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The Assassination of President Lincoln

What they don't want you to know.

By H.L. DowlessPublished 7 years ago 16 min read

United States President Abraham Lincoln was shot on Good Friday, April 14, 1865, while attending the play, Our American Cousin, at Ford's Theater, as the American Civil War waned into an eventual close, merely five days after Lee's surrender at Appomattox, Virginia. An attempt at assassinating Lincoln by an unknown assailant had been made in August 1864.

Since the official record halts in regard to this notation, we must assume that the assailant escaped capture since he would have surely been hanged, had he been apprehended. What this attempt reveals is that plans to capture or kill Lincoln must have existed since at least August 1864.

This author, however, suspects that plans were being conceived even further back, at least by the time of the battle at Antietam, when Lee's wife was “briefly contained” by General McClellan as he moved toward Richmond, so we may vividly recall. With the discovery of the Southern battle plans found so neatly wrapped and concealed in the locust tree there on the battlefield. Hence, the suggestion in this cavalier discovery being that Lee was coerced into doing something to turn the war; the threat obviously being that should he ignore the command to do so, he would find his dear wife in bloody pieces somewhere on his family's doorstep.

By the conclusion of the battle at Brandy Station, the obvious threat made on the lives of Lee's two sons would have sealed any thoughts of conspiring to harm Lincoln; since as we may recall, Lincoln had overtly threatened to hang both sons, should any harm come to Federal officials imprisoned by the Confederate command, according to the official history. The plans to kidnap Lincoln were conceived sometime between Brandy Station and Antietam, in this author's deductive opinion. With Lincoln's threat on the lives of Lee's captured sons, the conspiracy to capture Lincoln transformed into one plotting assassination, if just among a small minority of conspirators initially.

This plan was sealed in its convictions by the deaths of Lee's daughter-in-law and his two infant grand children at the hands of what this author deduces were highly possible Pinkerton appointed assassins; made with or without Lincoln's official endorsement 146, who more than likely by now felt that he was untouchable, as evidenced by notations made inside the official historical record 147.

At this point, while it may be theoretically possible to implicate an association with Lee directly somewhere deep inside the web of conspirators to assassinate Lincoln; the truly guilty conspirator whom was never caught, and the one who directly assisted in developing a covert plan to assassinate very well may have been Lee's middle son, William Henry Fitzhugh Lee, since he had been given all of the negative motivation needed to justify making such a solid response in kind.

We shall suspect this claim of conspiring to assassinate on the grounds that it was he and his brother whom were ardently pursued at home by Federal authorities, their residence at White Hall burned to the very ground in lieu of their escape. Upon capture, both were threatened with hanging; and then there were the mysterious, nearly simultaneous deaths of W.H.F. Lee's wife and two infants children. General Robert E. Lee may very well not have been willing to stoop down to the same level as Lincoln in his method of conducting warfare; but his son may not have held to such convictions, especially when provoked by assaults and threats of death to both his mother and himself, if not what this author suspects were the closet room Presidential endorsed cruel murders of his ailing wife 1 and infant children.

Other reasons for conspirators to determine the necessity for assassinating Lincoln would be for his endorsement of total warfare against the civilian population in Confederate territory, 148 which amounted to a license for criminal activity of every sort given to all dissident groups, soldiers and ex-soldiers, who saw potential for personal gain at the expense of their plebeian neighbors, both during and after the war. Official history has gone to great lengths in covering up these grisly details during the last two years of the war and during the time of Reconstruction, since actions of civilian innocents in their own defense would then be justified 149 150 151; but if one dares to peer through the nice coloring on the surface, 2 he may still view the blood, and smell the decomposing stench lingering just beneath. 152

In the notes above we may view striking possibilities in two conspirators who were arrested in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, John Surratt and Lewis Powell. Both were members of the Confederate Secret Service. Surratt was accused of being linked to the conspiracy when he received payments from Judah P. Benjamin, who was chief head of the Confederate Secret Service.

Benjamin had also been appointed as War Secretary in the beginning years of the conflict. He was responsible for a territory extending from Virginia to Texas. His job was to supervise the Confederate army, feed, clothe and supply it with arms. Jefferson Davis appears to have adored him without contest, and he has been labeled by Davis as the most capable member of the Confederate cabinet.

We also know from these details that Benjamin had close associations with virtually all of the high ranking Confederate generals, including Lee, no doubt leading us to conclude that he knew well of the incidences involving Lee's wife and two sons being captured, the burning of Lee's youngest son's plantation as the Federals pursued him, the possible murders of Lee's daughter-in-law and his two infant grand daughters; and Lincoln's endorsement of total warfare, as well as the savage crime that went with it when Lincoln turned the other cheek to simply look the other way in his heartless motion of ice cold approval. 153

With Lee's son W.H.F. Lee being a brigadier general, there is no doubt that Benjamin met or conferred directly or indirectly with him as well; therefore the suggestion here back to this author is that the desire to lash out was expressed, and the plot then conceived, only to be passed down to subordinates in the form of Surratt and Powell; who would meet with Booth later on, who often performed in full view of the President at Ford's theater throughout the duration of the war.

