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10 Important Cryptocurrencies Other Than Bitcoin

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By Airidas KuprysPublished 2 years ago 11 min read
10 Important Cryptocurrencies Other Than Bitcoin
Photo by Tezos on Unsplash

What is a cryptocurrency?

Before taking a closer look at some of these alternatives to Bitcoin (BTC), let's take a step back and briefly explore the meaning of terms such as cryptocurrencies and altcoin. Cryptocurrencies in the broadest sense are virtual or digital money in the form of tokens or "coins". Some cryptocurrencies have made their way into the real world with credit cards and other projects, but the majority are not entirely important.


Cryptocurrency "cryptocurrency" refers to the complex encryption that enables the creation and processing of digital currencies and their transactions throughout a decentralized system. In addition to this important "cryptographic" feature, there is a common commitment to decentralization. Cryptocurrencies are usually developed as code by teams that incorporate mechanisms for issuance (but not always, often through a process called mining) and other controls.


Cryptocurrencies are most often designed to be free of government manipulation or control, but this basic aspect of the industry is being criticized as it grows in popularity. Cryptocurrencies modeled after Bitcoin, collectively referred to as altcoin, or sometimes sitcoin, are often presented as modified or enhanced versions of Bitcoin. Some of these currencies may have some striking properties that Bitcoin does not have, but it is still by Altcoin that the level of security that the Bitcoin network primarily achieves is achieved. Not seen.


Below, we will look at some of the major digital currencies other than Bitcoin. However, you need to be careful first. It is impossible to cover such a list. One reason for this is the fact that as of January 2022 there are over 8,000 cryptocurrencies.


In addition, the cryptocurrency space is constantly expanding and the next big digital token may be released tomorrow. Bitcoin is widely regarded as a pioneer in the cryptocurrency world, but analysts take many approaches to value tokens other than BTC. For example, analysts generally attach great importance to the valuation of coins in terms of market capitalization. With this in mind, there are other reasons why digital tokens can be included in the list.

Top 25 Gainers: Jan. 31, 2022

Name % Change (WoW)

FME 112.22%

All Sports 108.01%

indaHash 74.3%

Genaro Network 60.18%

Abyss Token 59.62%

Loon Network 49.25%

Patientory 43.68%

Dovu 42.29%

Hub - Human Trust Protocol 39.4%

Sentinel 33.77%

imbrex 31.83%

Curio 31.1%


Sologenic 25.33%

Everipedia 25.1%

BitBall 24.4%

Blockpass 24.16%

Dvision Network 22.61%

Memetic / PepeCoin 22.3%

Seele-N 22.27%

ODEM 22.22%

Contents Protocol 20.41%

Radicle 20.21%

Golden Ratio Coin 20.12%

TENT 19.73%

Types of Altcoins


Cryptocurrencies are intended for payments and value transfer (similar to digital money) over a user's decentralized network. Many altcoins (that is, neither Bitcoin nor Ethereum) are categorized in this way and are sometimes called tokens.



There are also blockchain-based tokens designed to serve purposes other than money. An example is a token issued as part of an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that represents shares in a blockchain or decentralized finance (DeFi) project. When tokens are associated with the value of a company or project, they are sometimes referred to as security tokens (like security, not security, such as stocks).

Other tokens have a particular use case or function. Examples include Storj tokens, which allow people to share files across a decentralized network, or Namecoin, which provides decentralized Domain Name System (DNS) service for Internet addresses. These are known as utility tokens.

Today, many crypto users understand and appreciate these differences, but traders and general investors are unaware of the differences as all token categories tend to trade the same in crypto exchanges. There is a possibility.


1. Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum (ETH), the first Bitcoin alternative on our list, allows you to build and run smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) without downtime, fraud, control, or third-party intervention. Is a decentralized software platform. The goal behind Ethereum is to create a decentralized suite of financial products that is freely accessible to anyone in the world, regardless of nationality, ethnicity or belief.

Applications on Ethereum run on Ether, a platform-specific cryptographic token. Ethereum (ETH) is like a means of navigating within the Ethereum platform, primarily for developers who want to develop and run applications within Ethereum, or investors who want to use Ethereum to buy other digital currencies. Is sought after by. Launched in 2015, ether is currently the second largest digital currency by market capitalization after Bitcoin, but is far behind the major cryptocurrencies. Ethereum's market capitalization, which traded at around $ 2,500 per ETH in January 2022, is more than half the market capitalization of Bitcoin.

