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custom tshirt

By john caryPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Wait! Do not purchase the polyester t-shirt that you need for your class right now. If you're thinking of purchasing one of ours and you want to design a unique awesome, class-specific t-shirt We'll advise that you should go ahead. In other words, you may want to look into cotton T-shirts instead (which we happen to have in our inventory).

Did you be aware that cotton makes up the majority of the fabric produced around the globe?

It's a fact that you've heard of. There's a reason it's a widely used material for the production of clothing, and no, this isn't due on "Cotton On".

Cotton is used in the production of clothes over the years for many different purposes. Natural fibres are made by using the flower from Cotton plants and passing through a machine that can remove the usable lint from the seeds.

Fun fact and side note, did you have any idea that the machine is Cotton Gin? It's believed it's because the "Gin" is merely a shortening of "Engine".

The final outcome is a durable fabric which can be used in the production of clothes. Cotton is the most popular fabric for clothing because of a variety of reasons , including its strength and flexibility.

We would recommend that you opt for cotton instead of plain old polyester, or, the more sophisticated type of polyester called Dri-Fit?

First of all, there are several main reasons to consider a cotton for custom t-shirt manufacturing as the new preferred shirt. Not to mention, your preferred material in custom printing.


Cotton is a plant that is harvested, and although there are environmental impacts to be considered however, it's not as expensive as petroleum-based Polyester (which is what the Drifit is in its essence). What you don't know about this industry that involves custom printing on garments is that Dri-fit or polyester material will say that it's more difficult to use.

What we mean is that polyester is able to be a water-repelling substance and, consequently isn't particularly content when printed on using the water-based printing methods is the most common method of printing. Although there are different ways we could use to print on the water-resistant substance of polyester, it would, however, result in more expensive costs for the printers and you to print on this material using specialized methods and inks.

The absorbency of cotton allows ink to penetrate the entire fabric, not only the surface, which reduces the risk of cracks and other imperfections. It is extremely soft, long-lasting and biodegradable. This makes it not only healthier for the environment as well as a great option for clothing which will come in contact with the skin.

In contrast, if you've had the misfortune of putting mustard or ketchup staining on your cotton tee and noticed you've got the nefarious ability to magically transform into the Jackson Pollock faster than you could consume that hotdog (Or hamburger). Select the food item or condiments you encounter issues with, and which could cause stains on your clothing regardless of the precautions you take beforehand).


We touched on this issue a bit in the previous paragraphs however let's examine this in more detail.

It is likely that you have been familiar with fleece, polyester jeans, denim and other types of material. Which one would you wear the longest during this Singaporean hot weather and still be comfy? We've all seen how easy it is to feel like you're bombarded by thousands of ants...especially after just a few moments exploring the gardens or sitting in a line for the bus in the hot noon sun.

Denim and fleece is not a good idea considering the thickness they can be and the effectiveness one is at absorbing heat to keep the wearer warm.

While cotton has disadvantages, such as being able to absorb sweat however, polyester is a lightweight material that isn't as efficient in absorbing sweat as that it is able to wick the sweat away, keeping your body dry. While this might be great for certain people, polyester is prone to trapping in bacteria, which can lead to unpleasant smells.

Eco-friendly and sustainable

It's no secret that in the present day and age, we're all more aware of the environmental problems which are affecting our planet. Maybe not everyone but a significant portion of us If Greta Thunberg is any indication of the direction we're heading as a nation.

However, it's not surprising that polyester and cotton fibres account for more than 80 percent of all fibre production in the world. It's even more surprising that both are produced at the same time.

However, what we're most interested in is the impact on the environment given that both are the most sought-after types of fabric available with equal demand for polyester as well as cotton.

As we have mentioned in the previous article, polyester is petroleum or oil base and is synthesized. It's basically a form of plastic in the way you consider it. However it is also a naturally occurring fiber. It is evident that the natural character of cotton makes it a good candidate for becoming a sustainable option because we can regenerate cotton plants.

Now, the most savvy of you may be asking What if a certain Gail Baugh of the fashion industry say that the production of both cotton and polyester consume the same resources, and that as much as two-thirds of the resources are lost in the case of cotton , which makes polyester a better claim to yield more per resource input?

Although we are aware of the dire situation of this region, we do recognize the plight of Aral Sea Basin. It is still important to recognize that Cotton offers a distinct advantage because it is biodegradable, unlike polyester. We are aware that polyester can be recycled however, it's dependent on individual effort unlike cotton , which will decay on its own in time, even if we don't take it to a recycling facility.

Closing words

It is undisputed that this tiny flowering plant is stunning sturdy, durable, and most comfortable of fabric that can be used to make the design of a t-shirt or for custom printing.

As if it wasn't already made explicit in our article that we actually specialize with custom printing for clothing. If you're looking to create a special t-shirt or seeking to outfit your entire business with a stylish custom printed company uniforms, we're there for you! Contact us now by dropping us a message or visiting our website for more information.


About the Creator

john cary

John Cary has been a fashion enthusiast for quite some time. With over a decade of experience working as a marketing specialist at Steve Apparel, he has gained tremendous insights and expertise, enabling him to foreshadow future trends.

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