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A Complete Guide To Birthstone Jewelry

Birthstone Jewelry

By Finer JewelryPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

For millennia, birthstone jewelry has been a popular theme in both Western and Eastern cultures. This concept has been used all around the world, with a gemstone representing a person's birth month. The gemstones that belong to the months, on the other hand, have altered with time.

The origins of the custom may typically be traced back to the Bible's description of the 12 stones placed into a Jewish priest's breastplate. The idea of having a gemstone that signifies numerous traits to represent a month grew in popularity over time.

There were no hard and fast standards, and many people were more concerned with the color of the stone than with the variety. For example, garnet and ruby were once used interchangeably as January birthstones because of their similar colors, and tanzanite, turquoise, lapis lazuli, and blue topaz are still used interchangeably as December birthstones today since they are all blue stones. Engagement Rings Hosuton.

Because of this widespread misunderstanding, The National Association of Jewelers, which is now known as Jewelers of America, formed the essence of the current American list in 1912. It was an attempt to categorize the jewels that had been linked to certain months throughout history.

Garnet is the birthstone for January

Garnets exist in a variety of colors, but they are most well-known for having a stunning shade of red. It is one of the oldest gemstones, with thousands of years of use in jewelry. While garnet and ruby are quite similar and can be mistaken for one another, garnet is significantly less expensive and has a more pronounced crimson tint.

The Meaning of the Birthstone for January

Garnets have long been associated with commitment and commitment to one's friends, family, and oneself. Many people believe that garnet gives good luck in different endeavors, such as commerce. These stones are highly regarded for their healing and protecting properties.

Amethyst is the birthstone for February

Amethysts are one of the most well-known gemstones and the most well-known purple rock. The color of the amethyst, which is made of quartz, is what makes it so unique. Amethysts were once valued on par with diamonds and sapphires and were only worn by royalty. However, as vast amethyst reserves were discovered in Brazil, the stone became much more inexpensive and accessible to the general public. Custom Jewelry.

The Meaning of the Birthstone for February

Amethyst is a stone with a long history and a plethora of legends surrounding its origin.

Amethysts are thought to stimulate dulled imaginations and stimulate creativity. It is claimed to aid in the cleansing of ideas and the acquisition of wisdom. Amethyst is a stone for the psyche, in other words.

Aquamarine is the birthstone for March

Aquamarine is the birthstone for those born in March. The refreshing and striking blue color of this member of the beryl family (it is closely related to the emerald) is well-known.

Aquamarine is generated by powerful and intense geological processes deep within the earth. Its name is derived from a Latin term that means "seawater," implying that it is blue-green in color.

The Meaning of the Birthstone for March

Because of its lovely blue hues, aquamarine is connected with water. As a result, the stone was traditionally worn as a protective talisman, particularly by seafarers. Aquamarine is also thought to ease stress and has a relaxing impact on those who wear it.

It also emphasizes faithfulness, courage, and friendship, and is a symbol for a happy and committed married life.

Diamonds are the April birthstone

Diamonds, the most popular and most prized gemstone, are the birthstone for those born in April! Diamonds have a Mohs hardness rating of ten, making them the hardest natural substance known. They are a simple, timeless, and elegant stone that is incredibly durable and has outstanding brilliance. Although most people think of diamonds as being colorless, they come in a variety of colors.

The Meaning of April's Birthstone

Diamonds are the ideal emblem for devotion and longevity due to their exceptional durability. This is one of the reasons they are the most popular engagement ring option. Diamonds are often associated with purity and strength.

Emerald is the birthstone for May

The emerald is a member of the beryl family and is known for its distinctive green tint. Emeralds are famed for their elegance and opulence and have long been associated with monarchy. It is one of the most popular and ancient gemstones and has been used in jewelry for ages. There's even a cut named after it.

The Meaning of the May Birthstone

Emeralds are supposed to keep love and passion alive in partnerships, as well as being a symbol of hope, love success, and home bliss. Emeralds have long been employed as talismans to ward off evil in various cultures.

