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What Is The Difference Between Clipping Path and Image Masking

Clipping Path VS Image Masking

By Clipping WorldPublished 8 months ago 4 min read

Image masking is the most professional method of photo editing. An editor gets the most control over a particular portion of the image using masking. Thus, it allows selective adjustments more accurately.

However, there are some distinct differences between clipping path and image masking. And this is what we will be discussing in this article.

Let’s learn the details about these two image editing services. Thus, we can choose the right service for our project.

What is an image masking service in Photoshop?

Image masking is an advanced image editing technique. It involves creating a detailed and precise selection around the subject of an image. Masking is applicable particularly when the subject has hair, fur, or transparent elements like glass.

The goal of masking is to separate the subject from the background. In the process, it preserves fine details and maintains a natural appearance. There are several types of image masking techniques:

Layer Masking

Layer masking involves creating a mask on a specific layer in Photoshop. The mask is a grayscale image where white areas reveal the layer's content. And the black areas hide it. Shades of gray represent varying levels of transparency.

Alpha Channel Masking

Like layer masking, this technique uses an alpha channel. Thus, it stores transparent information about an image. Again, alpha channel masking is commonly helpful for images with transparent backgrounds.

Transparency Masking

This type of masking is used when you have transparent or semi-transparent objects. It ensures that the transparency is preserved accurately while separating the subject from its surroundings.

Color Masking

Sometimes, subjects might have similar colors to the background. Thus, it becomes more challenging to create selections. Color-based masking techniques involve isolating the subject based on color differences.

What is the clipping path service?

A clipping path service is also a process of performing selective adjustments. The editors use the Photoshop pen tool to clip a portion of the image.

Thus, they can isolate the subject from the background. Also, this is how to perform other selective adjustments without affecting the other portions of the image.

Clipping Path is one of the most demanded image editing services. It involves creating a closed path or vector outline around the desired object. The primary purpose of a clipping path is to achieve a clean and precise separation.

Thus clipping path work is common in various industries. A clipping path is a must for advanced photo editing. You must need this service for the product photos to make them look eye-catchy.

What are the key differences between clipping path and image masing?

Clipping path and image masking are both useful for selective image adjustments. But they are applicable differently and are suited for different types of images and scenarios. Here are the key differences between the two:

Nature of Subject

Clipping path image is primarily helpful for subjects with well-defined and clear edges. They work best for subjects with simple backgrounds with relatively straightforward boundaries.

Masking is helpful for subjects with complex, intricate, or semi-transparent edges. Therefore, it is more suitable for subjects with irregular and difficult-to-define edges.

Accuracy and Detail

Clipping paths provide precise, hard-edged selections around the subject. They are suitable for subjects with distinct boundaries and sharp edges.

Masking allows for retaining fine details and subtleties in subjects with complex edges. It preserves details like hair strands and maintains the natural look of the subject.


Clipping paths result in a binary selection. Here the subject is either completely visible or completely hidden. They need to handle semi-transparency better.

Masking techniques can handle varying levels of transparency and translucency. Thus they become suitable for subjects with translucent or transparent parts.

Types of Techniques

Clipping paths involve creating vector-based paths around the subject using the Pen Tool. They are more suitable for subjects with simple shapes and well-defined edges.

Image masking techniques involve creating masks, often using brushes, selections, and layer properties. Thus the editors selectively reveal or hide parts of an image.


Clipping paths are relatively straightforward to create and apply. They work well for subjects with simple geometries. Masking can be more complex and time-consuming.

Final Thoughts

In summary, the choice between using a clipping path or image masking depends on the nature of the subject.

Clipping paths are suited for subjects with precise edges and solid backgrounds. But masking is more appropriate for subjects with intricate, semi-transparent, or complex edges.

Both techniques are essential tools in the image editing toolbox.

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How do I create an image mask in Photoshop?

Select the layer you want to mask, then click on the "Add Layer Mask" button at the bottom of the Layers panel. You can then use brushes, selections, or other tools to paint on the mask.

Can I apply image masking to transparent objects like glass?

Yes, masking is applicable to separate transparent objects like glass from their backgrounds accurately. You can create a mask that preserves transparency.


About the Creator

Clipping World

Clipping World is a clipping path service and photo editing company. We provide background removal service, accessories photo editing, clipping path service, photo cutout service, and image masking service. We are always active.

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