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The combination of the COVID-19 pandemic & our country's political controversies has continued to rise as election day comes closer. Social media has become a source of news for many, especially generation Z and millennials, but it's easy to forget that media is a business I ask you :how do you really know if you are receiving the whole truth?

By Victoria WuPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Politics has now become reliant upon social media and propaganda as we believe and (even blindly) trust that the media will provide us with the facts and truth.

Technological advancement over recent years have changed politics forever and constantly continues to evolve with us. The technology we have today allows us to access information that we could not in the past which means we citizens have the ability to assure that our beliefs are justified, so we believe is the truth...BUT how do we really know if we have access to the full truth? We forget that the media isn't just reporting facts...they are also a business.

Promotions and ads combined with technology can be deadly as these platforms have become our source to reality, especially during a pandemic where everyone is forced to quarantine; it's inevitable to become dependent upon social media. Psychologically we are addicted to an extent that we have never expericened before. Even the creators of these platforms are unable to break this urge to pickup their phones everytime they hear a vibration or see their phone light up. The ethics behind social media is one that we only recently realized and it has caused most people, specifically the young, as we do not know how to function and communicate without it.

The increase of social anxiety has reached a point which (I believe) has caused all participants some sort of anxiety. It is almost inevitable. Psychologically we subconsciously conform to the societal construct we have created and normalized.

We see proof that we want to see within our feed because of the algorithms which collects data and evidence from your past as a means of predicting your next move. By analyzing the data gathered while continuously collecting more allows for further accuracy within predictions. BUT what if it becomes too good..what if it seems to know us better than we know ourselves?

This is terribly dangerous as data is what is valued today as it paramount for media which means it may blind you from the truth if you only see what you want to see...It becomes a major issue because the truth we are presented may be biased and while we have the freedom to openly express our beliefs, the extreme contrasting views has worsened the divide.

Thus, it is paramount that we first look at what we do know and devlop our own belief and view rather than following the media and social trends. This is difficult to do due to the fact that we really do not have all the facts we need to evaluate both sides of the spectrum. This unethical psychological propaganda may lead to extreme mass manipulation through the use of social media and its ability to control the censorship of the truth. Even if it means using censorship to prevent further censorship...ironic right?

Our country has experienced extreme division during this election and social platforms have continued to encourage the extreme divide amongst the two parties by using propaganda that promotes the notion that there are only two sides, but the truth is nothing is ever black or white. The Right and the Left have become so radical on both ends of the spectrum that we have forgotten how it is not one or the other--that is what makes our country so great.

In life, nothing is neither good nor bad. Politics has promoted the notion that: if you do not believe X , then you are Y .

We stray further and further away from the true purpose and focus of our country; it has become a means to gain greater control over citizens through the encouragement of division...especially prior to election day. The political endeavor to rule with both love and fear is no longer feasible and when you can not do both then you must rule with fear.

Currently, we are living in fear and do not feel that we are receiving the protection and security we were promised, causing further backlash. In order to ensure the safety and freedom of all citizens, it is paramount that we abide by the law we have agreed to or it has no meaning.

The ramifications of continuing to violate this contract will only hurt us in the long run as we forget that it is a privilege to have protection from the State.

The only reason we are able to secure the freedom and right to life we were bestowed with at birth, is due to the Social Contract between the State and the People.

Thus, it is paramount that we never forget this contract as it is the only secure way to ensure our natural freedom of—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


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