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How to Combine CBD With Exercise to Cope With Stress—DreamGrass

Combine CBD With Exercise to Cope With Stress

By aaish HusainPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Individuals work out to surpass their physical limits. Most of these individuals will look for anything to boost their capabilities. Muscles tear out before they can grow again. This means a healing process is always needed.

Cannabidiol (CBD) which is the main non-psychoactive naturally occurring phytocannabinoid in the cannabis plant has been found to help out. Many professional athletes have touted the benefits that come as a result of using CBD.

The World Health Organization ranks stress sixth as a single condition leading to disabilities across the globe. Many combat stress by engaging in physical exercise. CBD on the other hand has properties that help reduce stress. Exercises and CBD can therefore be combined to reduce stress.

What is stress?

When we are stressed it is our body’s way of reacting to some kind of threat or demand and can leave you feeling overwhelmed or panicked. Stress can inspire some of us to take on a challenge and may also give us extra strength to defend ourselves, or to take ourselves away from a situation.

When we encounter danger, stress is our defence mechanism and our aid in dealing with the immediate danger.After its initial impact, which drives us to complete a task or survive a stressful situation, if it sticks around for the long term it can quickly become detrimental to our health, productivity, mood, relationships and quality of life.

CBD can be used to help deal with these symptoms; it can decrease anxiety and stress and make positive changes to mood. It can also help aid a good night’s sleep, decrease nausea and increase appetite. In times of uncertainty and stress, CBD can help bring a greater quality of life and reduce worries that eventually will be detrimental to our health.

What are the causes of stress?

Causes of stress can vary from person to person; what a desire that drives one person to meet a target can cause massive anxiety to another. We all thrive under different circumstances and in different ways but there are some general situations that influence our stress levels and cause them to rise.

When we feel threatened, our nervous system floods our body with powerful stress hormones which rouse our body for emergency action. Our senses become sharper, blood pressure rises and our hearts pound. The changes increase reaction time and stamina and improve focus resulting in the reaction we call ‘fight or flight’.

Some of the causes of stress are:

  • Major life changes
  • Financial problems
  • Being busy
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Children and family issues
  • Internal causes of stress can be:
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Negative thoughts or self talk
  • Inability to accept uncertainty
  • Rigid thinking, lack of flexibility
  • Pessimism

Relationship Between CBD, Exercise, and Stress

After a challenging and rigorous exercise, a proper recovery process is as important as the exercise itself. A lot happens to the body depending on the type of exercise. Weight training tears muscles before they can begin to grow again while endurance exercise depletes muscle glycogen. Whichever the method you choose to train, at the end of the day our bodies will need adequate rest. During the testing period, the body tries to recuperate from the physical strains. Research shows that CBD helps during recovery in several ways.

CBD is mainly used to reduce stress which greatly compromises the recovery process and other body functions. Stress speeds the production of Cortisol. High levels of this hormone slow down the recovery process. CBD is the best remedy as it lowers the cortisol hormone in the blood. You however need to get pure CBD from a source like DreamGrass.


Apart from using CBD to reduce and balance stress hormones, quality sleep also helps. But funny enough this revolves around back to CBD. Getting peaceful and healthy sleep is sometimes a problem especially after working out or after having a tiresome day.

When experiencing Insomnia, stress goes up. CBD is also used to help gain sleep by interacting with neurotransmitters like adenosine. It provides restorative sleep thus benefiting post-exercise recovery.

CBD, exercise, and stress relate more scientifically. Above is just an overview of how the three relate. CBD has important antidepressant properties that help reduce stress and anxiety. Stress is what later leads to depression.

It is important to note that the quality of CBD you consume determines the results you get. DreamGrass works around the clock to offer high-quality CBD products and in various forms.

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About the Creator

aaish Husain

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