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America's defining moment for law enforcement and first responders.

And why the people getting their way, is a bad thing.

By Bradley PerryPublished 4 years ago 6 min read

This article is for my fellow law enforcement officers, retired, former, and current active duty. It is for the first responders and military personnel out there who feel the same way the police feel. There is a need for all of us because the ordinary person is not willing, able, or capable of taking care of the problems faced by society themselves. It takes a special breed of person to get up, put on a uniform knowing you are hated and at the same time, wanted and ridiculed regardless of the outcome, good or bad! Every city in America and indeed the world, is on fire right now in our world's history. Never before have we as a species been at a precipice like we are right now. As a profession, law enforcement often wonders if people realize what we do to ourselves. Only man is capable of hurting each other for no reason other than it makes us feel good or better about ourselves.

As we sit here in our homes and businesses, those that have been allowed to reopen anyway, and watch the country burn before our very eyes, we wonder what will come next? What is the level of Jumani that we will see ourselves thrust into? However it can be argued, that this is not Jumanji, it is in fact the evil of the world that is winning. Consider this, we have Republican and Democrat and Independent and Libertarian politicians all over the country, agree on one thing. One race of people and their supporters are evil, no questions asked! WHAT HAPPENED TO GEORGE FLOYD WAS TERRIBLE, and the officer(s) involved will get what is coming to him/them. What more do people want! Ladies and gentlemen, tearing your own cities and businesses up will not fix a damn thing! Let me say that again, tearing you own cities and businesses up will fix a damn thing! Let that sink in! All that is being achieved by rioting and looting is proving what the overlords in government already thing about us. We are stupid and can be controlled at the drop of a hat!

As first responders, there is a way we can get our point across without having to lay a hand on one single person. Refuse to do your jobs! Yes I understand how that sounds, but remember I used to be one of you, and I was fed up with the administration and the way we were portrayed long before this ever became an issue. It is a hard thing to hear, let alone to say, but let the people have what they want. Let the politicians have what they think they want. Stay at home for a few days, hell a few weeks! Give the people what they want, and they will beg you to come back to work and leave you alone and let you do your jobs! Don't believe me? Look at history and look at the world we live in to see this is the truth. All over the world, first responders are refusing to go to work in 3rd world countries. The result? People are cleaning themselves up because they have realized that while law enforcement is not perfect, and no profession is, they are better than lawlessness.

My fellow first responders, please think about what it will mean to take a stand just as the people are. Think about the powerful ramifications of going on strike! We don't get up and tell our loved ones goodbye knowing full well that, that may actually happen because we thin k it is a million dollar idea. It is a dirty job, but it has to be done. However, since no one appreciates it and thinks it is easy to do, let them! Is this harsh? Sure it is. Is this hard to say? It is, but it is the only way to get the point across. Think about this. Different professions strike all the time, and they are encouraged to. They are called heros who are just trying to secure a better life for themselves and their families. As first responders, we are told we took to long, we are not doing it the right way, we are to violent, we were not violent enough. Monday morning quarterbacks are out there and they are not necessarily a bad thing. But, keep one thing in mind, the police department is a microcosm of the community they represent. Think about that for a minute! If there is a corrupt department, the town itself is probably overwhelmingly corrupt as well. I don't meant the citizens, I mean the powers that be.

We have the rights we have in this country for a reason. The 1st Amendment is a good thing, and the right to speak up should be preserved. Look at the people who have a problem with it though. It is almost always politicians and city and states and federal officials that wither condone it, or speak out against it. You can tell by the situation which way it will go as well. If is a social justice issue, the "leaders" will overwhelmingly agree with the unrest and even encourage it. You can see the differences in the policies as close as towns that are literally miles apart! In Sanford, NC the mayor stated black lives are in fact, more important than all lives, because of history. He is a Republican, so people thought anyway. In Aberdeen, NC, just 40 miles, give or take, south, they closed up shop on Sunday 5/31/2020, and dared people to come break the lines! Who was right? That is what this article is about. When an office was forced to kill a suspect who had a warrant served on him for murder in Sanford, NC 2 years earlier, that same mayor sang his praises. What is the difference now? It is an election year and popular opinion states he must take a stand against the evil cops and freedom loving people he claims to represent.

Popular culture and his handlers have told him to take a stand against freedom and peace and he has listened. He has taken a stand against his police department, who are responsible for his protection as well, and the people who want to be able to go about their day and not live in fear of their homes, or businesses, or property, or families being victimized. Ladies and gentlemen, this has nothing to do with racial outrage in the end. This is a very unpopular thing to say, but it is the truth. Watch and listen as politicians use this to further their political agendas. I am hereby calling for all individuals who think this is uncalled for, to take up the cause and run for office. It is time to get rid of these career politicians and show them the real reason this country is great. It is not because of them and their views. It is not because they think we NEED them. It is because we the people make the country great. It s because we the people pay the salaries of the sorry politicians. It is not because the athletes, and movie stars and music stars and rich and famous people make it great. We, the people make this country great and it is high time we take our country back!

It is time to fight back! Stand up and fight back against the unruly mobs and politicians and famous people and media who encourage them. As they are threatening to take the fight to the neighborhoods, meet them with the force necessary to protect your families. Protect your rights as Americans to live without fear. To the law enforcement and other first responders, refuse to go to work to be cussed and injured simply because the politicians want it to be so. If we as a profession and as a nation start to stand up and take our country back, we will get our country back! Wake up America, and stand up for yourselves. Don't let the mobs of people who don't want anything other than free stuff and destruction because they can get away with it, win.


About the Creator

Bradley Perry

A former police officer from N.C. and also a medical professional. I write and have my own preparedness, security, and safety contracting and consulting firm. We also use drones. I also do blogs and have a podcast called The Blue View News.

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