The emerald is also connected with the season of spring and the green of nature because of its refreshing natural tint.

Pearl is the birthstone for June

The organic gemstone is the name given to this lovely stone. When an irritant, such as sand, becomes lodged inside an oyster, it causes it to rupture. Pearls are extremely fragile stones with a Mohs hardness rating of 2.5 to 4.5. This leaves them vulnerable to harm and necessitates proper care.

The Meaning of June's Birthstone

Pearls are thought to bring wealth and good fortune to those who wear them. It represents success, joy, and love. Pearls are a favorite wedding day gemstone because they represent purity, innocence, and elegance.

Ruby is the birthstone for July

The ruby is a valuable and sought-after gemstone. Rubies are a type of corundum that is essentially a red sapphire with a striking reddish color. This is a rare gemstone, and large natural rubies are difficult to come by because they are generated in small sizes. It is an ideal gemstone for everyday use due to its toughness and toughness.

The Meaning of the July Birthstone

Rubies have long been connected with love, romance, and passion due to their red color. It's thought to be a stone that may open the heart and help people fall in love. It's the ideal sign of love and friendship as a present.

Peridot is the birthstone for August

Peridot has been present for generations, despite not being a very popular or well-known gemstone. Its vivid light green hue is highly noticeable when worn, and it shines out brilliantly. Because of its color, peridot is known as the twilight emerald.

Meaning of the Birthstone for August

Peridot is a stone of courage and power. It is said to offer protective properties and to aid in the treatment of despair, rage, jealousy, and anxiety in those who wear it. Peridot is worn by many people because it is supposed to strengthen life and attract wealth and growth.

Sapphire is the birthstone for September

The vivid blue color of sapphire is perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the name. Sapphires, on the other hand, come in a variety of colors, with pink sapphires becoming increasingly fashionable. Sapphires are perfect for daily use because they are extremely durable stones (9 on the Mohs scale) and require little care.

The Meaning of September's Birthstone

Sapphire is a stone that represents loyalty and promise. It is a symbol of knowledge for many people, and it is said to aid communication and inspiration. Peace, serenity, and calmness are all qualities that sapphires foster.

Opal is the birthstone for October

Opals are a good birthstone for anyone born in October. The reason for this is that each opal is unique in some manner due to its patterns and flashes of color. Because opals are fragile gemstones with a hardness of 5.5 to 6.5, they must be handled with care. There are numerous different types of opals, ranging from dark to light and quiet to flaming.

The Meaning of the October Birthstone

Opals are thought to be stones that are closely linked to emotions. They are thought to represent love, loyalty, and hope. Opals are also thought to promote imagination, creativity, and passion. It's a unique stone with a lot of personalities.

Citrine is the birthstone for November

Citrine is derived from the French word citron, and it is simple to see why this stone was given this name. It's known for its mellow golden yellow tones, but it's also available in a range of other hues.

Citrine is a rare stone that belongs to the quartz family (together with amethyst).

The Meaning of the November Birthstone

Yellow has long been a color that conjures up feelings of happiness and optimism. It's no surprise that citrine is associated with these ideas, such as happiness, vigor, and generosity. Citrine is thought to bring balance and harmony to those who are prone to irritability and unrest.

Turquoise is the birthstone for December

Turquoise was one of the first stones to be mined, with a history dating back over 3000 years! It's a translucent gemstone with a fascinating color. It is the only gemstone with a color designation. This color is caused by the presence of copper and traces of iron (which give it a greenish hue) during the manufacturing process.

The Meaning of the December Birthstone

Turquoise is a tranquil and soothing color that has long been seen to be a health indicator for those who wear it.

I'm looking for birthstone jewelry, but I'm not sure where I can find it?

When it comes to buying birthstone jewelry, going online gives you simple access to affordable pricing and an almost limitless selection. Finer Jewelry has a whole department dedicated to birthstone jewelry, with pricing to fit all budgets. Pendants, rings, earrings, and bracelets are among the items available, all of which can be personalized.


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