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Will A Third World War Begin?

People have already begun to fear what will happen next ...

By Ionut242004Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read

Tensions between Russia and Ukraine have been going on for years and more and more soldiers have appeared on the border between the two states and the internet is full of the so-called war that is expected to begin.

The reason you saw so many articles about a possible war that would have a great chance of starting is that Russia has advanced to the border with soldiers, weapons, tanks and everything needed for an attack on Ukraine.

It is expected that if Russia attacks Ukraine it will have many ways for a successful attack and this involves an attack from several fronts, both on the border between the two countries and on the border with Belarus and the Black Sea!

What would be the reason why Russia would attack Ukraine, this territory that once belonged to the Russians?

Before saying the probable reason, we must specify that Ukraine is divided into two: Western and Eastern Ukraine, so divided because the eastern part of Russia has a great Russian influence on it and the people there are followers of Russia from culturally and historically, and it would be unimportant for Ukraine to be annexed to Russia. People in the West claim that they are Ukrainians and that they want to be treated as such.

But leaving aside the pretext that Putin wants to help his compatriots in eastern Ukraine who want to be part of Russia, the most important reason why Putin wants to invade Ukraine is that he does not want to lose his Russian influence over a state that between Russia and the West, especially for Ukraine to join NATO. NATO = America and Russia hates America and especially because America has a great influence on many states in Europe. So Russia sees a great danger of Ukraine's membership in NATO, because that would mean that American influence is too close to them.

NATO is a politico-military alliance between North America and many European countries. NATO aims to promote peace and prevent war, ensure the freedom and security of member states.

NATO will mobilize on the borders of member states with Ukraine to protect these states from a possible attack. NATO does not want to get involved between Russia and Ukraine, but does everything possible to protect its member states from possible dangers!

Some say that Russia's pressure on Ukraine is only intimidating and that it would be a wrong move to provoke a world war because another great force, China, would not get involved, but would then take advantage of the exhausted states and then act as well. , but these are just words.

It is also said that Ukraine was preparing to join NATO and this created a great rage against Russia. There are other rumors that Ukraine would have found and had a lot of gas and would like to export to Europe, creating a very strong competition with Russia which is well known as the largest exporter of gas.

NATO says it will impose severe economic sanctions on Russia if it attacks Ukraine, meaning that NATO would force Russia to use Russian gas. This creates a huge hole in Russia's budget, with most of the money coming from European gas use.

NATO is a politico-military alliance between North America and many European countries. NATO aims to promote peace and prevent war, ensure the freedom and security of member states.

In 2014, such large-scale tensions between Russia and Ukraine took place.

Let's hope that a world war will not be reached because the wars will no longer be fought on the fronts, but more precisely there will be nuclear wars! It's all up to NATO not to interfere in the conflict between the two countries!


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Hi, I’m Ionut and I love writing and helping people!

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