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The Art of the Perfect Golf Swing

A breakdown and analysis

By Delusions of Grandeur Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Tower Ranch Golf & Country Club (Kelowna, BC)

There are a number of key factors that are involved in executing the perfect golf swing, and I’m going to lay them down, in an easy to follow format, so that you don’t waste too much time with trial-and-error yourself. You can consider me a bit of an expert.

Unless you’re some golf prodigy, developing the perfect golf swing will require a little time in practice -- so let's not kid ourselves. But, that doesn't mean that one cannot learning a heck a lot from a technical article, such as this one. So, provided you keep just a few of the points listed below in mind, next time you head out the door to the driving range, you’ll more than likely save yourself both time and money in the long run. In fact, you just might enjoy the game a little more from the onset. So without further ado, here are a few commonalities shared amongst some of the best names in the sport.

1. The Stretch and Warmup: You’re likely going to be recruiting muscles that you normally wouldn’t on any given day of the week. So, as with most any other sport, you might want to stretch target muscle groups to increase blood flow and prevent injury. Stretching also helps you access full-range of motion (FROM) during swing execution. In fact, it is through FROM that one can derive maximum power. The angular velocity of the club, immediately before contact with the ball, determines how far the ball will go. Therefore, ensuring adequate blood supply to the muscles that are going to be performing work on the ball (by stretching them beforehand), will be necessary for your safety and enjoyment.

2. The Frequency and Tempo: All things considered, if you swing your clubs with a controlled finesse, and give yourself plenty of recovery time between sessions, you’re going to prevent injury and increase angular velocity over the long run. Recovery is therefore as necessary to safety as consistency is to accuracy; for, with consistency in practice your overall accuracy improves.

3. Hand Grip: It’s often overlooked, but you should hold your clubs with a level of firmness that is neither in excess, nor should it be too relaxed. The palm of your hand that will cover the thumb of your other hand, should draw back well up and behind the head during the backswing; and then (on the downswing) it should cross over the other hand, immediately after contact with the ball is made.

4. A Straight Back: Great posture, with a straight back that is bent slightly forward at the hips (no slouching over though), and whilst retracting your shoulder blades, will go a long way to stabilizing your core. Your feet should be spread approximately shoulder-width apart (but this does vary with the club you’re using); and they should be slightly flared outwards (degree of foot flare is largely dependant on preference: 10, 20, 30 degrees from 90). A slight lift of the heel from the ground by the leading foot is permissible and common during the swing.

5. Knee and Hip rotation: Slightly bent and relaxed knees, with hips that rock during the entire swing movement (the hips rock at the joints, but they shouldn't sway far from the saggittal plane. It’s a fluid motion, without a pause). During the peak of the backswing, one hip is going to rise higher than the other, and vice versa for the follow through.

6. Eye on the Ball: Throughout the entire swing, your eyes should be locked on the ball, with minimal head and neck rotation. The rest of your body appendages are moving, whilst your head is the only one that remains steady -- up until the completion of the follow through.

Of course, you’re welcome to crosscheck these points with other sources, and perhaps watch some videos, to give you a complete visual of what the perfect (or perhaps ideal) golf swing requires. In fact, I encourage it. You can then experiment with what works for you. What factors you choose to implement into your swing is ultimately your decision to make and it may just be the hallmark of your unique swing.


About the Creator

Delusions of Grandeur

Influencing a small group of bright minds with my kind of propaganda.

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