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A Door Closed

What comes next?

By GetyourmindrightPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The moment has come

Dear Donald Trump,

I present myself to you as Michael Holloway. I am a young, aspiring musician from Chicago who believes everything happening in life, as a whole, works together for good. So many people love to hate you. Although at time I wonder what your personal agenda is, I certainly feel there are those who underestimate you. Being a leader means stepping up when nobody else is going to. Anyone can have an opinion. This takes minimum effort. However, keeping in mind that nobody is perfect, someone who steps up when a leader is needed deserves a certain degree of respect.

You are both a businessman and an entertainer; therefore it came no surprise that you were able to negotiate and entertain so well on platforms like twitter. This also explains why you were not afraid to be politically correct. It is obvious you did not come up a politician. The beauty in this describes someone who is willing to break cultural standards in order to steer things in a new direction.

Your level of confidence is rare; however, I do wonder if at times your agenda pertains to a degree of arrogance. I have seen you read from a bible. At the same time I have seen you encourage your “fans” to punch a man in the face. The fact that you are so good with people and yet not a peacemaker makes it hard to tell your validity in wanting to help people. It is very easy to kiss babies and sign arms, but inevitably, when true conflict arises, one’s true nature is revealed. It seemed that in the end, the republicans you stand for raided the capital in a mob like fashion, ruining any hope of victory. Perhaps if you had spent less time hyping your crowds up against the democrats, the protest would have remained just. I am not saying there is nothing to suspect of Biden, but now both sides seem to be so out of proportion. There is a lack of balance.

The most vital question I have for you is very simple. What has been your main agenda? Did you have one? Or did you simply enjoy being able to influence that many people for four terms. If your agenda is just, what are your plans for post-presidency. Certainly this is not the end. If your plan to make America great again truly means that much to you, even after Biden is inaugurated, you have a plan to ensure the country is in safe hands. If you simply disappear, not due to the media, perhaps your days of power trips are over. Even if you do not reply, this answer shall answer itself in time.

Surely you can convince both your followers and fans to act peacefully at the inauguration. The democrats may very well be scheming evil, but the storming of the capitol was a rash decision. The people lack a strategy right now. Everything is done out of emotion, which never results in an effective message. Soon, every group that once stood for a noble cause will become something completely different. With no side remembering what they originally stood for, all out war will break loose. If fighting is necessary, so be it; the main goal is to keep everyone United.

People would rather create violence rather than find a real solution. This is due to the fact that we project so much evil unto one another. Why do we do this? We have not learned to instead defeat the evil from within. Nobody wants to admit that they are the problem. If we all worked on ourselves the world would work as a whole. This may never happen because not everyone possesses the humility to do so. Much of the trouble America is going through is due to the fact that people don’t want to look themselves in the mirror. How offended they would be if they knew. Everything seems to be a blame game. However, if one side is plotting a greater evil, soon will be the time to fight for humanity.

I would also like to mention that although you are a very intellectual being, part of you has been brainwashed by the American culture. Not everything is business. I understand it is your passion. There is nothing wrong with implementing business into everything, but there is more to life than just deal and transactions. I cannot vouch for anything you do, but I certainly hope you take time to smell the flowers. Your life has to feel very busy and fast pace. This is exciting but easy to get lost in. I pray the relationship with your children is a strong one. As I said previously, I could not vouch for you even if I knew you.

So many citizens panicked the minute you won your own election. I believe that whoever wins is supposed to be in office for that term, good or not. Something greater controls the universe and I am not afraid of what I cannot control. It seems it was congresses desire to have you in office because they definitely choose the winners. Citizens vote for the government to vote. This feels a little bit like voteception to me. This really does not send a message that we hold the choice anyways. Perhaps if you write back, write in secret and answer some of these serious questions I have. You were obviously supposed to win your term due to the way the campaign was marketed.

None of these words are meant to criticize. I only speak out of curiosity and hope for you to receive my words with good sportsmanship and reply to as much as you can with sincerity. Your presidency may be over; however many a great things are still possible. I await the unfolding of your next steps with hopeful expectations and I wish you the best that life has to offer!

With warm regards,

Michael Alexander Gavin Holloway


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