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Dear women

This is you

By DIANA ESPINAPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

It makes me happy to write about Women who inspire, for days I’ve thought about it and it really made me pay attention to all the women I know including celebrities. I heard so many stories about great women, I’ve seen them happening, but I wanted to find out what are the qualities that make a woman be inspiring. Inspiring could be anything, even just a word at the right time. Sometimes it’s hard to listen to someone and empathize when you don’t know their whole story, and it’s the story that makes you inspired. You want to hear about all the struggles, all the barriers that she had to face, the accomplishments and moments of glory. But are those moments that we don’t often hear about, those secrets women had to keep quiet, and those tears that they had to swallow, that I really find inspiring.

Our story as a human race is full of women, evolving in flames, from stardust to magnificent goddesses, everyday more powerful and united. All of this puts me in tears and makes me feel so grateful to be a woman, to be here now and share our love with each other, our flaws and doubts that faded away while we face our shadows, we became the light that everyone talks about, that what we all need our in life, where there’s darkness is where we're headed because our goal is to change the world, to give life and be alive, the union of women, means a universe full of love.

I wanted to contribute with a story for this challenge, but the days were passing and I started to forget about it, last night I went to sleep with fear, my head was full of concerns about the present, about the future with this world wide situation because of the COVID-19, the future is pretty messy for many of us, that like me, lived paycheck to paycheck but still dreaming of working of our passion. We all know what is like to feel lost and go to sleep uncertain of tomorrow, trying to hold on tight however we can until we slip and fall in the rabbit hole and that's the experience that changes our whole perception, what breaks completely our understanding of reality, we finally get to see the lenses we’ve had for so long, we take them off to see the big picture, we are facing the worst to become our best because there was nothing left to lose. Another woman is born, this time the truly soul;

I woke up before sunrise, with this thought of the eternal present, eternal passing of moments, literally just gone right in front of my eyes. I couldn’t avoid the feeling of attachment, trying to extend my hand to the memories, trying to hold on tighter, to love harder. I don’t want to lose him, to lose what we have, to lose myself.

It’s a little mystical to walk around the house naked in the middle of the night; realizing the stillness of everything, a period of time nobody worries to remember, stepping to our dreams and recovering energy. I feel like soul passing by, trying not to make noise, breathing in the moment and exhaling the memories.

I look at myself in the mirror and I see a woman, not just a body but a soul; I wonder; what does it mean to be a woman?, what is it like not to be a woman?, If I had a male body would I consider myself to be a woman?, What makes me think I am a woman?

Could there be a mistake?. At the end is just another concept, another passing truth. A divine avatar capable to experience and to create life, that sometimes we take too long to appreciate.

If I were not a woman, I would miss all that is to be a woman, the strength of being vulnerable, the tenderness of being compassionate, the fear of letting go, the madness of being so loving, the nostalgia of being so happy.

Women who Inspire me are this energy pulses in each beat of my heart, are the presence of life, the calling to love and care. I’m a part of a beautiful garden, an orchestra full of women souls, protecting each other as they dance with the wind. Standing proudly with our naked beauty. Making life an act of love, making a difference with our glowing hearts..

I can’t say who is this woman that inspires me, she is everyone, I see her everywhere, giving birth, being born, giving love, being loved, until she’s gone. And In her passing she changed the world, she couldn’t help it, she left more of us, to make a change with every smile, to move the world with every tear. To inspire us all and walk us through our deepest fears, so we did our part and jump into the abyss, falling in a feather bed and in awe we saw ourselves as the universe, we found our glory, that is to be.

My dear Women, this is you.


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