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The REAL weird screwed up reason why EU membership is a good thing.

(PS, Even pro-EU people will hate the answer.)

By Ross E Fortune LombardiPublished 3 years ago 13 min read


The REAL weird screwed up reason why EU membership is a good thing.


(PS, Even pro-EU people will hate the answer.)



Let us cut straight to the point,


We are going to have to eventually have a world government.


Not for just for hippy style world peace.


But for real practical reasons.


It happens well within the next thousand years OR we all die as a species.


That simple


I do not like this fact either!



The proud kingdom of Northumbria with is own kings history and culture eventually for very practical reason had to be absorbed into becoming part of the united kingdom.


China, Germany, India, Greece all were once made up of loads of separate ickle kingdoms with proud separate identities that all had to eventually, despite all resistance become part of a greater whole.


And being part of the European Union is an unpleasant necessary step in that right direction.


I do not like globalism.


I actively hate it!


It is a horrendous concept that attacks and destroys individualism, freedom and personal identity.


But unless you are going to all on your own accord, globally, decide to only have just the one child per person (not just marriage, coupling or per union), from now till the end of time, then it is our only option as a species.


But we can not globally forever act as separate states.


At the moment, our survival as a species is constantly undermined by various nations all looking out for their national interest.


One country will take a crapload of toxic waste from another country for a quick hand full of cash.


I am fiercely proud of my grandfather and his killing of a shit load of Nazis,


It is a lovely warm satisfying feeling to be proud of my nation and flag.


But guess what.


All the other countries (even the ones without any real good reason) also feel special and proud of their flags too.


So someone is lying to someone else somewhere about the nature and specialness of their national identity.


You tell a random western couple on their wedding day that there is a 30% chance of all marriages ending in divorce,


They might feel it is a vaguely interesting well-known fact.


But if you re-word your statement and tell the same random western couple while she is still standing next to her partner in her wedding dress that they, personally, themselves have a 30% chance of ending in divorce,


Then even “IF” it is their each their third marriage, you are very likely to get yourself punched!


(Yeh I know the divorce rate is much higher than this, but I am trying to be kind.)


Everyone personal ego makes them feel deep down inside know that they are the special universal exception.


By “Know” I actually mean “Deludes themselves”


And nationalism is exactly the same innate knowing that our country is super uniquely special.


By “Knowing” I actually mean “Deludes Ourselves”


Because no matter what country you are part of, UK, USA, China or any other dam place, at the end of the day a rag on a stick is still a rag on a stick.


Maths, Facts, Figures, Water, Food, Power (as in consumable energy), Population, are the only real practical things that exist and that really matter!


Feeling “special” will not fill your child's dinner plate!


If our world population is going to continue to grow at all (even the smallest bit over the longest time) then we will need unified world solutions not bogged down with the various individual national interest.


Unless you all are going voluntarily going to stop feeling that having children is a human right.


Belts are going to get tighter!


World resources are going to inevitably run out!


When good people get desperate, Then bad things happen!


Very bad things!


So I repeat my deeply uncomfortable unpleasant statement,


We are going to have to eventually have a world government.


Not for just for hippy style world peace.


But for real practical reasons.


It will have to happen well within the next thousand years OR we all die as a species.


(NOTE: "Well within" a thousand years!)


(Try thinking closer towards only a mere 200 years rather than the given maximum!)


That simple


I also hate this fact!


It is far better if it happens through diplomacy rather than through “fire and sword”.


Being part of the European Union is an unpleasant necessary step in that right direction.


Because in today's modern world our “Swords” are far too sharp and can take out entire cities with a single push of a button. ..


...And our modern war “Fire" burns blindingly blue and leave a shit load of gamma radiation.




Do not shoot the messenger!


If you also hate globalism then give me realistic alternative solutions, not just your own problems!






(And surprise! surprise! it has nothing to do with immigration!)


Just in case the penny has not dropped yet!


On the highly unlikely off chance, you have not yet all worked it out for yourselves,


The REAL reasons the political ‘powers that be’, want to leave Europe has nothing to do with immigration, but with banking legislation and more specifically the tightening controls of Fractional Reserve Lending by the European Bank by various federalist factions.


But the reduction and removal of workers rights is also a tasty bonus side dish!


Immigration is just the misdirection they are using, like a cheap magician with a coin.


But sure go ahead and buy the ‘cool-aid’ and tell yourself is an immigration issue!


Do not worry about Farage. He will never have to walk slump and hunched shouldered in town trying to decide whether he can afford to treat himself to a coffee, he will be absolutely fine!


I know there are large banks talking about leaving the UK!

They use terms like “needing access to Europe” and “uncertainty” but that is a Bluff so you buy the excuse for the concessions the government will publicly make, that have already been agreed in advance over a year ago, in various private gentlemen's clubs and golf courses.


And the glass of whisky or scotch they drank over these deals would have cost more than you probably make in a single month.







Just to be clear, before I even start,


I honestly believe that Brexit was the stupidest thing ever to happen in modern times.


Brexit was never really about immigration, but about international and national banking regulations.


The EU wants to tighten restriction on thing s such as “Fractional Reserve Lending” AKA “Legalised Counterfeiting”,


And spontaneously the Brexit movement suddenly appeared and became VERY well finically backed!


When the Brexit referendum was lining up,


There is plenty of evidence that fundamental campaign funding regulations were simply not just broken by the Brexit side but simply ignored as if the “Law of the Land” was beneath them.