In 2014, Ethereum launched the pre-sale of Ethereum, which was overwhelmingly popular. This helped usher in the era of ICO. According to Ethereum, it can be used to "codify, decentralize, protect and trade almost everything." After the 2016 Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) attack, Ethereum was split into Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC).

In December 2020, Ethereum switched its consensus algorithm from Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS). Secure the economic environment. PoS allows network participants to "bet" their ether on the network. This process helps protect the network and handle the transactions that occur. Those who do so will be rewarded with ether, as well as how the interest account works. This is an alternative to Bitcoin's PoW mechanism, providing more BTC for miners to process transactions.


2. Litecoin (LTC)

Launched in 2011, Litecoin (LTC) was one of the first cryptocurrencies to follow in the footsteps of Bitcoin and is often referred to as "Silver to Bitcoin Gold". Created by Charlie Lee, a graduate student at MIT and a former Google engineer.

Litecoin is built on an open source global payment network that is not controlled by central authorities and uses Scrypt as a PoW that can be decrypted using the consumer's central processing unit (CPU). Litecoin is similar to Bitcoin in many respects, but has a faster block generation rate, which reduces transaction confirmation time.

Besides developers, more and more merchants are accepting Litecoin. As of January 2022, Litecoin has a market capitalization of $ 7.3 billion and a value of about $ 105 per token, making it the 22nd largest cryptocurrency in the world.


3. Cardano (ADA)

Cardano (ADA) is an “Ouroboros proof-of-stake” cryptocurrency that became created with a research-primarily based totally method via way of means of engineers, mathematicians, and cryptography experts.

The mission became co-based via way of means of Charles Hoskinson, one of the 5 preliminary founding individuals of Ethereum. After having a few disagreements with the route that Ethereum became taking, he left and later helped to create Cardano.

The team behind Cardano created the blockchain through extensive experimentation and peer-reviewed research. The researchers behind the project have written over 120 articles on blockchain technology on a variety of topics. This study is the backbone of Cardano.

Due to this rigorous process, Cardano seems to stand out from PoS peers and other major cryptocurrencies. Cardano is also known as the "Etherium Killer" because its blockchain is said to have more capabilities. However, Cardano is still in its infancy. We've defeated Ethereum against the PoS consensus model, but we still have a long way to go when it comes to DeFi applications.

Cardano aims to become the global financial operating system by launching DeFi products similar to Ethereum, offering solutions such as chain interoperability, fraudulent voting, and legal contract tracking. As of January 2022, Cardano has a market capitalization of $ 33 billion, the sixth largest, and ADA is trading at about $ 1.05.


4. Polkadot (DOT)

Polkadot (DOT) is a completely unique PoS cryptocurrency geared toward turning in interoperability amongst different blockchains. Its protocol is designed to attach permissioned and permissionless blockchains in addition to oracles to permit structures to paintings collectively below one roof. Polkadot`s middle aspect is its relay chain, which lets in the interoperability of various networks. It additionally lets in for parachains, or parallel blockchains with their very own local tokens for specific-use cases.

Where Polkadot differs from Ethereum is that as opposed to developing simply dApps on Polkadot, builders can create their very own blockchain even as additionally the usage of the safety that Polkadot`s chain already has. With Ethereum, builders can create new blockchains however want to create their very own protection measures, which could go away new and smaller initiatives open to assault due to the fact the bigger a blockchain, the greater protection it has. This idea in Polkadot is referred to as shared protection.

Polkadot was created by Gavin Wood, another member of the Ethereum project's core founder, who had different views on the future of the project. As of January 2022, Polkadot has a market capitalization of approximately $ 19 billion and DOT is trading at $ 17.70.


5. Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Bitcoin Cash BCH occupies an important position in the history of altcoin as it is one of the earliest and most successful hard forks of the original Bitcoin. In the world of cryptocurrencies, forks arise as a result of discussions and discussions between developers and miners. Since digital currencies are decentralized, drastic changes to the underlying code of each token or coin should be based on general consensus. The mechanism of this process depends on the cryptocurrency in question.

If different factions cannot agree, the digital currency may be split, the original chain will be faithful to the original code, the new chain will start as a new version of the previous coin and the code will be changed.

BCH was born in August 2017 as a result of one of these divisions. The discussion that led to the creation of BCH was related to scalability issues. The Bitcoin network has a block size limit: 1 megabyte (MB). BCH has increased the block size from 1MB to 8MB. This is because the larger the block, the more transactions it can hold, which improves transaction speed.

