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Women's Adverse Reactions to Birth Control

Is the medical industry putting profit above female reproductive health?

By While You Were Out. Published 2 years ago 5 min read
Women's Adverse Reactions to Birth Control
Photo by Mehrpouya H on Unsplash

Women who rely on some form of artificial contraception are increasingly sharing stories about the unexpected, sometimes devastating, side effects. They admit to feeling duped by medical providers who warn them about migraines, nausea, and weight gain, but not about suicidal ideation, blood clots, and embolisms. Medical providers, meanwhile, are influenced by billion-dollar drug companies and political lobbyist pressure to widely prescribe birth control.

Birth Control Users Demand Answers from FDA

Just last year, in fact, a Citizen’s Petition on Hormonal Contraception was made to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting “more transparency and patient warnings regarding potential side effects for different forms of hormonal contraceptives.” Citing a variety of studies, as well as extensive research and statistics, the petition outlines the adverse side-effects left unaddressed by pharmaceutical companies and medical providers alike.

The list of unaddressed potential side-effects is alarming, including “increased risk of developing Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a higher risk of bone fractures, a significantly increased percentage of fat body mass (which in turn can lead to diabetes and cardiovascular problems), and increased risk or urogenital problems including urinary tract infection, Female Sexual Dysfunction,” and more. The petition highlights, in particular, the dangers of the hormonal injection Depo Provera and requests that it be completely removed from the market as it is “now known to increase the transmission of an often-fatal viral infection (HIV/AIDS).”

Women and their loved ones share gruesome personal stories

Women who commented on the petition shared personal stories of developing cancer, autoimmune diseases, and blood clots. Others shared stories of loved ones killed by a birth control drug. As one mother wrote: “2 years ago, my daughter died from a blood clot in her brain caused by the birth control Yasmin. It was prescribed to her for acne and she believed it was safe. She had no risk factors, no clotting disorders.” Another woman wrote of losing her daughter to embolisms caused by the NuvaRing. One man wrote of losing his daughter to a massive pulmonary embolism (MPE) that she developed while on the Lutera pill, another of losing his daughter to thrombosis caused, once again, by the NuvaRing.

Complications from intrauterine devices (IUDs), meanwhile, have inspired a movement of their own, with platforms like IUDalert sharing women’s experiences with copper or hormonal IUDs. Reactions to the devices range from severe depression to debilitating pain to suicidal ideation, with some users describing how the insertion of the device into the uterus proved incredibly painful, resulting in heavy bleeding that lasts weeks to months.

One user, Naomi, wrote a testimonial for the website in which she says she “bled every day for almost a whole two years.” Another user shared that she had “pain so severe I couldn’t go to my job or participate in normal activities.” This wasn't the only woman who mentioned the birth-control device affected her ability to work; another shared, “I noticed my sense of intelligence was diminishing, I was no longer contributing to discussions as expected at official meetings. I had low energy, too, and felt withdrawn from my job, which I used to be passionate about!” Another, Andrea, shared that she ended up having a hysterectomy after the IUD wrecked her mental and physical health. Compounding her suffering were the reactions of medical professionals when she described her newfound symptoms ranging from hair loss to suicidal ideation. She describes feeling “ignored by the doctors” who made her feel that she “was making it up.”

American medical industry's collusion with Big Pharma

At the same time that the United States contraceptive manufacturers fail to properly warn medical providers and consumers about birth control’s side effects, they dominate the contraceptives market. Having generated $7 billion in revenue in 2019, they are projected to reach an astounding $9.6 billion by 2027. In other words, birth control is big business, and as such should be regarded with scrutiny.

In fact, just last year, Bloomberg Business reported that a far less dangerous sort of birth control does exist, in the form of a gel applied an hour before intercourse that does not interact with the female hormonal balance. Nonetheless, it will likely never be marketed to consumers, according to reports, because its “low price . . . could limit drugmakers interest.” The drug, called Amphora, has somehow yet to be approved by the FDA despite publishing its first clinical trials in 1999.

If pharmaceutical companies have big financial motives to push the Pill, it seems that at least some medical providers do too. A 2018 CNN analysis of federal data showed that Bayer Pharmaceuticals “paid 11,850 doctors $2.5 million related to Essure,” a device similar to an IUD that is meant for female sterilization. A patient safety expert at John Hopkins Medicine commented on the transaction, saying, “That looks like a bribe. That looks like gaming the system. That looks like the pharma company is paying off doctors.” (Essure was soon discontinued after the FDA raised concerns about the device’s association with “serious risks including persistent pain, perforation of the uterus and fallopian tubes, and migration of the coils into the pelvis or abdomen.”)

An expert in pharmaceutical regulations affirms the pervasiveness of these controversial transactions, stating that drug manufacturer payments to medical providers is a practice “consistent across numerous drug specialties and drug types, across multiple different fields of medicine. . . . No specialty is immune from this phenomenon.”

Women feel unheard

There is a growing discrepancy, it seems, between the watered-down information offered by organizations like Planned Parenthood that vaguely acknowledge that birth control can have side effects but then quickly assure us that “many people use the pill with no problems at all” and the personal testimonies of those whose lives have been irreparably damaged by the drug.

The growing number of women coming forward to share the debilitating side-effects of artificial contraception express a common refrain: not only are they traumatized by the life-changing effects of the drug, they feel that medical providers—whether the prescribing doctors or the psychological and neurological professionals to whom they turn for help—are ill-equipped to help them.


About the Creator

While You Were Out.

Mom. Psychology and True Crime junkie. Focused on spiritual mindset and self-improvement.

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