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Think Pieces

maybe we need to just listen

By LaShunta HPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Think Pieces
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

think piece

/THiNGk pēs/


an article in a newspaper, magazine, or journal presenting personal opinions, analysis, or discussion, rather than bare facts.

"Think Pieces" can irk me at times. Think pieces also are good to spark discussion; sometimes.

This past week there have been so many think pieces about the Olympics and mental health. Let me say I know that mental health MUST be discussed. However, I have seen lots of folks this past week give opinions that are not helpful at all to the betterment of our mental health situation in the world.

Yes, we want to see the Olympics and be entertained. We want to see records broken, our favorites up on the podium, we want to Monday morning quarterback about what we would have done if it was us out there swimming for gold. That is human nature right.

What should not be human nature but has become human nature is folks giving opinions about how mental health is "not a big deal" or how an athlete has "let us down" because the athlete made a choice to not compete but instead to take care of their mental wellness.

Are we really at this low of a point that we care more about someone entertaining us than we do about them being mentally well? Yes, some folks are and it is beyond SAD.

The fact of the matter is that an athlete has had a mental health issue that has come up and has shared what it is that is happening. The best response should be "Get better soon." Wanting someone to attempt to perform when they are not 100% mentally is not something we should want at all.

Even if it is a person who works in retail, an office, flipping burgers, etc. We need to be mindful of what that person is going through. Making demands of a person when they are not mentally ready should not be the norm.

Thankfully the support has outweighed the criticism for Simone Biles. Support from other athletes, strangers, and her close family has come her way and will continue to come her way.

The transparency she has shared is admirable and even if she chose to not give details that would have been fine as well.

Why does it "bother "us so much that another person has decided to do what is best for them. A decision that is not causing harm to others. It really should not be an issue.

Those who are giving out criticism about being “let down” by an athlete who makes a choice to not perform, How would you feel if the athlete decided to perform KNOWING they had voiced not being in the right space mentally to do so. If that athlete then gets injured, then what? Do you feel good because “hey at least they didn’t give up or quit?”

Mental wellness is being discussed more and the stigma behind it hopefully becomes less as more people discuss mental wellness. We need to remember that sometimes we should be empathetic and spout out what we think or what we would have done.

You never know who is battling what and your harsh words and think pieces may affect those close to you because chances are those close to you will see your think pieces before Simone or anyone else in the spotlight does.

So, the next time you feel the need to voice what someone else should do take a moment and ask yourself if what you’re suggesting is beneficial, harmful, realistic, and most importantly ask yourself have you looked at the situation from the person it affects the most perspective.

Let's do better.


About the Creator

LaShunta H

I love to write

I love people and diversity

I love sports- GO LAKERS (and yes I was a fan pre Lebron)

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