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Why Are You Ranking: The Best Ways Capitalism Aligns with the Morality of Life Listed From Death Sentence to Dying with Dignity

We will all die one day, but the primacy is placed on life. The only social system of justice, capitalism, allows for notable people to be acknowledged, their funds exchanged, and their life to be celebrated.

By Skyler SaundersPublished 6 years ago 11 min read
Like the cash stacks, life gradually falls into death.

With the deaths of celebrities, politicians, authors, and other figures of note, the main reason why we see such outpourings of grief and emotion is because of the wonders of capitalism. It is because of the only moral social system that such figures are emboldened to live beautiful, bountiful lives. For the most part, people of renown live well past their seventies. A few exceptions due to overdoses, suicides, and other calamities remain. But the vast majority of the people who make impressions on the world the most experience longer, healthier lives. The most prosperous amongst us have the means to seek the care of the best doctors in the world to heal them of their ailments. Due to the capital that is pumped into life preserving medicines, treatments, and operations, great amounts of the people that make news headlines when they expire could’ve thanked the semi-free market system for carrying them all those years. Cancer can strike at any age. From childhood to senior citizen, the disease is still just as deadly as it was when it was first discovered as early as 1600 B.C.E. In an era where diagnoses can be made in advance and where people don’t have to suffer as much as past generations, illnesses can be discovered, treated, and possibly cured or at least go into remission. So many celebrity deaths are marred with murder, car and plane crashes, and other faces of death that younger people experience. As far as the more advanced in age, they have experienced longer lives due to whatever remnants of the Enlightenment persist to this day. So get your Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal books for Why Are You Ranking: The Best Ways Capitalism Aligns with the Morality of Life Listed From Wealth Can Buy Health to Dying with Dignity.

You won't need them in death, that's why life is so important.

The dollars and death.

8. Most people of note can afford to take care of themselves in a major way (if they so choose).

Steve Jobs perished from pancreatic cancer. While most people say that “wealth can’t buy you health,” this was never the case for the billionaire entrepreneur and Apple mogul. He had spent dollars on treatments that included receiving a liver transplant as a result of the cancer spreading to that organ. Steve Jobs did everything that he could to fight the neuroendocrine pancreatic tumor. Except, that he did so too late. In 2003, when his cancer was announced to him, he sought out alternative medicine such as mystical witch doctors and Internet solutions and forwent any operations. He experimented with alternative medicine and avoided life-saving surgery until it was well past the stage where the disease becomes fatal. He put off the chemotherapy and procedures to have the cancer removed for nine months. With all of his riches and everything that he had going for him, it was not capitalism that failed him. Instead, it was his own irrationality when came to preserving his well-being. Every penny that the man produced could’ve gone into the business of bettering himself. Sadly, one of the world’s foremost geniuses passed away without fully committing to the care of his own life. Had he have received the treatments earlier, it is a possibility that he may still have had years added to his life.

Rank: Wealth can buy health

The accumulation of dollars is key to life

The dollar is the symbol of life.

7. Most celebrities can rely on a fortune that they’ve amassed to give to whomever they want (or to no one at all).

Millions of records, tickets, streams, and other bits of data have been sold and processed by the biggest names in sports and entertainment. When a well-known person to the world dies, those riches are often divvied up between the government and the remaining assets are then split between loved ones and philanthropic causes. But the capitalistic way to employ those funds after a headliner becomes deceased is to burn through all of that cash and liquidate every piece of property. Wealthy people have the opportunity to end up with zero cents at the end of life as a result of a semi-free market system which permits them to decide where there money goes and in what hands that it is received. Or, they can spend every penny and leave the world having fulfilled all of their dreams. The choice lies with the individual, but the rational thing to do is to live life in completeness and never have to worry about one’s own death.

Rank: Death sentence

The coins of living

Each piece represents life.

6. Standards of living and life expectancy has affected the big names in entertainment, industry, and other factions of the market.

Today, middle class people live better lives than kings and queens from before. Upper middle class and upper class people experience even better forms of living through enjoying their labor. The high-end sports cars, the lavish houses, and the trips around the globe signal that people are living longer, better lives. All of the art work, space programs, and other accoutrements of the uber wealthy can be offered to the heirs or no one at all. It’s up to, truly, the discretion of the person leaving those funds to decide. When it comes to death, most celebrated people can say that they soaked up all of the juices of life and allowed no one or anything to stop them from pursuing their happiness. On their deathbed, they can recount the many moments of pleasure that the semi-capitalist system of America and parts of the world have offered them. It is the morality of life that they treasure, not the opposite. Upon crossing over into non-existence, the celebrity will have cards, and candles, and teddy bears surrounding their star on the Walk of Fame or at their residence. These tokens expressing sorrow are more like symbols of affection for the works that the individual performed in life. Capitalism lends to the individual the rights to their own property and how those intellectual items are used (or not used). This system is the key to what occurs before and after the person draws their terminal breath.

Rank: Symbols of life

To stack up those coins is a lively experience

It is rational to be use funds in life.

