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What is NFT

Non-Fungible Token

By Asad RahimPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

What is NFT

what is nft non-fungible token

The goal of a decentralized application (app) is to help users make money from their computing power, and not for the developers to profit from it. It’s like an app store or marketplace for apps. Anyone can build an app store that allows developers to sell their own apps at no cost, but if they want more than that then they have to pay for their access to the platform.

Nft is like an app store, in these apps users buy/lease tokens. However, unlike apps that I can download anytime I want them, these are locked up until someone needs them, so they cannot be stolen. If you need your wallet, just remember, you will not be able to use your token once it expires. You can still redeem your token if you get it back, but when a user has a certain amount of coins left they can use those tokens to purchase items at the marketplace. This lets the community control how resources are allocated, as well as set rules on who can use them. The most common app types are Ethereum with ERC20 tokens and Polkadot. A lot of people assume Polkadot is used to run smart contracts. A few problems with this type of app are they don’t store data, they only do one transaction type (shovel), can be hacked, which means your private key is exposed and you can lose all your coins. In contrast, some projects such as Matic do store all their transaction data, however, while others simply accept ETH, they may also have other currencies like Zcash and Bitcoin. One might notice a problem because there is no way to dispute that token is yours once the token expires. Another issue is the time period when you have to claim your token. With ethereum, there is a limited number of mints after each day, which helps mitigate this challenge by letting more people stake their money.

There isn’t much public information out there about NFT, and while there is plenty of articles about why someone would make such an expensive mistake, there isn’t enough info on how to protect yourself so that you get your money back. There are also two things that happen when token holders invest in crypto: firstly, they stop being able to redeem their tokens right away. That is where they are vulnerable to hackers. Secondly, they miss out on having many benefits from their investment, including staking coins. Many have never heard of anyone called “nft token” before, and they are simply defined as something that is not fungible. As far as I know the term “non-fungible” only applies to paper, metal or plastic, but real life doesn’t work that way. For NFT to become fungible we would have to make sure we are not holding any tokens that could be easily destroyed (the reason why they expire). Right now, you can’t really tell what NFT holds or when it expires until you look at it on a blockchain, but let’s say a couple of hundred dollars spent on 10 different NFT tokens isn’t bad if someone wants to spend it. Now, imagine if you wanted to spend that same amount, but you couldn’t do that because you had spent 100. A few years down the road you find that someone took advantage of your good fortune and steals half a million dollars worth of NFT. How will you ever redeem a fraction of your tokens? Not even if you take steps to try to reclaim your funds. Remember, there is nothing stopping anyone from using your money, everyone simply has something to prove that they have spent their money wisely, on time, and within their ability to earn from it. Also, if your token was held in the wrong place, like your home or car, that isn’t good either. Think about it, a $10 note in the mail with a coin in it is not an easy thing to redeem. But for the sake of people like you who were fooled, there is nothing you can do about it. So for example, if someone stole something that is meant to be with you forever, and that person wasn’t able to redeem his money like you were, then the thief loses money and has no recourse, he will have no choice but to give it to another person (assuming no one else does) or he will live knowing that he did not buy a piece of him. But if someone has thousands of pieces you don’t know if they are worth anything. Even if you are lucky enough to learn, there is never a way to truly fix what happened, the law will not apply and the thief will probably escape justice, just like that guy over there who robbed you of $155.

So how is it fair for someone to steal your token? If she stole the exact same amount as you or sold all her tokens, then she won. She paid for it, she earned it, and she can return it when it is needed. But that doesn’t help me. I am very happy that a hacker got my money (I hope, I hope I never see her again). At least now she knows she broke the rules, so she isn’t going to be taken advantage of again. But how is it fair for someone to steal the same way that someone did? Because it’s stealing a hard worker’s hard work. And it’s not going to be like losing something valuable, it will be like losing another dollar that should have not been wasted. If someone gets your token then that isn’t fair. They didn’t win the lottery, they did not earn the money they won, and they have a responsibility to your money and you. So we lose a little bit more of our hard work as a result of buying a token, that extra reward. We lose the opportunity to go to the mall or eat dinner or have fun. And in my eyes this isn’t like the loss of currency, it is more like the loss of wealth. If someone wins a lottery, it makes them wealthy overnight, but if someone wins a financial prize, it takes time to develop that part of themselves. Take this from an educational perspective: if someone wins a lottery it doesn’t destroy their chances for success anymore, it just gives them a chance to improve on their knowledge in a field where you’re not as well versed.


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    ARWritten by Asad Rahim

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