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Money: The Untold Truth and the Myth of Money

Over 50% of millionaires are safe-made. What is their secret?

By Odedele BadiruPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

We all think about how to get financially independent. We have a large number of people who are employed full-time and who received their position as a result of their university degree. We're all worried about our savings, our living expenditures, our debt payments, or the fact that we don't make enough money. Since it is true that it is costing us money, one of the main reasons we provide for not pursuing our ideas and aspirations is money.

One thing that frequently occurs to us when we consider all of the billionaires is, "How did they do this?" Many of them are young people who, at such a young age, have created an empire for themselves. It causes us to question our skills. We believe that we are either not talented enough or not fortunate enough.

What if we assert that riches and money are illusions?

Your value is not created by it. The outcome of your interaction is money. Your contributions to the world as a result of your passion and creativity have now turned into a source of revenue for you.

When you examine the thinking of those who have attained riches, you'll see that they place a lot of emphasis on investments. These individuals have the proper viewpoint and attitude, and they have focused their attention and energy on doing something worthwhile. It's critical to adopt the proper mentality if you want to succeed. Although practicing can be more difficult for you, this will change the game for you.

Disprove the Financial lies you've been told

Our understanding of money is largely a result of how our family and surroundings have portrayed it to us. Someone who is born into a lower-class family is more likely to grow up believing that they will eventually live in the same circumstances.

Money is often thought of in our society as something that one obtains through employment. Salary is equivalent to money. We all pursue education with the single aim of finding employment. But this is the mistake that we have all been making. This formula won't provide you the kind of financial independence you desire.

The most valuable resource we have is time. At work, we invest our time in exchange for compensation. Everyone who at such a young age become self-made millionaires had a common practice. And the reason for this is that their equation is far superior to yours; they have a method of understanding money that you are unaware of.

Therefore, while continuing your day work, educate yourself about the new methods of money generating. To ensure that money is available to you readily, 24/7—including whether you're asleep, on vacation, or spending time with friends—you should work toward achieving a passive income. Learn to budget your money wisely and to buy assets that will increase your wealth.

Learn the Secret behind Money and Wealth

"How a person spends their time is the only difference between a rich and a poor person," — Robert Kyosaki

Chasing money in today's capitalist environment won't bring you any rewards. For the value we deliver to the public, we are paid. How can we raise our worth is the question that drives us.

How did people like Jeff Bezos and Mark Zukerberg become so valuable?

The simple equation "If you desire money, solve the problems that people encounter" provides the solution to this query. The secret is to identify an issue and come up with a solution so that you can create a business around it. Cash will come.

But one must understand that an excessive fixation with money can cost us dearly. Our connection with money is a reflection of our relationship with ourselves, claims Kyle Cease, author of the book "The Illusion of Money."

We only actually have relationships with our notions about money rather than with actual money. If we worry about not having enough money, someone who is wealthy enough might worry about the same thing.

The distinction is that someone with less money would be hesitant to start a business out of fear of failure and losing the money they have on hand, but someone with more money would be concerned about becoming broke.

The key idea is that everything exists in our minds. Strike a balance between working for a living and enjoying the minor joys in life. Try to turn what you enjoy doing into a business.

You must work hard to entirely rewire your neurological system, break lifelong patterns of chasing after external rewards, and feel actual abundance from within ourselves rather than from the outside. Money will come if you adopt the appropriate mindset and devote your time in worthwhile endeavors.

Learn to Invest

Changing our mindset toward money and becoming more aware of how we choose to share it are further steps we may take to build wealth. Instead of thinking about how we can spend money, we should be considering how we might invest. Look for investment options. If you lack the necessary skills to invest, try learning new methods.

You have the option to accomplish this through investing in stocks, shares, starting a business, or working on inventions. Invest in your future. Embrace your inner entrepreneur and look for ways to boost your return on investment. You must put money into assets that will generate income for you if you want to be truly affluent.

Of course, wealth consists of more than just money. Without money, we might still feel wealthy if we have a lot of good sentiments, connections, and experiences. But in this instance, I'm referring about monetary wealth accumulation and gaining financial independence.

Scale-up Your Response: An Issue That Needs Addressing

Finding a scalable solution to the issue—one that will have a significant impact on a large number of people—is the last step in this formula for wealth. A restaurant cannot make you wealthy. Because you are limited to the immediate area, that is not scaleable. Consider opening a franchise; it would be much more scalable.

Is there software involved in your solution?

Once the software is developed, you may scale it up online significantly without having to worry about production or shipping costs. But take caution!

Does your solution need your time to be profitable?

Do not lose sight of the fact that automation is a key factor. The system and procedure will keep your company running like a well-oiled machine if followed correctly. If there is something you can hire an employee to perform for you at a fair price or outsource to someone else in your organization, what is it?

Despite your belief that you are the best, overloading yourself with tasks is undesirable. Someone else can perform the task more effectively than you can. It is your responsibility to make sure that everyone in the market can access the answer after you've discovered it. Your interests don't matter to the market.

It's time to move on and reap the benefits of your labor after your profitable firm is up and running with the proper systems and procedures in place.

personal finance

About the Creator

Odedele Badiru

Odedele Badru is a freelance content marketer who promotes growth of businesses. His articles have appeared on a number of websites, including BusinessDaily, Entrepreneur. He holds both a marketing and public relations diploma and an MBA.

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