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White Privilege Does NOT Exist & I Am Not A Victim

So Miss Me With Your Nonsense

By Frederick EmersonPublished 3 years ago 13 min read
White Privilege Does NOT Exist & I Am Not A Victim
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I find it astonishing how many white people are just as uninformed, misinformed, and just ignorant (and ignorant using the proper definition of the word) as most people on this planet when it comes to race.

This should come as no surprise if you have any semblance of reasoning.

But then again, most people are not as aware of the world as they think they are.

The idea that white people are intellectually superior to other people has been a stereotype that has dramatically been blown out of proportion.

White people are just as uninformed and misinformed as most people — and this is because of this stunning revelation I stumbled upon.

That white people are…


I know…shocking news.

White people aren't demigods that live among us lowly POC; they are human beings as well.

But I swear to the almighty in the unknown, if certain POC, who are not black cozy up and kiss up to white people as if they are gods!


You know who you are and what you do.

If there are racists, they most likely ARE NOT WHITE but other POC.

Now, without any grudge, I can admit that the Anglosaxon race has contributed a great deal to the modern world.

That argument is not an admission of subservience on my end, nor is it praise for the race as a whole, but at a more individualistic level.

To say that because the greats of their race achieved great things, that is an indicator that ALL of them can achieve the same level of feats is absurd.

Yet, that hasn't stopped many of them from trying to propagate this nonsense (LIBERALS), nor has it stopped others from believing this.

"You see. You see! This is white privilege."

"Just hold on, and stop foaming at the mouth. I will be explaining this further down in the article."

Until then, I think Ayn Ran best said it best:

“A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race — and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.” ~ The Virtue Of Selfishness, Ayn Rand

Issue # 1 —" I Know I Have Privilege"


When a white man is shot by cops, begging for the cops NOT to shoot him, following all their demands, STILL gets shot, and then to have the cop get off and walk away from it with PAID LEAVE — I don't see the white privilege.

When hundreds to thousands and maybe millions of white kids are starving and living in poverty across America, I just don't see white privilege.

When young kids are being violated by religious leaders and then to have those religious leaders get away with what they did (rape), I just don't see white privilege.

When kids are growing up in a toxic household where domestic abuse is the norm, and you wonder why kids are going to schools shooting them up, I don't see the white privilege.

When white women are being beaten by their WHITE husbands and can't call the police because the cops just don't do enough, I don't see white privilege.

When white men are committing suicide at a higher rate than blacks in America because of their failing broken marriage or because of how hard life is or because they don't have the funds to speak with a therapist or doctor, I don't see white privilege.

When a white person has to be careful with every damn word they say around people outside their race for fear of being viewed as a racist, I DON'T SEE WHITE PRIVILEGE.


"You're white! You have 'white privilege,' so you can't possibly understand what it means to struggle."

It sounds to me like POC have a hell of a lot more privilege today than white people, as every damn issue we have in our lives can always…ALWAYS…ALWAYS BE POINTED TO…

White Privilege.

Issue # 2 — “I Feel Drunk With The Power That Words Have”

By Andrey Zvyagintsev on Unsplash

Words have power. This I can agree with.

Words can inspire people to act out and do things that they may not even have conjured up in their heads.

Words spurred on by narcissistic leaders, and people can lead to a nation taking things to extreme levels.

We need not look too far, and see how racist rants and rhetoric from people like Hitler, the Japanese Emperor during WW2, and even in our own country America, has led to lynching, killing, pillaging, and the constant violent attacks from people who have been told they have that right and power.

Words do have power.

But no one's words should matter more than the words we say to ourselves.

This idea that someone calling me a "n*gger" is supposed to just crush and ruin my day is F*CKING STUPID.

Why the hell am I suppose to care what you think of me.

Like Diogenes said, "Your criticism means nothing to me because I have seen what makes you cheer."

Why am I supposed to care what a bunch of mindless COLLECTIVE thinking people think of me?

