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The Reptilian Race Right in Front of Our Faces

Are the elite reptilians? Are they also practicing the black arts to retain power? Maybe truth. Maybe BS.

By Bazooka TeachesPublished 5 years ago Updated 3 years ago 4 min read
Still shot from YouTube "Mark Zuckerberg is a Lizard"

Now, imagine if the conspiracy of the elite being of a reptilian race is absolutely true. Many believe that people like Miley Cyrus, Queen Elizabeth II, Mark Zuckerberg, and other celebrities of all statuses are reptilians. Most of them are believed to be in the political world across the whole world! If so, what is to be done? It is right in front of our faces when knowing about this conspiracy. Why isn’t the human race doing anything about it?

Well, this is why? See, if reptilians were really for reals, they made the whole conspiracy made out to be a joke or just a crazy silly idea. However, documentaries and TV shows keep coming out telling people that this could possibly be real. This is done with works that are, supposedly, nonfictional and fictional.

Why They Do It?

The conspiracy states that dark forces are summoned by the elite to rule the world. Of course, this would mean that these lizard people would have to tap into a spiritual world for them to rule the human race on this planet. Whether these spiritual forces pertain to everything that exists in the universe or just for the reptilians, it is believed that the elites that rule our world make pacts with dark forces. The reason for this is simple. It is to have power, intellect, and even fame.

So, imagine if these lizard people sold their soul or whatever it is that would require to make a deal with dark forces, they would have to provide evidence to the masses that they do have a pact with demons. This is done in order to get whatever it is desired.

Telling the World About It

See, demons and devils don’t like to be left in the dark. When they make their deals, they want everyone to know. That is how they will grant power or whatever it is their customer desires. This is why blues players that have been rumored to have sold their souls to the devil always sing about their experience. One famous case is Robert Johnson. This blues giant sang the famous song “Cross Roads Blues,” in which it tells on how he met the devil for him to have fame.

Big production companies from Hollywood produce movies and TV shows about lizard people invading from outer space. A lot of movies are made about the Illuminate and how they are affiliated with dark forces. It’s all there right in front of our faces, but they are made as if this is just a wild-giant lie. Movies, of course, are fictional, but some say the fictional works are sometimes half-truth.

Now, documentaries are made as well, along with TV shows. Through these mediums, the conspiracy of reptilians ruling our planet are revealed. Of course, it is seen as a farce or just a crazy idea. On the other hand, these crazy reptilian people are accomplishing their end of the bargain with these dark forces. They are telling the masses what is actually really happening, but people see it as a joke.

Surely, demons or dark forces are happy with this situation since it is a bit of advertising. Many movies glamorize bad characters. Seriously, horror movies are the most popular. Famous dark characters that are loved by the masses are Darth Vader, The Joker, Jason Vorhees, Freddy Cougar, and many others. So, the idea that dark forces exist has been put out there. People just do not seem to take it seriously.

The Reality

The reality of this perspective is that it is pretty much all bullshit! One can go on YouTube and see all kinds of videos on reptilian people. These videos also try to expose many celebrities that are believed to be green-shape-shifting lizards. Again, it is all videos and that can only mean that it is straight-up bullshit. On the flip side, the more people watch, the more powerful they probably get. Remember, they are exposing the truth to us, but it is done in a comedic way so the masses will never believe it. However, they are holding up their end of the bargain with the Devil, or dark forces, or whoever the hell has the power to grant powers by actually showing the masses that they are dwelling in the black arts.

In the end, if it is all bullshit, the human race should just give it a try. I think people across the planet should unite and have a goddamn revolution. Seriously, even if reptilians are fake, the elite are still fucking us over. I mean, look at the planet. It’s full of trash, the working class is withering away, and all kinds of shit is happening that is pissing people off. So, fuck ‘em. We could always use a new world order, right? Even if we were wrong, we could just say, “Oops, sorry about that!”

At least, we would find out the truth behind all the bullshit stories about lizard people, aliens, dark forces granting powers, and all that jazz. We would also get rid of the greedy pricks that are in charge. We could just say that we thought they were a bunch of lizards in cahoots with dark forces. That’s a good reason, right?


by Bazooka Teaches

new world order

About the Creator

Bazooka Teaches

A regular Joe that is just surviving the struggle. Loves to write and is constantly fighting the forces of evil.

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    Bazooka TeachesWritten by Bazooka Teaches

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