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How to wear a fashionable temperament model?

Wear the basic models to fashionable temperament model

By KrukovskyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
How to wear a fashionable temperament model?
Photo by Carmine Furletti on Unsplash

The fashionable people in the eyes of the public are not those who are dressed in strange clothes or street trendy but can wear simple and comfortable basic models with a fashionable temperament. These people may not be models, fashion bloggers, just passers-by everywhere on the street, but with a sophisticated, atmospheric style, easily stand out in the crowd. I have to say, these people will dress up, do not show arms and legs, rely on the basics to wear a fashion temperament model, take a look at it!

A long jacket to wear for demonstration

A very significant feature of street photography is to like long coats, especially long trench coats, long coats, and long leather coats, the rate of appearance can not be said to be high.

There is no standard answer to dressing up

The season is different, the pursuit of dressing is also different, the pursuit of warmth and comfort in autumn and winter, but also reflects the wearer's style, natural atmosphere, valiant and elegant, is the temperament of the woman should have the model.

The long jacket can undoubtedly easily meet this need to create the temperature and breeze to coexist in the street look. The long trench coat in addition to the choice of khaki, black, middle-aged, and elderly people can also try military green or beige trench coats.

The long trench coat is a trench coat dress to wear, then to the waist, shoes should also ensure to be able to strengthen the style, pointed fine heel shoes, fine heel ankle boots are a good choice to wear a good X-shaped body.

The straight or contoured long trench coat is recommended to wear open, with blue straight jeans to correct the leg shape, emphasizing the sense of sharpness, the gas field is easily enhanced. We can also choose a silk scarf, shawls on the shoulders, elegant and sophisticated.

Second, a short jacket-wearing demonstration

The long jacket is the mainly a valiant atmosphere, the short jacket is flexible and practical, for no with the headset of beauty, we can also learn from foreign passers-by short jacket with, see how they use the basic models to wear a sense of fashion.

The length in the waistline or crotch near the suit, leather jacket, and short windbreaker are very good choices, versatile and practical, and warm. Brown, brown, camel, black or navy blue suits are quite suitable for the middle-aged and elderly, looking competent and not losing elegance and stability.

The earth color suit may be paired with black nine-point jeans, the color scheme is calm and advanced, and the exposed ankles are also very age-defying. The navy blue suit with nine-point small white pants most colorful.

Young people and middle-aged people are not recommended to choose waist-skimming suits, straight cut loose suits are the yard, out on the street concave modeling adds a few points of rate and spontaneity.

Apricot, oatmeal, and haze gray these colors of solid color suits, with straight pants, the upper and lower lines are smooth, thin, and dressy.

In street photography, a variety of short jackets with blue jeans is the most common way to wear, not only simple and good, and the style of casual chic, very close to life, is anyone can easily manage the fashion ride.

It is important to note a few things here, blue jeans to choose a style that suits the leg shape, straight long, straight nine-point models are good choices. The next thing you want to do is to match the short boots to keep warm or use Subroutines with short socks. Finally, it is best to add accessories to the look, or a bag that can enhance the class.

There is no standard answer to dressing up

The short jacket made of the granny shirt and corduroy can also be prepared in autumn. The idea of matching is much the same as the suit, short leather jacket, and short trench coat.

In addition to matching jeans, khaki casual pants and a black short jacket with elegant and calm, are also worth learning about. Learn foreign passersby, the color echoing skills into the modeling, too exquisite.

Three, other dressing in street photography

Most passers-by are ordinary people, the reason why they are outwardly elegant is that they all show their sparkle with the help of dressing and become their protagonists.

Older people don't need to resist printed items, like leopard print jackets or some printed jackets, the chicness shown by a proper match is not lost on the basic models.

The most important thing is that you can combine these items in a simple and complicated way, such as using a leopard print jacket with black bottoms and black boots or using a printed short jacket with corduroy wide-leg pants.

There is no standard answer to dressing up. Pants and skirts can be worn to look fashionable. If you're looking for a good look, it's recommended to choose a long skirt, such as a knitted skirt, a shirt skirt, a velvet skirt, or a half-length skirt with a thick material.

Leather jackets, suits, and other jackets mixed with skirts are both simple and can continue the romance, mixed with Martin boots or boots, out on the street easy to win.

Conclusion: Autumn, not to wear eye-catching is equal to fashionable, no effort but can reflect the taste of dressing with, is fashionable, like these passers-by, obviously are common single product, with the effect is magnanimous and good-looking, worth learning!


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