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12 Money-Saving Tips to Save Money The Righ Way

Make your savings easy

By Richard AppiahPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

If I asked you how you save money, what would you say? You’d either be perplexed or overwhelmed with hundreds of money-saving solutions.

You may not have influence over the economy, but you do have power over your own behavior.

There are certain universal techniques to save money, and there are some money-saving ideas that have been researched and applied just to you. So long as you use your tips and techniques correctly, everything is fine and effective.

For the readers, I’ve compiled a list of 12 practical and easy money-saving ideas. Please keep in mind that not all of these money-saving suggestions will have the greatest influence on your life, but a few of the money-saving ideas listed below will have a significant impact on your wallet.

#1. Stick to the shopping list

When you go shopping, make a list of what you need ahead of time. You might be wondering how using a list will help you save money. It is possible to stay within a budget if you shop with a list. Furthermore, having a list allows you to shop more rapidly than if you didn’t have one. According to research, if you shop swiftly, you are more likely to avoid impulse purchases.

#2. Instead of going out with your buddies, invite them.

This is a dilemma that many of us confront. It’s unsocial to refuse to contribute when you’re out with your friends. Furthermore, eating and drinking at restaurants and bars is not less expensive than doing it at home. Instead of going out to restaurants or pubs, ask your pals over to your house. This is the ideal option to save money for those who want to keep their social networks but also want to save money.

#3. Make extra money by renting out your surplus space.

If you have a large property with unused space, it’s a good idea to rent it out and supplement your income to cover family expenditures. Some companies will take your home and transform it into a homestay on agreed-upon terms for a set amount of time. Airbnb and other similar businesses are among them.

#4. Carpool or take public transportation.

If your circumstances allow, taking public transportation is a smart choice. Taking public transportation is much less expensive than driving a private car. Furthermore, carpooling is a wonderful alternative if you and your neighbor or coworker have a common route to work. Things can be completed in a rotating fashion. This saves both money and the environment.

#5. Make on-time payments on your debts.

Attempt to settle your bills on or before the due date. Paying on time, whether it’s a credit card bill or a loan interest, not only saves you money in interest and penalties, but it also improves your creditworthiness. You can also set for automatic debit payments with your bank. This is also a fantastic method to avoid getting into debt.

#6. Look for a roommate.

If you are single and live in a leased home, this is the easiest method to save money. If you share a room with a roommate, you can save not just on room rent but also on other household expenses. Furthermore, you and your partner can split regular home tasks, making life less stressful.

#7. Don’t go looking for brands.

This money-saving advice is not for you if you are obsessed with brand names. Believe it or not, if you’re looking for value for money, there are a slew of non-branded products that provide the same level of service at a fraction of the cost of a branded product. This is very obvious; after all, if a reputable firm spends a lot of money on TV ads, billboards, and other forms of advertising, shouldn’t it be able to recoup the costs somewhere?

#8. Take out a health insurance policy:

You must incorporate health insurance in your financial budgets whenever you sit down to make them. Medical expenditures are capable of shaking your financial stability. It would be extremely unwise to risk your health by refusing to purchase health insurance. You can protect yourself and your family against financial ruin by paying a little fee.

#9. Make a withdrawal at the same bank’s ATM.

This is a straightforward but effective money-saving tip. As you may be aware, if you withdraw money from another bank’s ATM (where you do not have an account), the ATM bank will charge you extra costs per transaction. As a result, wherever possible, exclusively use your home bank’s ATM.

#10. Bring your meal from home.

This is one of the most effective techniques to save money if you want to learn how to save money. To begin, save money by bringing tiffin to work or school and avoiding canteen or outside foods, which are unquestionably more expensive than your prepared meals. The next area where you may save is in terms of your health. By avoiding foreign foods, you can save money on your medical expenditures in the long run.

#11. Make a budget.

Making a budget is the most effective strategy to save money. This budget can help you keep track of how much money you spend on extras like new clothing or family gifts, and ensure that you have enough money for what you need.

An Excel spreadsheet can be used to build a budget. Take note of your net income, watch and document your expenditure, set goals for yourself, such as how much money you want to save at the end of the month, and then begin creating a budget plan.

#12. Stick to a 30-day rule.

Isn’t it difficult to develop a practice of saving money? This 30-day rule will provide you with the push you require. The 30-day rule is a guideline that can assist you to avoid overspending on products that you may only want for a few minutes. The rule is straightforward.

Do not buy something you like right away, whether it’s a bag or a pair of shoes.

Instead, make a mental note of it and the store that sells it, then wait 30 days. Ask yourself at the end of the 30 days, “Do I really desire that item?” If you do, make sure you have the money to purchase it. If you don’t, though, you’ve just saved yourself from making the costly error of wasting your money.

Key takeaway

You may come up with a slew of money-saving ideas when looking for methods to save money. However, things will be effective if you use them correctly in your daily life. Remember that what works for someone else might not work for you. From the profusion of money-saving strategies, you must choose the best strategy to save money for yourself.

Disclaimer: This article is originally being published by me here on this platform.

personal finance

About the Creator

Richard Appiah

I am a blogger and digital marketing expert. I love animals, reading, writing, and a big fan of soccer.

I also write for MEDIUM

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    Richard AppiahWritten by Richard Appiah

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