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Racial Injustice Ends Now

Join the Fight Against Racial Injustice

By KaceyPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
”The children are the future” well hear their voices. Give them something to look forward to.

Racial Injustice has always been a problem. It will always be a problem as long as everyone who sees it as a problem, sees it that way. I do not know too much of any other colored races histories besides African Americans. But I want to take the time to say that we know blacks are not the only people of color that are being treated so horribly. It should not be this way at all. When we were created by (whatever or whomever you believe created you), we were never meant to see the color of our skins as a problem. Humans did not all live in the same part of the world. And everyone knows that the sun is hotter in some places. While it barely shine in others. Therefore some humans were bound to be darker than others. Our bodies adapt to its environment. For those who believe in God, Adam was created from "the dust of the ground".The Bible does not say whether it was white, black, yellow, grey, brown, or green dust. It says "DUST of the ground", so someone please explain to me why people that claim to be followers and believers are judging others for being a different skin tone. For those who do not believe in religious believes, whether you believe in a scientific explanation or not. We are the way we are because that is how we were meant to be. And when I say that I mean skin tone wise. Anything else bad in our lives well that is mostly based on the paths we chose. We do not have the right to judge and discriminate people for only God or whatever higher power you believe in has the right to do that. Now lets get away from religion. Hundreds of thousands of years past and we arrive at the time of slavery. Africans, "Black", ”Negros" and what ever names they want to call blacks are living peacefully. Then BAM here comes people of non-color coming in and forcing other HUMANS to become their slaves. Why because of their skin tones and because simply non-color people (the ones that are okay with slavery) to me are just straight-up lazy and feel privileged. And if that was not bad enough, they beat, killed, raped and sold colored people off as if they were not HUMANS with feelings. Everything happening now started then. So I guess you can say that slave owners and their supporters are responsible for Human Trafficking, Rape, abuse of any type and for killing people just for the fun of it. But now it is a problem when African Americans or anyone of color do it, right? If it is a non-colored person it is fine, right? Because they are following in the footsteps of their ancestors. But let's point out that if colored folks were LEFT ALONE where they were these problems would not have started. Maybe it would have but at least not in such a horrible way, there would have been a more civil approach. Yet that is not the way history took place. The blood, tears, and sweat of our colored and non racist ancestors built America. Therefore colored people should be treated with respect and not like garbage. For without them America would never have been America. Now this ”Make America Great Again” phrase makes me laugh because when was America ever ”Great”? America has been nothing but chaos from the very beginning. How can you kick people off their land and force others from their homes to be slaves, then have the audacity to call America ”Great”. It is just an honestly big joke. Look around, the whole racism thing is mainly with ONE race, every other race has come to overcome their differences and move on. And it is only about half of that race that has the racism mindset. The time is now to stop all of this, get over yourselves, and get on the right side of history. Every day the world is evolving but since we are not all on the same page it also gravitates towards it's ending. Look around and make a change. But if we all continue to hate, use violence then the world will come to its destruction. The way the world is I would never bring a child into it, would you? For those who have, how do you feel? You want change? Be that change. Start with you and work from there. Just something to think about.


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I enjoy reading and learning new things. I love writing and I just want to share my words and view of life with others.

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