Your thoughts are not even your own, they are just what has been spoonfed to you.

These are weak people who can be easily swayed by others' words.

And yes, weak people in a group can be a problem for a strong man, but a strong man will only come out stronger once he realizes how many people are against him.

The fact that everyone is thinking the same is not an indication of you being out of the loop; it is an indication that you are not "inside the loop," and that is a great thing.

If everyone thinks the same, then all you need do is learn how one person thinks, and you can dismantle the whole system.

All you need do is remove one piece from the stack, and you can watch the whole system crumble.

Collectivism, this beehive mentality is not a strength; it is a weakness.

And yes, words have inspired people to cause severe violent acts against people, but hard times and actions like the holocaust and slavery have given us some of the best thinkers and freedom fighters ever to exist.

Viktor Frankel's "Man Search For Meaning" was a brilliant read and revealed the strength of the human spirit.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”― Viktor E. Frankl

People who get mad over racial slurs are not victims; THEY ARE WEAKLINGS.

Use whatever slur you want to call me; it means nothing to me.

I know who and what I am, which is a MAN!

And MEN are able and WILLING to stand alone!

I dare life and the world to try me.

What the hell are words suppose to do to me?

Your words only have power because people have given up their power over themselves.

I have kept my power!

Once people wake up and realize how little name-calling, and let's be honest, that is what it is, this "power" will swiftly go away.

Issue # 3 (More So A Revelatory Truth) White Privilege Is Just Collectivism

By Boba Jaglicic on Unsplash

As I had alluded to in the second issue, beehive mentality is NOTHING to be proud of.

I know some people find strength in numbers, but I don't see strength in numbers.

I see weakness.

The inability to stand upright on your own is laughable.

Babies strive to stand up by themselves.

Collectivism, in my eyes, is people all leaning on each other to a specific side of an issue — with none of them having the strength to stand up on their own because they are all leaning on one another.

There is no individual strength to be found in a group.

A group of people who can barely think for themselves vs. a man who knows how to strategize and fight will never equal that man.

I say this and say it unapologetically, 100,000 ordinary people do not equal one great person.

One million ordinary people do not equal one extraordinary person.

And we know this is true.

No one cares when Bob down the street dies from whatever sickness he had, but the world stopped and listened when people like Michael Jackson, Steve Jobs, Princess Diana died.

Love them or hate them, they were extraordinary people in their own rights, and their lives superseded those around them.

Collectivism is for weak-minded and weak-willed people who do not know how to stand alone.

And if ever thrown into a fight where a collective would have to fight 1 on 1 with the man who stands alone, ALL OF THEM WOULD BE DEFEATED BY THE ONE MAN.

Issue # 4 — More So, A Sentiment I Feel "I Never Really Have Been In The First Place"

By Edrece Stansberry on Unsplash

This is true for everyone. There is no race that all get along together.

We look at the west and say there is so much violence and hatred because too many cultures live together.

What a BS argument.

Look at Asia.

Most Asian nations are homogeneous, meaning they are all the same race, yet there seems to be violence, hatred, chaos, and destruction.

We talk about school shootings in America but look at the "knife stabbings" in China.

They all live under the same government and culture, but Chinese people who don't have anything will take the lives of kids in school because "other people my age have kids, and I have nothing."

No place on earth will you ever find people who all get along together, even if they share the "same race" — it doesn't exist.

Hate is just a part of this human experience we call life.

You can fight for your race and still be betrayed by the very people you are fighting for.

Look at Malcolm X.


By Totte Annerbrink on Unsplash

Photo by Totte Annerbrink on Unsplash

I am not a victim…I AM A GODDAMN WARRIOR!

Empathic Warriors Survival Stories: Not Your Ordinary Empath

"We are not victims; we are WARRIORS." It is so important that we remind ourselves that we are warriors, not victims…

My life will NEVER be dictated by the masses, by society, by gawd (if it exists).