We also make other changes, such as removing the Segregated Witness protocol, which affects block space.

As of January 2022, BCH has a market capitalization of approximately $ 5.3 billion and a value per token of $ 280.


6 stellar (XLM)

Stellar (XLM) is an open blockchain network designed to provide enterprise solutions by connecting financial institutions for large transactions. Large-scale transactions between banks and brokerage firms (which usually take days, involve many intermediaries, and cost a lot) can be done almost instantly without an intermediary, and the person doing the transaction. It costs little or no for you.

Stellar has established itself as an enterprise blockchain for organized transactions, but it is still an open blockchain that anyone can use. This system allows cross-border transactions between all currencies. The home currency of Stellar Lumen is Lumen (XLM). In a network, a user must own a lumen in order to execute a transaction on the network.

Stellar was founded by Jed McCaleb, a founding member of Ripple Labs and the developer of the Ripple protocol. He eventually left his role at Ripple and co-founded the Stellar Development Foundation. The

Stellar Lumens has a market capitalization of $ 5 billion and is valued at 20 cents as of January 2022.



Dogecoin (DOGE), believed by some to be the original "Memecoin", caused a great deal of turmoil in 2021 as coin prices soared. Coins that use the Shiba Inu image as an avatar have been accepted for payment by many major companies, including Dallas Mavericks, Kronos, and perhaps most notably, SpaceX, an American aerospace maker owned by Elon Musk. I am.

Dogecoin turned into created via way of means of software program engineers, Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, in 2013. Markus and Palmer reportedly created the coin as a joke, commenting at the wild hypothesis of the cryptocurrency market.

Doge's price hit a record high of about 0.74 cents a week when Musk was scheduled to perform on Saturday Night Live. As of January 2022, Dogecoin has a market capitalization of $ 18 billion and is valued at around 14 cents, making it the 11th largest cryptocurrency.


8. Binance Coin (BNB)

Binance Coin (BNB) is a utility cryptocurrency that acts as a payment method for fees associated with transactions on the Binance Exchange. It is the third largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Those who use tokens as a payment method for exchanges can trade at a discounted price.

Binance Coin's blockchain is also the platform on which Binance's decentralized exchanges operate. Founded by Changpeng Zhao, Binance Exchange is one of the most frequently used exchanges in the world in terms of trading volume.

Binance Coin was originally an ERC20 token running on the Ethereum blockchain. Eventually, a unique mainnet was launched. The network uses the PoS consensus model. As of January 2022, Binance Coin has a market capitalization of $ 62.5 billion and BNB is worth $ 372.


9. Tether (USDT)

Tether (USDT) was one of the first and most popular of the so-called stablecoin groups. It is a cryptocurrency whose purpose is to lock market value to a currency or other external reference point to reduce volatility. Most digital currencies, even large currencies like Bitcoin, frequently see dramatic volatility attacks, so tethers and other stablecoins smooth price fluctuations, otherwise. Attempts to attract users who may be cautious. The price of tether is directly related to the price of US dollars. This system allows users to convert back to US dollars faster than they can actually convert from other cryptocurrencies to US dollars.

Launched in 2014, Tether claims to be a "blockchain-enabled platform ... promoting the digital use of fiat currencies."

This cryptocurrency allows individuals to effectively leverage blockchain networks and related technologies to execute transactions in traditional currencies while minimizing the volatility and complexity often associated with digital currencies. ..

As of January 2022, Tether is the fourth largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, with a market capitalization of $ 78.3 billion and a market capitalization of $ 1.


10. Monero (XMR)

Monero XMR is a secure, private and untraceable currency. This open source cryptocurrency was launched in April 2014 and soon attracted a lot of attention from the crypto community and its enthusiasts. The development of this cryptocurrency is entirely donation-based and community-led.

Launched with a focus on decentralization and scalability, Monero uses a special technique called "ring signatures" to achieve complete privacy. They all look valid and cannot be separated.

Due to these extraordinary security mechanisms, Monero has gained a fairly unpleasant reputation-it is linked to criminal activity around the world. While this is a prime candidate for anonymous criminal transactions, Monero's privacy also helps dissidents in oppressive governments around the world.

As of January 2022, Monero has a market capitalization of $ 2.6 billion and tokens worth $ 143.


Honorable Mentions

We could only list 10 altcoins above, but there are many other major cryptocurrencies that are competing for their position in terms of user base, market value, and their impact over time.



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    AKWritten by Airidas Kuprys

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