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Guide to Second-Hand Fashion

And a few tips

By Gaia’s WayPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Second-hand fashion has innovated many young entrepreneurs to start their own business. Their inspiration seems to be one of sustainability and helping clean up the lands. Their creativity goes beyond that of mainstream fashion.

What is second-hand fashion?

In the past 10 years, there has been a growing concern on how industrial production impacts the environment. Because of this, the wide use of second-hand clothes has become normal, whereas before, this was not something done often.

This might sound simple, but this type of fashion goes way above that. It is apparel or an accessory that once belonged to someone else. There are many ways that you can get used clothes such as:

  • Asking family or friends for unwanted items
  • Going to the thrift store
  • Going to clothes swap
  • Or going to online stores that sell second-hand

Where can I get second-hand clothes?

There are many ways that you can obtain second-hand fashion. Here are some online stores that you can buy from and sell!

  • Depop: You can find some amazing pieces here! From vintage, second-hand, DIY items, and jewelry.
  • Mercari: Also another selling platform, from clothes, home accessories, and shoes.
  • Poshmark: a selling platform where you can find many unique items!
  • Curtsy: this is Poshmarks new competition. Many young people have begun to sell their second-hand items. You can also purchase from their stores!

Here are some stores you can find around your home.

  • Savers: This is a HUGE warehouse that you can find home accessories, clothes, shoes, and even some rare paintings!
  • Goodwill: this is the most known store for second-hand. You can find clothes, shoes, home accessories, and donate.
  • Salvation Army: this is a new store that I just found. This is the same as Saver’s and Goodwill.
  • Angelview: Compared to the other stores, they do not focus on selling clothes, but rather furniture.

Can I start a business from home reselling?


There are so many young people starting a small business reselling their used clothes. The apps I listed are a perfect way to start selling your clothes and make some profit! Here are some tips:

  • You can sell anything! Literally, ANYTHING.
  • Post pictures without them being edited; the more honest, the more your customers will trust you!
  • Try them on! Post pictures with a mannequin or trying it someone. People like seeing how it fits.
  • Do not edit pictures. It can show the wrong colors on the item
  • On the description, make sure to list all the details on the item. The better the description, the more traffic you’ll generate.
  • Do not be scared to list any flaws. People will buy it, after all, the community knows this is part of second-hand clothing!
  • Only buy items you think will give you a profit!
  • Don’t abuse reselling, fast fashion pieces do not sell for much on their websites, do not put it for more than what it is.

Don’t forget that creativity is your best friend! When you buy an item, there are many things you can do it. This is called upcycling. This is when you turn a shirt into a crop top, do some designs on it, or maybe turn them into some shorts. Here are some ideas:

  • Tops: you can convert this into a crop top, cut it and maybe do some braids on it.
  • Pants: you can distress them, make into shorts, paint on them, or add patches!
  • Dresses: you can make them shorter, do a slit, or add some extra layers with extra fabric.

These are all ways to dive into the second-hand world and start your own sustainable fashion line!

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About the Creator

Gaia’s Way

My name is Sheccid Medel. I'm here to share a little piece of my heart and soul. I want to be part of a growing sustainable community; spreading awareness of sustainable fashion, beauty, and innovations. Let us support Mother Nature. 🌺🌸🍃

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