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To Whiskey or not to Whiskey that is the question.

"Water of Life"

By Camille LynnPublished 2 years ago 2 min read
"Take life one sip at a time"

Who does not like a shot of whiskey, a green tea or even a hot totty? Yes, it is delicious! So, let us take a dive deeper to see why this special concoction literally means ‘water of life.’

As a nurse when caring for the more “seasoned” patients’ especially the healthy patients I always a have a litany of questions to ask them. “What kind of work did you do? What do you do to stay so youthful? You would not believe most of the patients’ state “I have a hot totty every night, or I take a shot of whiskey every night. I never really partook in liquor, but these answers just made me want to look further at the medicinal properties of Whiskey. Shall we do it together?

The history of whiskey dates back for thousand years; however, the first actual recorded incident was in the 13th century, where Italian monasteries would distill the alcohol from wine for medicinal purposes. Yes, medicinal purposes. Our beloved whiskey would have been illegal if not for a medicinal loophole (one would wonder if it were intentional) during the Prohibition (1920-1930). At that time, it was lawful for doctors to prescribe whiskey as medicine. Remember the old western movies where the cowboys would take a shot of whiskey and bite a bullet before surgery (so dramatic). It appears if you were looking for a fun time all you had to do was walk to the nearest drug store and act sick.

So, what makes Whiskey so rich in medicinal properties? Whiskey contains ellagic acid, an antioxidant found in berries. While more research is needed, studies show ellagic may kill cancer cells and reduce tumor growth. Whiskey is also a source of Phosphorus, Thiamine, Zinc, Iron, and Niacin. It also was determined to cure or mitigate twenty-seven medical ailments, including such things as toothaches, pneumonia, high blood pressure, and depression. reduce the chances of a stroke and reduces possibilities of heart diseases. And that is not it! Drinking 1 to 6 glasses of whisky over a week can lower an adult's risk of dementia.

So, what is your pleasure? What is your drink of choice Bourbon which is made from a grain mash that contains at least 51% corn, while Scotch whiskeys are typically made from malted grains. Bourbon tends to be sweeter, while Scotch tends to have a more intense smokiness. Now in days you can partake in a variety of medicines. Jack Daniels, Crown Royal even Peanut Butter Whiskey which is my favorite! So go out there into the world and get your medicine! So again, I ask to whiskey of not to whiskey that is the question.


About the Creator

Camille Lynn

I have my BSN. I’ve nursed for almost three decades. The arts and creative writing have always been a passion. Stories shape lives. Time to tell stories…my stories.

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