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Dream Big, Fly High

My First Flight

By Kat MavroPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Dream Big, Fly High
Photo by Abe Drzycimski on Unsplash

Dreams are not usually things that come true. Before November of 2019, I did not think I was ever going to afford to take a flight lesson. Since I was little I always wanted to fly and I had always been fascinated by air craft. Flying a plain for real, seemed like something out of the realm of reasonable possibility for me. I became determined in sophomore year of high school to find a way to make my crazy dream come true.

I found a flight school in my area that offered cheep 'introduction to flight' lessons. It was basically a demo lesson. Eventually I made it out to the airport November of 2019. I met my instructor and she went over the basic safety regulations and gave me the rundown of how the lesson was going to go. After that, we went out to the outdoor docking bay and went to the Piper Worrier we were going to fly that day. I expected to be in the co-pilot's chair, but my instructor told me to take the pilot's seat. After putting our headsets on, my instructor called into air traffic control to gain permission to taxi to a runway. After a few minuets, air traffic control got back to her and my instructor taxied the plane to the runway.

I remember as we got aligned with the runway, that I had never experienced lift off before. It was a moment of both terror and excitement and it was spectacular. As my instructor flew us to a safe altitude, I got the chance to look out the window.

On one side of me, there were a lot of clouds, but like I had never seen them before. I never knew just how massive they were, as the clouds gracefully sailed across the sky in the high wind. I also had never seen an entire cloud's shadow. It was amazing watching the shadow make its way across the foothills. On the other side of me was Philadelphia. The sun glinted off the buildings as it set and I remember it being the most beautiful view of the skyline.

After getting a good look at everything around me, my instructor handed me the steering. My instructor taught me how to keep the plane strait, by keeping the nose of the plane just under the line of the horizon. This was tricky with the wind that day and I had to keep correcting it. My instructor was lowkey surprised, because I would correct the nose on my own without being told. After I got the hang of going straight, my instructor had me turn both left and right, incline, decline and she even had me turn 180 degrees to turn back to the airport. Before we turned around, I could just see the mountains in the distance.

My instructor had me fly all the way back to the airport and even line up the plane for landing. Then my instructor landed the plane. I was awestruck by the experience and already wanted to go back up into the air. When my instructor asked me how I liked it, I replied that I enjoyed it so much that I could do that everyday and never get board of it.

That flight was defiantly an unreal, awestriking experience. To this day I want to back. If I had the opportunity, I'd hands down be a pilot. I would like to take more lessons, once I have the budget for them. Until then, I'll be dreaming of the day I'll fly again.


About the Creator

Kat Mavro

Warning: Adventure ahead

Follow me on Youtube @KatMav and Instagram @katmavrick for article/story updates

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