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How to end up a video editor? –

all you need to know

By A KPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Digital media has made it easier for us to achieve our dreams. For example, you can learn a new skill just by watching a few YouTube videos. Before, you had to buy books or attend lectures. As a result, many industries are embracing this new trend to increase work efficiency.

As we go digital, we need new content every day. Luckily, this has increased the demand for professional video editors.

This article covers all the basics you need to know to become a video editor.

What is a video editor?

The term "video editor" can confuse some people. Use it to describe both who is editing the video and what software they use. A film editor's job is to work with directors and filmmakers. They edit videos to tell compelling stories.

Video editing uses various techniques to enhance audio and video. It's a job that requires passion and perseverance. Specifically, a 20 minute video requires up to 16 hours of editing. A director shoots the videos and an editor puts them together. The goal is to tell a story in a short amount of time while keeping the audience engaged. In summary, video editing is the process of combining the best footage into meaningful sequences.

What do video editors do?

An experienced video editor's job begins after the film is wrapped. A team of video editors handles all post-production phases of video shoots. Trim, cut, rearrange and join clips with a powerful video editing app. Video editors enhance video and audio segments by providing visual effects such as CGI. You can also add graphics and sound effects to your movie.

All movies, TV series or YouTube videos are edited. The video editor's job is to shorten the film without changing the director's vision. You have to work with the director and staff. This keeps important clips out of the final cut.

How much does a video editor earn?

Video editing is a niche field that always needs new talent. Video editor salaries vary depending on several factors. Based on the budget and duration of the project, the technology involved, and the editor's expertise. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, a professional video editor makes $61,900 a year. However, this is only a guideline. An experienced video editor can typically earn up to $80,000 per year. And freshmen earn up to $49,000 a year.

Similarly, a YouTube video editor's salary depends on how popular their channel is. YouTubers earn more than some movie producers. For example, PewDiePie has more subscribers than Indian music producer T-Series, and he has a net worth of $64 million. Therefore, his video editor's expected annual income is around $100,000. Overall, professional video editing is a skill in demand. And editors earn a decent salary compared to other fields.

how to become a video editor

Editing movies is different than editing videos. Achieving your goals requires creativity and hard work. However, the first steps into the world of editing are the most difficult. You have to decide where to start. Once you have a plan, you can move towards your goals.

So what can you do? Here are some tips to help you jumpstart your video editing career.

Select a category

Cinematography is a diverse field with new genres constantly emerging. So, if you've ever dreamed of becoming a video editor, I recommend editing what you love. Every video genre requires a professional video editor.

For example, no one hires an editor to edit video clips. So the first thing you need is to choose the best genre for you. And only when you've mastered one should you expand your repertoire.

Find a source of stock footage

You don't always have the images you need. When this happens, you can use stock footage. These are clips that other artists have shot and are currently selling. For example, you might need to add a clip from the Amazon rainforest. Would you fly there yourself to get it? Sure is not.

Moreover, every video editor needs music, sounds and special effects. The best way to get them is through stock photo sites. For example, Storyblocks offers unlimited downloads for everything. That includes footage, music, audio, images, templates, and special effects. These valuable resources come at the lowest price in the industry. So, it doesn't surprise me that even famous YouTube video editors use it.

Practice and develop new skills

To become a successful video editor, you have to keep an open mind. New technology and techniques are developed daily. So you should keep an eye on the latest trends and try to develop your skills. You know practice makes perfect. And this phrase is of great importance in creative fields. So choose the right tools and hone your skills as you go from simple to complex projects.

Apply for a job

The essential part of being a professional video editor is making the most of every opportunity. In this regard, choosing the right channel is just as important as the job itself. Nowadays, most employers look for potential candidates online. You can apply on job sites and join social media groups.

Don't underestimate the value of good relationships. Working as a freelancer allows you to establish connections with people in the industry. After all, meeting other editors will help you become more adept at editing videos yourself. Also, your best chance of getting hired is to create an impressive portfolio and resume.


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