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Crypto boy

Made by Deden Joar

By DEDEN JOHAR SETIAWANPublished 23 days ago 2 min read

There once was a guy named Jake, but everyone called him "Crypto Boy." It wasn’t a name he gave himself, but one that stuck after a series of events that made him somewhat of a legend in his small town.

Jake was your average millennial: mid-20s, fresh out of college, trying to navigate the chaos of adulthood. He lived in a cozy apartment in the city, worked a 9-to-5 job he didn’t particularly love, and spent his free time gaming, hanging out with friends, and scrolling endlessly through social media.

One evening, while Jake was deep into another Reddit rabbit hole, he stumbled upon a subreddit about cryptocurrencies. The idea of digital money, decentralized finance, and blockchain technology fascinated him. It was like discovering a new level in a game he didn’t know existed. Intrigued, Jake decided to invest a small amount of his savings into Bitcoin. He figured, why not? It was either this or another round of beers at the bar.

Months went by, and Jake’s life went on as usual. He went to work, complained about work, and dreamed of a day when he wouldn’t have to work. All the while, he kept a casual eye on his crypto investment, which slowly but surely started to grow. What began as a few hundred dollars turned into a few thousand. Jake, ever the thrill-seeker, decided to dive deeper. He bought Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and whatever else was buzzing on the crypto forums.

As his portfolio grew, so did his obsession. Jake became a regular on crypto chat groups and attended virtual conferences. He even started a blog called "Crypto Boy’s Chronicles" where he shared tips, market predictions, and occasionally, memes about hodling and mooning. His friends began to notice his newfound passion and gave him the nickname "Crypto Boy." Jake wore it like a badge of honor.

Then came the day that changed everything. One morning, Jake woke up to find his investments had skyrocketed overnight. Bitcoin had hit an all-time high, and his other coins followed suit. His modest investment had turned into a small fortune. Jake was in disbelief. He had always joked about quitting his job and living off his crypto gains, but now it seemed like a real possibility.

Without much thought, Jake walked into his office, handed in his resignation, and walked out with a grin plastered on his face. He was now a full-time crypto trader. Jake’s days were filled with analyzing market trends, trading coins, and writing for his blog. His nights, however, were a mix of celebration and anxiety. The crypto market was volatile, and with great gains came great losses. But Jake loved the thrill.

He became somewhat of a local celebrity. People in his town would come to him for advice on their own crypto investments. He was invited to speak at events and even did a few interviews for local news outlets. Jake had gone from an average guy to the town’s crypto guru.

Despite the highs and lows, Jake never lost his passion for cryptocurrencies. He loved the idea that he was part of something revolutionary, something that could change the world. And while his journey was filled with uncertainty, Jake wouldn’t have had it any other way.

One day, while lounging in his apartment, sipping on a craft beer and scrolling through his crypto portfolio, Jake received a notification. It was a message from a friend he hadn’t spoken to in years. The message read: “Hey Crypto Boy, got any tips on how to get started with Bitcoin?”

Jake smiled. It seemed like his legend was still growing.


About the Creator


I come from Indonesia and I am a student

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