My life is MINES to control.

Being a victim and shouting out "white privilege" does no one any good.

When you toss out "white privilege," all you do is throw away the power you have inside of yourself.

In psychology, there is this concept called "locus of control," and this is why I F*CKING hate hearing that I am a victim.

This is what "Locus Of Control" is:

“Locus of control refers to the degree to which an individual feels a sense of agency in regard to his or her life. Someone with an internal locus of control will believe that the things that happen to them are greatly influenced by their own abilities, actions, or mistakes. A person with an external locus of control will tend to feel that other forces — such as random chance, environmental factors, or the actions of others — are more responsible for the events that occur in the individual’s life.”— Psychology Today

Subscribing to this idiotic idea that "white privilege" is what makes you poor when it's your own POOR decisions that make you poor is stupid.

Blaming white privilege for all the troubles in YOUR life will never solve the issues you face because "white privilege" just doesn't exist.

I am an agnostic atheist, and what made me become this (well, several reasons) was because of how I would see people blame the devil for everything THEY did wrong in their lives.

When they lied, cheated, stole, fornicated with someone they thought was bad — it was always "the devil" who made them do it.

They always had an opt-out for why they did the sh*t they did.

And now, in today's woke world, where people are shifting away from religion, we are currently looking for a new boogeyman to blame for all our woes and troubles.

And many found him.

The white man and his white privilege.


Yes, in the past, there has been rampant discrimination.


What time in history has not been hard for people, FOR EVERYONE?

Give me a time where we were all holding hands and singing Kumbaya?

Life is hard, and b*tching and complaining and pointing the finger at someone else for YOUR life’s failures will not make you a success.

Who cares if everyone hates you?

If you love yourself, respect yourself, UPLIFT YOURSELF, what in the world can anyone do to bring you down?

And white people who subscribe to this idea of white privilege are just as deluded as these so-called victims.

You have the same amount of privilege as ANYONE ELSE WHO IS ALIVE

So what Billy Bob and his sister-wife Karen don't want me at their store.

Guess what?

Because I am a free man who does NOT need acceptance or approval from others, I can simply go out, buy some land, a building, and open up my own store instead of b*tching and complaining about them not wanting black people in their store.

What is to gain from getting someone who irrationally hates you to accept you?

Think about that.


Their love and respect are MEANINGLESS.

If White Privilege Exist, It Hurts Whites More Than Helps Them

Suppose white privilege exists, then white people just become weaker. An easy life does not lead to a better life.

Blaming others is easy; coming up with solutions to your problems ad others' problems is hard.

I guess that is why it is so easy to say all world's problems are because of white privilege.

White privilege does NOT exist.

I Am Not Blaming The White Man For My Failures

I will fall, and like man, I WILL PICK MYSELF UP, even if others are trying to kick and keep me down.

They, the world, gawd, is not strong enough to keep me down.

Agree? If So, You Probably Are Racist


Hey, white folks, if you agreed with anything I just wrote, then you probably are a racist and DO have that "white privilege."

But fret not…

If you feel bad about it, you can pay me MY reparations that YOU owe me for something YOU never did and I never experienced.

That makes sense, right?

You can still give me a tip.

And if you don't...


I don't know who you are.

I don't know what you want.

But if you are looking for "reason."

I can tell you I don't have that.

But what I do have.

Are a very annoying set of skills.

Skills I have acquired over a very long lifetime of being a victim and complaining over nonsense.

Skills that will make me a nightmare for (white) people like you.

If you give me my $5 reparations money now.

That will be the end of it.

I will not look for you.

I will not pursue you.

But if you DON'T.

I will look for you.





About the Creator

Frederick Emerson

I am Frederick Emerson, a prolific blogger with a decade of experience in the digital sphere. Through my thought-provoking content, I have captivated readers and sparked engaging conversations on a wide range of topics.

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