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Why is putting down a pet valid to end the pain of a loved one's life but when it comes to a pregnant carrier's health on the line, abortion is shamed?

By expositiffsPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Zuza Gałczyńska on Unsplash

[ Trigger Warning TW - mentions of abortion, rape, & graphic imagery ]

In a way, it's like the trolley problem. But instead, one track is where both the carrier & the fetus die, & the other is where just the fetus dies. Obviously, doctors won't go aborting fetuses near the end of a pregnancy. There are limitations to when a fetus can be aborted.

It's really unfortunate that people get shamed for abortion when the fetus, which is already going to die or will cause serious health complications even death for BOTH the carrier & fetus, is removed. Abortion is not only for people who don't want to have a baby. They're for people who are already in the process of miscarriage, people who did not become pregnant by choice like rape victims, people who are in serious health situations as a result of their pregnancy which could possibly kill them. Imagine not being able to abort an already dying fetus because it's "not natural" then the carrier dies along with them. They could have been saved by allowing carriers that choice. Banning the option hurts both. In actuality, having the options be legal can save lives.

There are abortion procedures that allow the fetus to be removed still intact to allow the pregnant person to properly grieve. Removing the legality of these procedures has implications on the grieving process of people who miscarry. They're for babies that are dying or have serious genetic conditions that will result in abnormalities like literally not developing a brain. They're for babies that are unknowingly killing themselves & their carriers because of their improper positions inside the body.

It's so unfair that rich people involved with adultery or rape won't be shamed for pushing for (secret) abortion as much as a woman who has one because of health risks?

People don't go getting abortions or killing people just because. I agree there ARE going to be instances where individuals can be mentally unwell or have malicious intent while making their decision. There are always going to unstable or ill-natured individuals that treat human life disrespectfully. It's an unfortunate reality.

We see on the news how a parent murders their living child whether through graphic methods like shooting, dismemberment, stabbing, etc. Those situations in my opinion are more morally wrong than someone who is called a 'murder' for trying to save their life or have a less sad death of their fetus. People are constantly disregarding the fact that banning this whole procedure due to these few bad eggs can kill more carriers than saving their life by giving them the option to have the procedure legally done.

Pregnancy from rape can happen to mentally handicapped individuals who process differently than others. Is it fair to not let them, or really anyone regardless of mental capacity, have a say of what to do with their body after an unplanned pregnancy with someone who crossed boundaries, disrespects consent, & is often mentally unable to see their mistakes?

The fact that rape is even a controversial topic that is often always swept aside by privileged individuals & result in victims left to feel ashamed is completely unfair. I understand life is often unfair, but the worst thing for people to do is to continue to perpetuate these toxic attitudes that it's always the victim's fault.

Don't even get me started on the struggles of dealing with birth control side effects & the often invasive nature of those procedures that only child-bearing individuals have to deal with. I often question why there can't be a widespread push for birth control from a non-childbearing individual? Oh yeah, we live in a world where feminism is still not seen as valid.

On a similar note, I'm confused about people who are pro-death penalty but pro-life? The contradiction is literally spelled out. It sounds like those pro-life supporters are instead pro-birth due to the disregard of the actual life of the pregnant person. The concept of the death penalty & prisons needs major reformation.

I personally don't see myself having an abortion unless the fetus or my health is at risk or if I end up pregnant due to unfortunate circumstances like sexual assault/rape. Just because I don't feel comfortable getting one, unless they fall under those conditions, doesn't mean I should be fully against it for all people.

I've read arguments about both sides of the issue as I've grown up around a very religious & conservative family so I know of the attitude of shame & guilt that can make people "pro-life". But in the end, this is just my personal opinion & conclusion. I respect that people have different opinions & I get why they'd be mad at me for thinking like this. I don't plan on attacking or put any energy into responding to opposition because that's honestly just a waste of our time. There aren't any critical decisions being made that are threatening the right to an abortion at the time of writing this so I am more focused on more personal matters. All I wanted to do was express myself.

Ultimately, abortion bans will not stop abortions, they will stop safe & legal abortions & result in more unsafe practices.


About the Creator


balancing the posi·tiffs & the nega·tiffs one musing at a time.

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