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By BITRAJ DIFOESAPublished 11 months ago 3 min read


The 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (the "Old Guard") honours America's fallen heroes by erecting American flags at the graves of servicemen and women interred in Arlington National Cemetery and the U.S. Soldiers' and Airmen's Home National Cemetery just before Memorial Day weekend.

We are currently in Arlington National Cemetery's section 64.

And today we are carrying out a procedure known as "flags in," in which all the units are given certain portions of the cemetery and we go ahead and plant the flags on the gravestones.

The first time I went through and accomplished this, it was so intense that I almost couldn't describe it. It was a really honourable act, I suppose.

I believed I was capable. I believe that by all of us coming out here with the old guard, we are doing the bare minimum for the hundreds of thousands of service people who gave their lives in battle.

I'm a second generation person, so. My dad also volunteered.

He's still living, but he's had soldiers pass through whose grave markers are also present.

So that gives me the impression that I'm also contributing. Giving these slain heroes who are standing here before us some of our time, respect, and thanks.

I believe that now that Memorial Day has arrived, everyone is thinking about the long weekend and other things rather than pausing to say, "Wow, this is why we have this whole day, or this is why the cookouts are happening, or whatever." It's not something that comes naturally. It deserved it.

They are responsible for everyone who is interred in the Arlington National Cemetery today. Don't lose sight of its actual significance.

currently we are in section 64 of Arlington National Cemetery.

and today we are conducting what's called flags in,

it's where all the units are designated certain sections throughout the

cemetery, and we go ahead and place the flags of the tombstones.

First time I went through and did this, uh, it was very,

I almost didn't have words for it. It was a very honorable thing.

I felt like I could do. all of us coming out here with the old guard,

I feel like it's the very least that we can do for these hundreds of thousands

of service members that paid the ultimate sacrifice.

I am from a second generation, so to speak. My father also served.

He is still living, but gravestones for troops who served with him in the past can also be seen.

I so feel as though I am also giving back. You know, returning some of the time, respect, and thanks to these fallen heroes who are here in front of us

What does Arlington National Cemetery's flag policy entail?

The 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (the "Old Guard") honours America's fallen heroes by erecting American flags at the graves of servicemen and women interred in Arlington National Cemetery and the U.S. Soldiers' and Airmen's Home National Cemetery just before Memorial Day weekend.

The colour blue indicates that no gravestone photographs have been taken at that cemetery yet. Green indicates that the cemetery has had some photos taken there. It might also imply that the cemetery is already complete. Orange indicates that a photo request has been submitted at that cemetery.

what makes Arlington National Cemetery unique

Many of our nation's greatest heroes rest in Arlington National Cemetery, the most well-known cemetery in the nation, which also includes more than 300,000 veterans of every American war, from the Revolutionary War to the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars.

As Memorial Day approaches, I believe that most people will focus on the long weekend and other things rather than pausing to realise, "Wow, this is why we have this whole day," "This is why the cookouts are happening," and other such things.

It is not something that comes naturally. It deserved it.

They are responsible for everyone who is interred in the Arlington National Cemetery today. Don't lose sight of its actual significance.


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