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Sweet Kisses

Deeper in Love

By leslie williamsonPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

I took this photo on my iPhone using High Def. Resolution and a dramatic cool filter. The photo I took is a special moment I caught of my best friend showing her loving feelings for her husband in their favorite place, the Chicago Botanical Gardens. We were there so I could take photos of their one-year anniversary together. We had arrived on a rain day, which was perfect because there were fewer people there. As we were walking through the Botanical Gardens my friend requested to stop for a moment to admire the small lake in the gardens and to catch our breaths because of how large the botanicals were. I said yes and began to sit down and admire the view while my friend and her husband decided to walk onto the bridge and admire the surrounding areas around the lake. When I saw them on the bridge I decided to pull out my camera and get a couple of quick shots before they changed clothes and begin the actual shoot. They noticed what I was doing but paid no mind and continued looking around and feeling total bliss from their surroundings. I put my camera down after a while and pulled out my phone to send a text message to my boyfriend about how beautiful it was out here when I noticed them begin walking towards me but stopped. I knew I needed to switch over to my phone’s camera quick. As soon as I did I was able to take a photo of my friend kissing her husband without prompt or guide or their knowledge of what had just happened. They had thought I had stopped taking photos of them and that I wouldn’t use my cell phone to take the photo. I also didn’t realize that when I took the photo so quickly that I was using the dramatic cool filter, which added to the beauty of this photo. After that I had them change their clothes and I took photos of the two together in the rose gardens, then in the tropical, and a few other locations. After the shoot I went straight home and began editing all of their photos, except for the one on my phone. That one I left as it was because I couldn’t help but admire the beauty of how much she loved her husband and how much he loved her. That photo made me realize love is a sweet moment that most people take for granted while others try to show it as much as they can. After I finished editing all of the photos I messaged my friend saying that I was ready to show her and her husband their photos and scheduled a quick meet up spot. As we were going through the photos and remembering the moment I was holding back the joy of presenting this photo to her because I at first only provided the ones that were on my camera. As she saw the last photo she began telling me how wonderful the photos were and how much she appreciated them. At that moment I told her I appreciated the compliments but that there was still one last photo I had to show her. She was confused by what I had said and I told her to hang on one moment. I pulled out my cell phone and sent her a text of the photo. The moment she saw the photo, she began to tear up and thanked me even more. She told me this is a photo she always dreamed of, a photo that truly caught her love for her husband. I said thank you and after a few more words we parted ways but none of us will forget the beauty this photo has caught.


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