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The Great Black Migration

Blacks Don't Feel "At Home" in the US, so Blacks Are Going Overseas

By A.J. JonesPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
A black American walking the streets of London

The 2015 announcement of Donald J. Trump's running for president made the racial dynamic in the United States diminish the whole post-racial society conversation, and it led to cries for safety from black people, especially the black men. Black and brown people in the US have come under a barrage of racial resistance due to #45's views on minorities and immigrants. Since #45's election, we've had the Charleston, SC Church Shooting, The Charlottesville Massacre, The El Paso Shooting, The Las Vegas Shooting, and Dayton, Ohio Shooting. All these shootings were racially motivated by the racially charged rhetoric of the commander and chief. The shootings and the latest immigration legislation has a lot of black people not feeling safe in the US. Black males feel the sting of all this racial storm the most. Black men are the most criminalized, profiled, and murdered men in the US.

In the state of racial relations in this country, blacks, mainly black males, are leaving the country and living elsewhere—as in other countries elsewhere. Blacks are moving to countries in Asia, such as Japan, Korea, Thailand, and even Bali. There more and more black Americans moving to Central and South America, as well as Africa due to the racial climate. Educated and successful black people who have achieved a master's degree or higher have decided to walk away from successful businesses or practices, and have moved to other countries for one main reason... to feel safe.

M​any black males who are a certain height and weight, and fit a certain profile, become targets for law enforcement. Black males that happen to be taller that 6'2 and appear to weigh more than 215 pounds tend to fit "the thug profile." This "thug profile" is also pushed by the mainstream media via TV and movies. Anytime a black man is in the headline news, the narrative is usually negative and usually eaten up by the majority of white non-minorities in the form of "negro phobia" and hysteria, caused by these narratives pushed in the media. Black people are trying to feel safe, but black men are the most targeted group within the black community, and they are looking for refuge in any and all corners of the world. The US has had along history of racial problems that have dated back as far as the late 1600s. Back in the 1600s, black people did not have the freedom to move about freely unless you were dark-skinned indigenous, but now in 2019, many black people have the means to move out of the country to safer refuge, or they could save up over time and then move out of the country at a better and later date.

T​his new and great black migration has given hope to a lot of to black Americans in their new homelands, such as Canada, Mexico, Belize, Coast Rica, Panama, Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, and many other countries around the world. This migration is more about peace of mind and safety. No person in the world deserves to be profiled and harassed because of their skin color. These behaviors by the powers that be for the governing bodies have people feeling unsafe. To many blacks, the US is unsafe to the point that the rhetoric being spewed from the oval office is the gospel to those who support him, but to blacks and other minorities, that same rhetoric is being viewed as hate speech and propaganda to treat people due to skin color. The countries where these black people are moving to and living in are countries where they are not viewed as threats and feel safe. In these countries, no threat of being killed exists, and they can live and be who they are with no fear of being killed by racial domestic terrorists or the police. Black people want to live well and be safe as the next person, so to achieve a life in peace and to also become safe, they are joining and taking part in the great black migration.

A black man on a beach overseas


About the Creator

A.J. Jones

6'5 Saxophonic Poetic Minister. Writer, producer, poet, and independent artist. College Athletics Wage Advocate, ADOS, advocate for reparations, advocate for HBCUs, Advocate for Arts in the Schools, and Advocate for Black Church Musicians

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