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The bit before the main story

By Alan WalkerPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

It was New Year's Eve 2021; the Prime Minister paced around his office in Downing Street, these were stressful times. His time as Prime Minister is likely to be to come to an end unless he takes drastic action, but he cannot see any drastic action that would help hi make this situation better.

It all started in January; the UK was coming out of a COVID Lockdown and things were looking up. The country was returning to work and life was returning to normal, the government rushed to ensure that the economy returned to some sense of normality. At this point the Prime Minister made a mistake that would haunt his name forever. He recruited the former President of the United States, Donald Trump, as a consultant to generate revenue for the treasury.

At the time it seemed like a good idea, both he and Donald were friends and had similar attitudes to life. They had even spent some personal time together, not that they ever admitted that trip had ever happened. Donald's first piece of advice was to sell the NHS and without thinking twice the Prime Minster had it priced up and sold to the highest bidder. Needless to say the people of the UK were furious at this decision, the Prime Minister's response "It had to happen. We needed the money." The sale of the NHS was within weeks of Donald's appointment as consultant. By the end of February he had convinced the Prime Minster to create a population tax, where all living citizens had to pay to live in the UK. This caused an uproar as everyone who was part of the LGBT+ Community had to pay more due to the combined opinion of Donald and the PM that these people had "dangerous lifestyles." It was nonsense and just a way for two uber-males to hide their sexuality fro the public eye. By June Donald had convinced the PM to sell off the emergency services and the Armed Forces, which not only led to widespread riots but it also led to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II dying from a heart attack.

As the months crept ever closer to the end of the year, the two stooges made life in the UK miserable. The riots had been quashed and all the rioters made to pay the expenses incurred, putting a lot of people in debt. The banks and insurance companies were laughing at all the new insurance plans being taken out to prevent against theft, fire, as well as the rise in medical insurance. On Halloween the dynamic dumdums decided to announce a new tax, The Air Tax. You now only had to pay to live but pay to breathe, and once again the LGBT+ Community were getting taxed more. This was the straw that broke the camels back. The country erupted in mass riots, the emergency services couldn't hold back the wave of people rioting, so they joined them. The only thing stopping people getting into Downing Street was the battalion of hired soldiers.

December had passed and the riots had gotten worse and the country was in dire shape. There was little the Prime Minister could do to stop the riots and recover the economy. He considered reversing the decisions that had been made, however he thought twice about it. Re-nationalising the NHS, Emergency Services, and Armed Forces would bankrupt the country. He'd have to sell the country just to pay the insurance companies for all the money they'd lose in the decision to reverse these decisions. There was only one way out Donald reminded him, the Big Red Button. It was 11:55 PM when the barricades gave way. Masses of people stormed into Downing Street and were gunning for No. 10. The soldiers held back the crowd for as long as they could; they wouldn't be able to hold out long as these people were not afraid to die, and there was more people than they had ammunition for. Time seemed to go by slowly, minutes turned to hours as the clocked ticked away towards the New Year. At 11:59 PM as the rioters burst through the doors of Downing Street the PM pushed the button. The UK had now just launched nuclear missiles towards the US and Russia. He had chosen the cowards way out and wanted to erase his mistakes. As the rioters burst into his office he was shocked to see Donald take up arms with the rioters "I tried to stop him but the crazy fool as doomed us all. He's sent nukes to the US and Russia!" Donald soon after pulled a gun from inside his jacket and pointed it the Prime Minister. As Donald pulled the trigger the PM spoke the last words he'd ever say "Oh Fudge!"

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Alan Walker

Part-time Avid Gamer, self appointed nerd, and volunteer Karate Instructor

Long time reader, first time blogger

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