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My Guide to a Healthy VAG

Based on a True Story

By MousePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Growing up, I didn't have anyone to teach me how to keep my private areas clean as a female. I always thought any kind of soap and water was just fine. I learned out the hard way that you're not supposed to spray perfume on your vagina or even put baby powder in your underwear because it can cause infection or cancer. However, I am here to tell you what's good and what's not good for a healthy vagina. These are just a few tips that have helped me along the way.


Drinking at least 2 liters of water each day can help prevent urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infection is an infection that is in any part of the urinary system. This infection can throw off your ph balance and cause a smelly vagina. It can also cause your vagina to itch and burn when you pee, so please try to drink as much water as you can. And not so many sodas.


Using scented soap or any scented products to clean your vagina is a big no-no. Our vaginas clean themselves all we have to do is wash her at least once or twice a day with an unscented or mildly scented soap. A very common soap that many ladies use is Dove unscented soap. Dove is a soap used for sensitive skin. Using products like Summer's Eve is very bad even though the label says gynecologist approved. If you are using dove soap or any soap for sensitive skin and your vagina still seems smelly or irritated, make an appointment with your local gynecologist.


If your vagina is irritated and itchy, here is a home remedy that will make her feel better. Mixing a cup of baking soda and a few tops of apple cider vinegar can help soothe an itchy vagina. Be sure that the water is hot or warm and swirl the mixture in the water a few times and soak your body in it for at least 15-20 minutes. This remedy helped me multiple times. If you don't have access to apple cider vinegar, use baking soda. It would work just as well.


Drinking cranberry juice helps with urinary tract infections and keeps our vagina smelling good. Eating pineapples also help our vagina taste better and smell better. Also, let your vagina breathe. Wearing underwear at night is unnecessary unless your period is on. If you sweat a lot during the day, change your underwear because keeping on sweaty underwear all day can cause a build-up of bacteria and a smelly vagina. Try to exfoliate from time to time after shaving for a pretty kitty. Using a men's razor is better than using a women's razor. Using bath bombs all the time will irritate your vagina, so be careful.


Your vagina will not smell like peaches and cream or pineapples. If it does please go to your local gynecologist. It's normal for your vagina to have a musty scent or even a sweaty scent. If your vagina smells like fish sticks, go to your local gynecologist. Having discharge is also normal however, if you have chunky white discharge like cottage cheese, go to your local gynecologist because you could have a yeast infection. Everyone's vagina looks different so, don't be sad if yours doesn't look like the girls you saw on PH. Love yourself and take care of your vagina!


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