5. More and more people are becoming famous and dying and that is a result of capitalism.

The glut of celebrities parading on reality TV screens and in movies is a sign of the capitalistic system. In an era where firms are dumping billions of dollars into projects in Silicon Valley, so are entertainment companies pouring cash into ventures that feature some of the most well-known “stars” of our age. When these folks bite the dust, TMZ (Thirty Mile Zone) will be among the first to cover the death and offer incisive analysis about a pop-star’s sudden demise. The sheer amount of people with a Wikipedia entry has skyrocketed over the decades to include C and D list celebrities. Once they go the way of all flesh, it becomes a media frenzy to discover why they died, to whom they’re leaving their riches (if they so choose, see above), and whatever other information that they can unearth from the death. Pop stars get the most attention, especially recording artists. Their songs and videos play nonstop on radio and television stations. Movie stars get the similar treatment as their films are broadcast across the digital spectrum. With industries cropping up to handle the estates of the deceased figures, one ought to realize the capitalistic thrust behind such pursuits. This system grants to any of the people the capability to receive adulation and admiration upon the hour of their death. The semi-free market allows even the lowest talented people to become “famous” based on their ability to be seen on the Internet, television, or in films. That’s why when an individual of actual talent passes away, the weight of the work often grows. The indication that capitalism drives not the death market but the life market. Celebrities can enjoy their wealth through their life because of the industry that has arisen throughout nearly a century of Hollywood and the music industry. All of these so-called celebrities, when they die, are able to be covered in the news media alongside scientists, world leaders, and philosophers.

Rank: The notoriety of death

The higher the dollar, the greater the life

The knowledge of money promotes a good life.

4. The estate of a given dead celebrity increases in value upon death.

Tupac Shakur, Elvis Presley, Elizabeth Taylor, and Michael Jackson are just a few names who reap great amounts of money from the mausoleum. For their dedication to their crafts, such figures have made a way to pass away and still keep the registers ringing. Professionals who handle the affairs of the dead and fabulous account for the millions of dollars that the star continues to generate in their graves. A hallmark of this big business is the fact that these folks have died. In the case of Mr. Jackson, who claimed the number one spot for celebrities earning money after their gone, it seems that a twice accused child molester and eccentric (to say the least) lifestyle has been washed away. Legions of supporters continue to listen to his music, watch his videos, and purchase memorabilia related to one of the most commercially successful acts of all time. In death, he has attained immortality as far as earnings are concerned. With more high profile deaths like Jackson’s, the industry booms with potential. With licensing laws in place, the images, sounds, and other properties that are associated with these men and women become monetized and able to enter the market place. Each of the ideas behind the recordings, film, and art and other memorabilia have the potential to generate even more cash for the grateful dead.

Rank: The high life after death

Bank notes are the lifeblood of the capitalist system

To maintain life in complex social system, money is a necessity.

3. As death is inevitable, famous people search for ways to protect their legacy.

The way that most well-known people wish to leave their fortunes to their loved ones and others, it shouldn’t be surprising when a celebrity leaves their fortune to a dog or cat. What will a house pet do with tens of millions of dollars? It doesn't matter. It may seem weird, but upon the demise of a given figure, they have every right to leave their money to their birds or just burn it. Whatever traces of capitalism that are left in America protect these individuals in deciding such things. Businesswoman Leona Helmsley left a considerable chunk to he pooch. Since that money can be done away with in any fashion that the owner once made resolutions to have it distributed, it is permissible. Now, the rationality of burning cash or bequeathing dollars to a dog may be in question. Yet, the system of capitalism brings about the chance for men and women to do what they please with their funds. Despite the outcry that such actions may garner, these high net worth people will have the opportunity to see what they want to do with whatever funds are left in their bank account.

Rank: To whom they wish

The dollar means life

From the dollar springs things for the living.

2. As death is inevitable, famous people search for ways to protect their legacy.

The way that most well-known people wish to leave their fortunes to their loved ones and others shouldn’t be surprising when a celebrity leaves their fortune to a dog or cat. What will a house pet do with tens of millions of dollars? It doesn't matter. It may seem weird, but upon the demise of a given figure, they have every right to leave their money to their birds or just burn it. Whatever traces of capitalism that are left in America protect these individuals in deciding such things. Businesswoman Leona Helmsley left a considerable chunk to he pooch. Since that money can be done away with in any fashion that the owner once made resolutions to have it distributed, it is permissible. Now, the rationality of burning cash or bequeathing dollars to a dog may be in question. Yet, the system of capitalism brings about the chance for men and women to do what they please with their funds. Despite the outcry that such actions may garner, these high net worth people will have the opportunity to see what they want to do with whatever funds are left in their bank account.

Rank: To whom they wish

The famous fan of bills

The life that dollars represents can expire.

1. The ability to pass away with respect is paramount.

Surrounded by family and friends, people of means or visible in most media are enabled like anyone else to see their values for the last time. The years that they had built up their fortunes and visibility come to an end with an assembly of their most beloved ones. Death means that there is a stoppage of the life but their work will always be alive in the minds of audiences and spectators and viewers the world over. Celebrated for their excellence, these figures have the final opportunity to give and receive the love of the ones who meant so much in their lifetime. As death looms over them, they can remember that their life was full and contained the love and admiration of their inner nucleus and millions more who may have never had the pleasure of spending quality time with them. The years that they had filled with producing and creating should give them comfort in those waning hours of life. To die with the confidence that their life meant something and that they “put a dent in the universe” ought to bring them comfort as they enter the unknown and unknowable.

Rank: Dying with dignity


About the Creator

Skyler Saunders

Cash App: $SkylerSaunders1


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