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Exploring Beneath the Surface with Snorkeling Adventures

I personally believe in uncovering the hidden gems of cities, villages, jungles, mountains, and more. One of the most captivating ways to experience South American destinations, such as Ecuador, Brazil, Panama, and Colombia, is through snorkeling.

By expositoryPublished 11 months ago 2 min read

While scuba diving undoubtedly takes you deep into extraordinary worlds, like the Galapagos, it requires extensive training. For travelers seeking to delve into the underwater realms as a complementary element to their immersive travel experience, snorkeling proves to be an ideal choice. The best part? No exceptional experience is necessary! Just ask a competent travel expert. While such an operator possesses a wealth of knowledge about scuba diving and the best dive sites, they also understands firsthand how little experience and skill are required for snorkeling in these awe-inspiring destinations.

One of my friends share a heartwarming story from her own Galapagos experience: “One of my favorite memories is when I took my aunt on the trip. The interesting part is that my aunt CANNOT SWIM! However, that didn’t deter her from enjoying quality snorkeling during the journey. Equipped with flotation devices and with me assisting her, she had an absolute blast exploring the incredible world she had never witnessed before. It was truly eye-opening. This story illustrates how accessible and easy it is to add this rewarding element to your South American adventure, as long as you have someone willing to lend a helping hand.”

Although snorkeling is relatively straightforward, we want to familiarize you with some useful snorkeling terminology. Even if it’s your first time exploring the astonishing Corales del Rosario y San Bernardo Natural National Park in Colombia, Brazil’s Sucuri River, or Panama’s Isla Bastimentos Marine National Park, you can sound like a seasoned pro.

Snorkel: The essential tube-like apparatus that enables you to breathe while swimming face down in the water.

Snorkel Keeper: The device used to attach your snorkel to your mask, which may sometimes be integrated into the mask itself.

Fins: Strapped to your feet, fins help propel you through the water. Some people refer to them as flippers, but in the snorkeling world, they’re known as fins.

Mask: A necessary component that consists of one or more lenses, a face-skirt, and an adjustable strap. An interesting fact about snorkeling masks is that objects appear about 25 percent closer and more detailed underwater than they do in an air environment.

Blade: The flat paddle-like part of your fin that aids in propulsion when kicking.

Face-skirt: Made of silicone or rubber, this part of your mask tightly seals against your face, preventing water from entering.

Kicking: The action you use to maneuver in the water. There are various kicking styles:

  • Dolphin kick: A swimming style where you kick your fins in unison, mimicking the movement of a dolphin’s tail.
  • Flutter kick: The most common kicking style in snorkeling, involving downward and upward leg movements in opposition.
  • Frog kick: This advanced swimming style requires keeping your fins together with pointed toes and bent knees, imitating a frog’s posture. By separating your fins and thrusting them with straightened legs, you propel yourself forward. Mastering this kick allows you to move swiftly through the water, although it requires some energy.

Prepare to immerse yourself in the wonders that lie beneath the surface and enjoy the thrill of snorkeling in some captivating destinations.

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