An interesting notation is that almost immediately following the collapse of Richmond, Benjamin began his escape from the United States. According to official reports, he appeared relaxed and jovial, rather than frightened as the Confederacy fell, so the notes read. His calmness anticipated by this author as being an outstanding ploy to mislead all observers from detecting suggestions of guilt from any possible angle involving himself; with him being very aware of the future to come, in this author's mind, should he fail in his deception plan.

He first sauntered down to Florida following a few close calls, and after a few additional weeks he left Florida for London; then relocated to Paris, where he stayed with family whom he had not seen since the war. He eventually died in Paris never to return to America, where his grave lies in Piere Lachaise Cemetery. His calm successful escape from the United States suggesting another possibility for his involvement in the plot to assassinate Lincoln. As far as the information at large is known, this author is the first to make any link of possibilities to indict Benjamin or any connection with a large Northern antiwar element 3 well known during its day.

The plan culminated when Lincoln's bodyguard, John Parker, left Lincoln alone in Ford's theater to have a drink at the saloon next door; a mistake that should have never occurred, and leaves us only to wonder just what became of the security officer who made this inexcusable mistake. Maybe he himself was party to the plan by receiving a hefty payoff far larger than his salary, if not an unidentified party to the very large anti-war Copperhead movement. A clear answer to the question or even a suggestion of possibility is not readily apparent inside the official record or any others, as of yet.

Booth eased up from behind Lincoln at approximately 2230, cautiously pointed his forty-four caliber Henry Derringer at the back of Lincoln's head adjacent to his left ear and fired, point blank. Major Henry Rathbone attempted to subdue Booth, but Booth stabbed him and escaped.

Dr. Charles Leale, an Army surgeon, found the President unresponsive, barely breathing and with no detectable pulse. Once the surgeon had determined that Lincoln had been shot in the head, he attempted to clear the blood clot, allowing the president to appear more at ease in his breathing. The dying President was taken across the street to the Peterson house, where he collapsed into a coma for nine hours, dying at 0722 on April 15, 1865. Secretary of war, Stanton, saluted saying that “now he belongs to the ages.” 154

Now Lincoln lay dead, but the problem is that inside the act of slaying him, 155 there also lay the glitter of hope for a new resurrection of the Representative body who would demand a check to preserve the plebeian Constitutional right to excel economically, without impediment. Just as the corporate supported tyrant, Lincoln, lay dead, so did the hope for any future resurrection of plebeian liberty free of central bank control. The effort in future years would be made, but without the economic base to support it, the only remaining option was for the individual Representative candidate to bow before a callous master of corporation, centralized bank and the entire Representative body already inside the halls of Congress who backed them.

The appeal to emotion endeavoring to give the reign of absolute authority justification was that slavery had died from 1865 onward, with a Constitutional insertion of the thirteenth amendment. 156 This permanent destruction of the slave institution also served to destroy any future attempt at resurrecting an economic base that would support a Representative body who would demand checks to safeguard individual rights, Constitutional or otherwise, since slavery was an absolute necessity for the purpose of managing the large farming estates generating raw product or production efforts of estates that processed raw product before the advent of mechanized farm equipment, and production equipment in general.

The truth is that a sly twist had been placed inside the amendment, while plebeian citizens of America were dealing with the remaining insurgency resistance and the destructive aftermath of the war. The legal right to own slaves had simply exchanged hands from the individual, over to the corporation and government; with a false check pretending to safeguard plebeians from any future attempt by corporations to enslave them, in stating that any legal label of a slave was only to be assigned by a legitimate court of law.

The State's' right to print its own currency backed by equal value in gold or silver had been stolen in 1863 during the heat of battle while the rank and file engaged in the turmoil of battle, as was the individual family's right to invest its earnings into its own bank for the purpose of providing lending services back to the public; the surest and one of the swiftest methods throughout history of massing a collective fortune.

With the death of Lincoln, it has been estimated that only six months of national funds remained inside the coffers of the national bank of New York and Treasury of the day. Had command of the plebeian army been handed over to Forest, it could have easily held out for another year according to all future military strategical analysis, where it would have conquered due to simple attrition alone. Because of the barbaric threats made to Lee's family, he feared allowing any exchange of command. So as a result, any future national hope for true plebeian liberty died with Lee's surrender.

In reality, Lincoln's death represented the passing of liberated Constitutional America, rather than the death of slavery, or any individual plebeian notion for liberty and any price that he paid for it. Lincoln's martyr was for the sovereign reign of corporation, the central bank and their Representative body now lording over US government in collective absolute authority. His death was the price in leadership that the banking cartel paid for their present stand in supreme authority. Lincoln fell at the climax of a complete unerring service to the self-serving master whom he spent his whole life living for, rather than any sort of inspiring notion to the contrary.

