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Is there a conspiracy against our education?

The lack of financial education in schools

By Kay Johnson-ClennonPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

What keeps you up at night?

What keeps you up at night? What does freedom mean to you? What things concern you the most?

Maybe it is the school fees. Perhaps the stresses of deadlines, or maybe it is those bills on the kitchen counter?

What would it take to make you worry LESS?

A new job? How about an additional income source – would that help?

Now think of a number, in dollars, a number that would reduce that stress and calm those sleepless nights. Would US$10,000 per month make a difference? Or maybe US$500 per month could ease some pressures?

Would it make you sleep better – knowing that the credit card bills, gasoline, toll, rent, or mortgage are COVERED?

Robert T. Kiyosaki (Bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad) says:

“…Something most people never have the benefit of seeing because their vision is too narrow. Most people never see the trap they are in.”

So, look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself this question…AGAIN!!

What does freedom mean to me?

Would you dedicate an hour per week of your time to your financial literacy? Is your freedom worth an hour per week?

Occasionally, we all need to look in the mirror and be true to our inner wisdom rather than our fears.

– Robert T. Kiyosaki

Have you ever wondered why?

Have you ever wondered why our school system focuses mainly on teaching us how to get a good job but not so much on how to own and/or create these jobs? And yes, I agree, not everyone wants to be a boss. And yes, it is very possible to achieve your dream by working for someone else, but that is not what this story is about.

Manipulation of the system

Has our education system been manipulated? Is it deliberate that we do not learn about the fundamentals of money at school? If we learnt about how money works at an earlier age, would so many of us be carrying so much bad debt?

Our school system was not designed to support the concept that each and every one of us can be financially free. Some may even laugh and call this concept ludicrous.


Is it time for an educational reform towards financial education in schools? If we do not reform in this direction is it that we’ll continue to set our children up for failure by not giving them the necessary tools?

If we had learnt more about money in school would we be living in fear that we might lose our jobs? Is there a fear of messing up the 'status quo' if we were to teach our children about money in school?

Is it that we have given up our freedom for a steady income? Is this also the reason why some of us expect the government and/or our employer to solve our financial problems?

Financial IQ

Ask yourself these questions: “How knowledgeable am I about money, taxes, debt, inflation, and retirement?”, “Do I know how these forces affect my life?”

How interested are you in money? Some of us will say that we have no interest in money and that money is not all that important. Some of us will use 1 Timothy 6:10 to justify this position –

“For the love of money is a source of all kinds of evil. Some have been so eager to have it that they have wandered away from the faith and have broken their hearts with many sorrows.” (GNT)

We should not delude ourselves about money – it is very difficult to live without it – try functioning without a source of income if you are in doubt.

In Ecclesiastes 10:19, King Solomon said

“Feasting makes you happy and wine cheers you up, but you can’t have either without money.” (GNT)

Then, if money is a fact of life and an imperative element to our survival, why then aren’t we teaching more about financial literacy in our schools?

So again I ask – is there a conspiracy against our education?

You decide.


About the Creator

Kay Johnson-Clennon

I’m a Wife | Mother | Author | Associate Actuary

Find out more here:

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