(Campaign funding regulations are there for our protection to stop a political moment “Buying” an Election by simply throwing endless amounts of promotional funding at it!)


Because this law was broken the whole referendum SHOULD in a just world, be made null and void, and those responsible for such high-level political corruption Should (in a just world) be tried and convicted for treason!



But that is in a Just world!


We have never lived in a just world.


Anyone that has ever had a car stolen or their flat burgled knows full well that is very unlikely that the thieves will ever get caught and even less likely that you will ever get your stuff back!


That is how life works sometimes!


We do not live in a fairy tale!

In real life, the "Good Guys " often lose!


Now we must move on and get on with our lives!


The collective responsible for illegally forcing through Brexit will NEVER BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE!


It will not happen!


Even in every unlikely event that we could make the vote null and void,





You and I may understand that corruption has happened,


You and I may even be able to prove it.



Your average person will just see the referendum being made void as merely


“Fancy Pants People Finding a Loophole”


Unless you have some genius masterplan to undo 50 years of,

Nerd Hate and Ignorance Worship, in under 6 weeks!

(Which was socially engineered on purpose!)

There is no way of adequately explaining to most people how and why they were cheated!


They will not understand that they were cheated and lied too.


They are not even interested in realising that they have been cheated and lied too.


They do not want to have the (what to their mind is a dull) subject of political Campaign regulation and why it is there to protect them explained to them.


All they will see is that their Democracy has been undermined and that they were told that their vote never mattered.


To ‘Void the Vote’ now would only destroy the public’s faith in the democratic system.


Brexit IS a super stupid idea,




Destroying the public’s faith in our democratic government

Is Far! Far! Stupider!


We were all fugitively Burgled.


We all figuratively had our car stolen.


We will never get our stuff back.


The figurative well-dressed city thieves will never be prosecuted.


That is how life works sometimes!


We do not live in a fairy tale!

In real life, the "Good Guys " often lose!



So we must swallow this harsh bitter pill!


Now we must move on and get on with our lives!


Now we have to ALL work at stopping extreme political elements, Both Left AND Right, from taking advantage of the inevitable power vacuum that will soon be created!


Because both sets of extremists have been preparing and sharpening the knives.


(The power vacuum will be created when certain mainstream parties will very suddenly become seen to be unelectable and a very dangerous set of “New Style” parties will rise in their place!)


We must lick our wounds, minimise and count our losses and prepare for the worse!


Things are very quickly going to get VERY BAD!


The referendum battle was lost but the political war against extremist on all side has only just begun!


The battles in that war will make the Referendum seem like a “Cake Walk”!



To Put It Another Way,


The evidence that the campaign regulations were broken is not very well hidden by the sort of people that are good at hiding such evidence.


Where you may see a "Nuget" or "Ray of Hope" I see an obvious baited trap.


Voiding the vote would make people take the streets.


They will Think they are defending our democracy and not realise they are being tricked into siding with the very people that subverted it.


It would play into the potential existing plans destabilise the country.


Now, I obviously cannot know for sure such plans ever really exist,

But I can say it is what I would do in their shoes!


I am assuming they have had much longer to project various scenarios and that they are smarter than I am.


I do not want the riots that will inevitably happen if we manage to "Void" the referendum.


If a "Voiding of Vote" hypothetically was managed and the inevitable mass riots happened, even though I am only an unfit flabby 46-year-old, I would feel duty-bound to arm myself and try and protect the vulnerable minorities in my town from the Nazi types,


Even though all it would mean, is me getting myself killed.


I would do it if I had to,

But I'd much rather not be put in that position in the first place!


Tactically, "Voiding the vote" is simply a bad call,

We need to form a figurative second front, and stop those rogue elements taking advantage of the political power vacuums that Brexit will create!


Let us not make it easy for "them" by "Being Played" into creating massive civil unrest!


Let us instead make "them" work for every inch and every bit of power!


Do not see it as a cowardly "Giving up",

Instead, see it as "Tactical Retreat" or "Falling back"

To a new more defensible position!






(the gang effect).


Keep with me, this makes a good point eventually...


Imagine you are a top-ranking thug in a gang!


(You may choose LA street or London Firm for your imagination to use, whichever you find easier.)


You are in fact the fifth hardest, the strongest member of that gang!


But for some reason, you decide you want out.


You feel your safe because you are the fifth biggest meanest gang member.


BUT there are 4 members bigger than you plus you are outnumbered by all the other gang members!


The gang (like all groups, of any sort) is only as strong as its membership.


If enough gang members leave then the gang dissolves!


The leaders need to make sure other members don’t get any silly ideas about leaving as well, so their ONLY tactical option is to make an example out of you!


To scare the rest of the gang into line!


So what will happen is,

(even though you’re the fifth biggest member)


That the police will find your skinned tortured corpse displayed in a kids playground as both very public warning to other members and show their strength to the rest of the city!


Being the fifth biggest gangster will not be enough to defend you from the combined might of the other four stronger members plus all their other foot soldiers!


(Even if your part in this gang movie is played by The Rock or Jason Statham!)

<Although obviously, Chuck Norris could do it!>


We may be the fifth strongest economy,


But tactically the EU will have no other option (if it wants to survive) than to make a frightening example of us, to the rest of the world!


We are not just going to get simply a bad deal,


We are gonna get economically skinned and displayed!



About the Creator

Ross E Fortune Lombardi

Writer. Gamer, Goth

A (Constantly Failing To Be Funny) satirist!

[email protected]

Mutare non est meum

Cantus moriar


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