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Great Ideas On How To Help The Homeless

We Can Start Today

By Regina BrooksPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

A long time ago, my friends and I went downtown to have lunch. We had a great time. We ate at this small pizzeria place. It had great pizza for that part of downtown.

As we ate, I noticed that there were a lot of homeless people around where we were eating at. I had never realized how many homeless we had in the city before until then. Now, I want to talk about helping them since now the numbers of the homeless have grown since then.

Now, I go downtown more often, and it still bothers me. I know that the homeless have grown in numbers and they are needing food, shelter, and clothing. The problem has gotten worse because of many have losing their jobs or the housing is just not affordable.


Many people are homeless because of lack of shelter, poverty, unemployment, mental illness, addiction, and lack of affordable housing. The housing market has gone up so much that it's hard for especially a single mom to find a home or just struggling families to find a home.

Speaking about those that are suffering with some kind of mental illness, they have a hard time finding a home too. Unfortunately, many individuals have a very hard time because they are on their own. They do not have someone fighting for them or have someone in their defense. The mentally ill or a person who is suffering from some mental illness may not understand what to do on how to get employment or housing.

According to mentalillnesspolicy.org, there is 140,000 mentally ill on the streets in the United States.

The Globe and Mail

The US has a lot of homeless in it. We need to take care of each other and respect each other. The numbers need to come down. When I was a cosmetologist, I helped out doing free haircuts one time at a shelter years ago and it was so exhilarating! I loved it! They need respect just like an average person does. I wanted to go back the next day but the event was over.

I had bought this man's coffee on the way to event, and he was cracking jokes with me the entire time...well giving me a hard time in a good way. We were having so much fun. When I donated my time and doing free haircuts at the shelter, it was the best feeling.

Fast Company

I remember leaving there feeling so good about myself. I know right now in my life, I need that feeling. Honestly, I am nicer to people that were never nice to me. On a side note, I reach out to people in prison to help as a friend. I am reaching out to those behind bars so they have somebody, and I need to volunteer at a shelter again. It was the best thing that I did for others in my life.

So, what are ways we can help the homeless?

The ways we can help the homeless is by donating money, clothing, food, shelters, time, and by volunteering your services. We can donate money to charities or by giving money directly to a person too. Clothing is a must and food too. Donating your time and volunteering at a shelter when you have time is great.

If you are downtown and by a person that is homeless, if you have leftover food, give it to them or buy them a plate.

Why isn't there more help for the homeless? We need more food for the homeless downtown? We need help for the homeless even in cities outside of the cities. We have people sleeping on people's couches and not knowing where they are going to live.

There is charities around the cities for the homeless? We need more food for the homeless downtown. We need help for the homeless even in cities outside of the cities. We have people sleeping on people's couches and not knowing where they are going to live.

We need to donate our time, respect the homeless just like ourselves, find shelters around your area, volunteer, donate clothing, bring groceries, donate money, find a shelter and donate your time, volunteer at a soup kitchen, and be a person that helps the homeless.

We need to help people right here in the city you live in. The rise of homeless people has gotten so out of control. We need to help where we live and outside if you can.


There are organizations that help the homeless and those with lower income.


Poor hurts and it will wake you up to see all aspects of your journey. What is your journey? How far will you be traveling? Is your journey going to be bumpy and intense? Sometimes a journey can be easy and smooth.

I don't know about you, but my journeys in my life most of the time are rough. I choose to learn from it. I have noticed that I mumble negative thoughts which is a "no-no" in my world. I try to stay positive in my brain waves. I have to stay positive in my life to be above all the "noise."


The no-no thinking... That only sends negativity my way.

I want positivity so I want to only have positive thoughts in my world. This is Positive Psycho Cognitive Therapy.

I'm going to send positive thoughts out all over the world. I am going to make a difference! I want to change the world and make it a better place.

I hear on the news about shootings and killings and it has to stop. Why are people doing this? It's maddening! It scares me and it scares me to raise my little girl in a world like this. What are we going to do about it and how are we going to change it? It starts with me, I, you, and us. We have to get the starving people off our streets. We have to help our own people.


What am I going to do to help? It starts with me. Are you going to help me? We need to be the positive outlook in the world. Stop the negative and help the homeless.

We can help the homeless and those that need shelter by food pantries, you can donate clothes



HumanityPop CultureSciencehumanitysolo travelvolunteer travel

About the Creator

Regina Brooks

Freelance writer, dog lover, and working on my bachelor's degree in Psych at Uni of Phoenix. I love recycling. I try to make the environment a better place. I believe in positivity and showing others a smile instead of negativity.

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