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How To Make Money With NFTs as a Beginner in 2022

How To Make Money With NFTs as a Beginner in 2022

By Usama RasheedPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

How To Make Money With NFTs as a Beginner in 2022

If you do not know what is NFT and want to create NFTs and want to make money by making NFTs. After reading this article you will know the complete information about what is NFT and how to make money by making NFT and the marketplaces of NFT.

What is NFT

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Tokens (Non-Replaceable) are digital objects that are unique and distinguishable from one another. They are also referred to as digital collectibles or virtual goods. They do not only exist on a blockchain like cryptocurrencies but can live in almost any format, such as a PDF file, Jpg, Png, Art, or Excel spreadsheet.

A great example of an application built around NFTs is Crypto Kitties, which was launched in late 2017 by Canadian startup Axiom Zen. In other words, it’s a token in a blockchain-based game or platform that you can trade between users like a commodity. If we think about crypto-collectibles like Crypto Kitties, each one of these virtual cats is unique, no two are exactly alike.

They’re non-fungible tokens. While most ERC20 and ERC721 tokens are fungible which means they can be divided up and used as currency each of these virtual cats could also be thought of as an individual asset with its own unique traits and value relative to other cats. Non-fungible tokens fall into different categories depending on what a company decides to do with them. For example, if an artist creates their first digital drawing on the blockchain, that may be considered a special type of non-fungible token called a crypto collectible, It’s both a physical asset and also has value digitally because it exists as data on certain blockchains.

What are Different types of NFTs?

Non-fungible tokens NFT are digital assets that represent something of value. By owning an NFT, you own something which only you can hold and own.

There are two types of non-fungible tokens:

  1. Crypto collectibles, fungible ERC-721 tokens
  2. And fungible ERC-20 tokens

Crypto collectibles like Crypto Kitties have different attributes, such as size, color, age, and ID number. Fungible means they’re equal in all respects to other identical items belonging to its class.

While each kitty is unique there are many others like it in existence with matching traits. They’re as good as any other kitty if exchanged for another token/crypto kitty at some time. An example of a fungible ERC-20 token would be ZRX or BAT. Each token represents an instance on their respective platform, but they can be interchanged just as ether tokens and U.S dollars or British pounds would be interchangeable in everyday life.

How to make money with NFTs

To make money with NFTs, you will buy them at a low price and sell them for more. This means that it’s in your best interest to constantly be on the lookout for these assets with potential and when you find one, consider buying as many as possible. If there are only a few of an NFT available on any exchange like Open Sea or Rare Bits, then you may want to pay a premium or extra fee to get first dibs; just don’t pay too much or else someone else could swoop in and take advantage of your largesse.

In addition, keep track of how supply and demand affect pricing, if demand suddenly shoots up without an increase in supply, then prices can soar quickly. A great example of this is Crypto Kitties: at its peak, one Crypto Kitty was sold for over $115,000 because so many people wanted them. However, once their popularity waned, their value fell precipitously…to $2! Like I said: volatile.



About the Creator

Usama Rasheed

Hi! I am Usama, I am a full-time blogger and social media influencer. I help people to build their businesses online. I wrote unique businesses ideas that you can start and make money online.

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