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5 Interesting Facts About Wigs

Learn About Hair Pieces

By Sierra PowellPublished about a year ago 3 min read

People like wearing wigs for multiple reasons, but little do they know wigs have been around for centuries. There are multiple such facts about wigs that people might have yet to hear about commonly. Don’t you think it is better to know more about something before using it as a fashion symbol or for whatever reason? You do; that's why this blog is for you. As you read ahead, you will explore some of the most bizarre facts about wigs.

1. It Was Disease Which Popularized Wigs in Europe

One of the most fascinating and bizarre facts about wigs is that syphilis, a disease, played a significant role in their popularity during the 16th and 17th centuries. Syphilis was rampant in Europe during this time, and one of its symptoms was hair loss, which led to a high demand for wigs.

Wigs were seen as a solution to the embarrassment of hair loss caused by syphilis, and many people began to wear them as a way to hide their condition. Some historians suggest that the popularity of wigs during this time was mainly due to the widespread presence of the disease. Wigs were also used by those who did not have the disease but wanted to appear fashionable and wealthy. As a result, wigs became a symbol of social status and were worn by royalty, aristocrats, and the wealthy.

2. The Wig Trend Was More Popular Among Men

Despite the common perception that wigs are primarily a women's fashion accessory, wigs were more prevalent among men than women for many centuries. In fact, in the 17th and 18th centuries, wigs were considered an essential part of a gentleman's wardrobe and were worn by many men of all social classes.

Wearing a wig was seen as a sign of professionalism and respectability, and many men in fields like law, politics, and medicine wore wigs as part of their daily attire. It was in the 19th century that women began to adopt wigs as fashion accessories in large numbers. Even then, wigs were primarily worn by women who had lost their natural hair due to illness or other reasons rather than as a fashion statement.

3. Naturally, Red Hair Wigs Are Quite Rare

While you can find a wide variety of luxury wigs online in a wide variety of colors, finding a natural red wig is very rare. This is partly due to natural red hair being a relatively uncommon genetic trait, with only about 1-2% of the world's population having naturally red hair. Because of this rarity, it is more difficult and expensive to source high-quality human hair in shades of red for wig-making. While synthetic hair can be easily dyed in various colors, natural hair must be sourced in the desired color, making red wigs a more challenging and expensive option.

4. Unused Wig Hair is Used Uniquely for Different Purposes

After a wig is made, there is often excess hair that is not used. Rather than throwing away this hair, it is often repurposed for various unique and surprising uses. Wig hair is often used as a substitute for feathers in constructing fly-fishing lures, as the hair can mimic the movement and texture of natural insect wings. Apart from that, dollmakers often use high-quality human hair sourced from wigs to create realistic and lifelike hair for their creations.

5. Synthetic Wigs Have Improved a Lot Over the Years

People did not think of using synthetic wigs in earlier days, but these wigs have improved a lot with time. In the past, synthetic wigs were often easy to spot due to their unnatural appearance and shiny texture. However, advances in technology have led to the creation of synthetic wigs that are much more realistic and natural-looking than ever before. Today's synthetic wigs come in a variety of textures and can be found in nearly any color imaginable.


In conclusion, wigs have a fascinating history and culture that goes far beyond their use as a fashion accessory. From their popularity due to syphilis to their becoming a status symbol and from their unique uses to the popularity of synthetic wigs shows how far the wig-making industry has come. Whether you want to create a new look or hide baldness, wigs offer endless possibilities and have played an essential role in many cultures throughout history.


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