name is Sol G RA, I am a light worker who travels the universe assisting with rebalancing and harmonizing the energy fields of various planets across the galaxy. I live on a spaceship the size of a small moon, with over 1000 other light workers. Our ship which is basically our headquarters is called “The Ancestor”. Those of us aboard it are usually referred to as “The Ancestors”.

All of us are selected for certain missions based off the nature of the task, difficulty of the mission and our own individual experience as a light worker.

I got selected to go assist in rebalancing the planet “Heart”. Heart is a beautiful planet in very bad shape. The natural energy field of the planet has been high jacked by malicious beings known as energy pirates. These energy pirates or EP’s do all they can to steal as much life force energy from planets until the planet and all inhabitants on it are no longer able to survive.

Light workers like my team and I are the only opposition to these EP’s. We’ve saved a lot of planets as well as lost planets to the energy pirates.

I got picked for this mission because im a veteran light worker who has eons of years of experience. My mission had three main tasks to complete.

The first one was to remember the mission! Usually we teleport directly to the planet, but the EP’s that hijacked planet Heart put a strong amnesia field that not only interferes with our direct teleportation, but also causes us to lose our memories. So I have to send my essence to incarnate on planet Heart in a body of its natural inhabitants. By doing that my memories can be encrypted into the body I receive. When the time is right the encryption will weaken and I will have a opportunity to completely unlock my memory of the mission at hand.

The second task was to regain control of the resources and wealth of planet Heart from the EPs while simultaneously finding and connecting with other light workers that are also on this mission.

The final task was to release the abundant resources and wealth back to the natural inhabitants of the planet. After this happens all the energy that the EPS are cyphening will naturally flow back to the planet and the beings on it.

“See you when your done with your mission RA” said Celeste. In the blink of a eye I was gone. Blasted straight towards the planet Heart!

Twenty-one Heart years later...

“I remember now!! I am SunRa” “It’s all becoming clearer to me.” I thought to myself. After two decades of growing and living in society on planet Heart, I finally entered the right circumstances that weakend the encryption on my memory. Once it weakend I was able to unlock it more through meditation. Although I don’t quite remember everything I do remember why I came to this planet!

I know I’m supposed to help it heal. There are malicious beings on this planet who taken over the resources and wealth, making it very hard for everyone else to live the way they are naturally supposed to live.

I’ve got more work to do with unlocking 100 percent of my memory, but with how much I’ve done so far I know that I am a light worker that is great with healing and balancing energy. It has been heavy on my mind and heart to find a way to acquire the resources and wealth of this planet back. I also feel like I’m not the only light worker here on the planet. The real question is, where do I start?

The next day...

“I got a present for you SunRA” said my friend Jay. She then handed me a small pocket size black booklet that said “I Am My Ancestors Wildest Dreams” on the cover. “It’s a magic book” she said. “Anything you write in it will manifest so be mindful of what you write in it”.

I took the book and said thank you. Jay has been my friend for a few years and has always been so generous. She was around as I regained my memory. I then left her and headed home.

“What should I write first?” I thought to myself as I entered the door to my house. “I’ll meditate on it”. I put the book on my altar, sat on my yoga mat in the lotus position and closed my eyes.

The thoughts drifted by like clouds in the sky. After 25 minutes of meditation it came to me. I picked up the book off the altar, grabbed the closest pen and started writing

I am present. I am here now. I am abundant. I am healthy. I am in my purpose. I have 20,000 dollars now. I will achieve all I set out to achieve. I am free. The world is liberated

After reading the affirmations I just wrote down I closed the booklet and placed it in the inside pocket of my jacket. I decided it was best not to dwell on what I just wrote and released any expectations I had on receiving anything.

The weeks to come were so random, but at the same time in perfect alignment. I started to receive numerous invites to different events and contest around the city I lived in. All of them had amazing payouts if I were to win. It was so wild because the people I met at these events and contest were like minded individuals. A lot of them seemed to have a similar mindset as me. In the very first contest, I won 20,000 dollars and it blew my mind , because I had wrote it in my book. The even crazier part is I won every single contest I entered. By the end of the month I was literally rich. At least in this societies’ standards.

Not only was I financially abundant, but I was emotionally and mentally thriving. I was in a state of bliss that I hadn’t felt in a while.

It dawned upon me in that moment that I was now living in everything that I wrote in the little black book. I then went and found the booklet again. I had to sit in awe for a minute to let it really marinate.

Then I grabbed a pen and started writing my blueprint on how I would use my wealth to invest in things,companies and people that held the same vision I did of serving the planet, alongside redirecting the natural resources back to the people. I was writing for the next 30 to 45 minutes. The words were flowing through me into the book. Once again after I finished writing I closed the book and cleared my mind.

As the weeks and months went by, the things I wrote became a reality one by one.

I started collaborating with the various people I met at the contest and we started building! Using some of my winnings and wealth alongside the resources everyone else had we rebuilt energy grid systems around the country and eventually the planet. The moves we made liberated the people from having to pay for the natural resources of the planet. This caused a positive dominio effect which knocked the planet on a course to major healing!!

Fifty Heart years later...

Bliss has been a normalized feeling these days. Everyone is thriving on the planet. I feel the ultimate sense of completion as I view the city from my loft on the 16th floor of the building. I let out a sigh of relief as I laid back on my couch to take a nap....

“Welcome back from your mission!!!”

I blink my eyes in confusion.

“Great Job, as expected.” Said Celeste the avatar deployment engineer.

After a few moments it all came back to me. “Oh wow, I didn’t expect to leave the planet so soon” I replied.

“Well you and the other light workers did so great the higher ups told us to pull you guys off the planet sooner than the designated time.” Said Celeste.

“Oh okay that’s fine.. well I’ll be headed back to my room until I’m summoned for another mission” I said.

I got out of the avatar deployment machine and started to walk away.

“Wait !! Don’t forget your suviner from the mission!” She then reached out and handed me the small black booklet.

I chuckled, grabbed for the book, and headed to my quarters.

The end.


About the Creator

Sun Rise

Peace and Love, I’m here to heal !

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