This observation explains the true reason why Lincoln's monument lords so glaringly over the mall at Washington D.C across from the Eccles (Federal Reserve Board) Building, since he was the cartel's anointed king and supreme leader who had supervised their complete conquest over all US plebeian masses, with the history of those who stood strong to contest it being twisted, transforming those who stood to oppose them into the national villains; and the tyrant who made the supreme stand for corporate rule in the absolute along with his forces of the dark side, the great liberators.

The Lincoln Memorial stands as a pantheon to the first deified effigy of corporate America and its central bank 157, who had sacrificed his mortal body in completely dedicated service to their cause, only to live on in immortal glory to the ignorant and in unceasing infamy to the few wise informed, who possess the ability for deductively analyzing the real truth. A clear realization of the truth stands brilliantly for enlightening those who possess knowledge and understanding as to whom it really is that constitutes the true enemy to our anointed Constitution and individual liberties.

An additional interesting notation valuable to history is found inside the fact that upon entering the Lincoln Memorial, one is struck by the sight of masses literally being forced to gaze upward upon the enthroned figure of Lincoln lording over them. It is interesting to note that the figure of Lincoln sits just slightly to his own left as he glares forward. His gaze is across the Washington Mall toward what at first glance appears to be the Washington monument. Most people who view the monument simply make this assumption at face value, with no additional thought ever given to the subject.

When one stands directly in front of Lincoln's figure, however, what is revealed to him is the fact that Lincoln is in truth, staring directly at the US Capitol building. If the figure of Lincoln seated upon his throne could turn its head forty-five degrees to the left, his eyes would align perfectly with The Federal Reserve building.

The tactfully veiled message that appears to be given back down to us is that Lincoln working in cooperative with the supreme powers of banking, conquered not only the US citizen masses but the halls of US Congress as well 158, with whom the bank rules the masses and the land on which they dwell as a collective absolute authority, rather than in conjunction with a representative body who stands strong on behalf of America's citizen base, as the entire world has been so led to believe.

A memorial for Lincoln had been proposed since the time of his death. Later on, a memorial commission organized. President William H. Taft had been ordained as President to the Lincoln memorial commission. By 1913 Congress had approved the commission's choice of design and location.

That date of 1913 bears outstanding significance and reason for us to make note of it here inside this work, since it will verify specifically whom it was that intended to immortalize their own personal conquering hero; though allowing the effigy to masquerade as hero unto plebeian masses, who had been deceived and manipulated via divisive appeal to emotion, for all years to come.

The commission was allocated the sum of $300,000 for the project to get underway, a sum equaled to approximately six million dollars in today's currency. On February 12, 1914, a dedication ceremony was conducted and on the following month, the actual construction began. The monument was officially completed on May 30, 1922, being dedicated personally by William H. Taft.

Inside Taft himself is where stronger suggestions lay implicating the fact of central bank and their corporate backers deifying their martyred lord of arms; Conquistador El Supremo of America's plebeian masses, both physically and intellectually, in the figure of Abraham Lincoln inside the Lincoln Memorial. Taft presided over passage of the sixteenth amendment, which allowed Congress to levy an income tax irrespective of any State concerns or the people who reside therein. This amendment was imposed into the Constitution with no form of check in place to secure any concerns relating back to plebeian masses on the ground.

When the South lost the Civil War, that check had been totally removed, as we shall recall, and as of yet to return again. Such is why no President elected truly supports the plebeians who voted him in, explaining why all get into office by telling the masses what they intend to do, but once inside, they all have no choice but to bow down before the jackboots of the same lording master.

For that reason, this author has chosen not to vote years ago, but will do so only under one single condition to be discussed later on. Any readers who are adherents to the idea of totally liberated intellectualism should do the same, for the identical valid reasons; except in situations where it might be observed that a factual hard core intent to serve the people of the land exists in an astounding effort to offer the citizens of America true economic and Constitutional liberation, no matter what the ultimate sacrifice to himself.

More-than-likely this notation would only come about during a second term election, rather than a first term. For the most part, the sad truth in history for the last sixty years reveals the prevailing fact that there is no lesser of the two evils, for the two parties are both legs on the same authoritative body, designing continuously in their own service against the people and the nation in which they rule, seeking only to gratify their own insatiable personal desires at the expense of the masses on the ground.

I recommend, then, first, the adoption of a joint resolution by two-thirds of both Houses proposing to the States an amendment to the Constitution granting to the Federal Government the right to levy and collect an income tax without apportionment among the States according to population, and, second, the enactment, as part of the pending revenue measure, either as a substitute for, or in addition to, the inheritance tax, of an excise tax upon all corporations measured by 2 % of their net income.

William H. Taft

Proposal of the Sixteenth Amendment to the Sixty-Third Congress

June 16, 1909


About the Creator

H.L. Dowless

The author is an international ESL instructor. He has been a writer and author for ever thirty years. His latest publications were in the area of nonfiction with a company called Algora and fiction in Vinculink, or purchase through Amazon.

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